SRA. NEULAND RM. A-275email:

Phone: 240.236.6400 (ext. 6634)

  1. Course Description

The Advanced Studies course prepares motivated students for the AP Spanish course. The curriculum is designed to refine and enhance the students’ fluency, self-confidence, and to broaden their understanding of culture, while developing proficiency in the other skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

  1. Goals

Advanced Studies encompasses aural / oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar and composition emphasizing the use of Spanish for active communication. Thus, the goals are:

  1. The ability to comprehend both formal and informal spoken Spanish.
  2. The ability to speak with accuracy and fluency.
  3. The acquisition of vocabulary and the understanding of language structure to enable students to read with ease and accuracy current media like literary material, news, magazine articles, and songs.
  4. The ability to express ideas accurately and fluently in writing.
  1. Course Objectives
  1. Listening Comprehension. The student will:
  2. Listen to formal and informal selections including lectures, dialogues, and narratives, which range in length and degree of difficulty, and respond correctly to oral and written questions on the material.
  3. Understand oral questions and respond appropriately and spontaneously.
  4. Summarize orally and in writing a Spanish oral selection.
  5. Respond and/or react with accuracy to questions after viewing a variety of Spanish presentations.
  1. Reading. The student will:
  2. Read a passage and respond accurately to oral and written questions
  3. Summarize selections and draw inferences from periodicals, newspapers and other literary media.
  1. Speaking. The student will:
  2. Express personal opinions and communicate facts and ideas on a variety of topics using appropriate vocabulary and an accent, which does not interfere with comprehension.
  3. Initiate and participate in a discussion on a current topic or personal interest demonstrating accurate grammar and syntax.
  4. Improvise and explain using past, present, future, and other tenses.
  5. Make an oral presentation on a prepared topic.
  6. Participate in discussions on materials presented or read in class.
  1. Writing. The student will:
  2. Write short selections (informal writing) that demonstrate organization, grammatical accuracy, and appropriate usage of vocabulary and idioms.
  3. Compose essays (formal writing) of varying length on a given topic that demonstrate organization and contain the elements of good writing.
  1. Vocabulary. The student will:

1. Develop successful strategies for interpretation of unfamiliar words.

  1. Recognize words in context through the study of synonyms, antonyms, cognates, false cognates, prefixes, suffixes, roots, diminutives, augmentatives and compounds.
  2. Express personal opinions and communicate facts and ideas on a variety of topics using appropriate idiomatic expressions and “modismos”.
  3. Become more proficient in listening, reading, writing, and speaking through an in-depth study and daily use of idioms and expressions representative of the Spanish-speaking world.
  1. Culture. The student will:
  1. Become aware that culture is an implicit part of almost every linguistic activity.
  2. Develop language skills in order to experience culture and appreciate its uniqueness.
  3. Gain an understanding of the differences among the Hispanic and Spanish cultures in the Spanish speaking world.
  1. Course Overview

Throughout the study of reading selections, the development of aural/oral proficiency will be emphasized and vocabulary and structural concepts will be taught in context. The student will be exposed to a grammatical overview of the Spanish language, which will be integrated in the reading, speaking, listening, and the required writings.

  1. Student Expectations

Turn off electronic devices prior to entering the room.

Attend every day and be punctual:

Absentee Policy:
Excused Absencesit is the sole responsibility of the student to arrange make-up work for excused absences within two school days of the absence. The teacher will determine an appropriate time frame for the student to complete the make-up work. Failure to complete this work within this time frame will result in zeros as grades for these assignments.

Unexcused Absences

As stated in Frederick County Public School's Regulation 500-25, "students have the right to make up class work missed and to have this work reviewed and evaluated by the teacher. Credit will not be given toward a grade for this work. Students have the responsibility to request make-up work within two (2) days of their return to school."

Demonstrate a positive attitude and generate an atmosphere of academic cooperation in which all students expect to learn and collaborate.

Speak in the target language at all times.

Be prepared with the following materials: textbook:Conexiones (covered), workbook, 3 ring binder with writing paper, pocket folders pens, pencils, highlighters, optional: Spanish / English Dictionary and 501 Spanish Verbs

Complete all work in and out of class.

Present lessons (cultural/grammatical) to class when assigned and lead group discussions.

Academic honesty: all students are expected to complete and turn in their own work. Anyone who does not adhere to these terms will accept the appropriate consequences. Any student cheating on any work will receive an automatic zero (0) for that work.

Create and maintain an EDMODO account and use it to access resources and assignments.

Bring list of missing assignment retrieved from HACwhen you come in to make up work. Please keep track of performance on HAC. All high schools now have an online student grade viewer accessible through the Internet. Once you receive student ID codes and passwords, all grades for every class can be viewed online from home. This is an important tool for you and your parent/guardian to keep track of all your assignment and course grades. Please see your guidance counselor for more information.

Technology: The FCPS BYOD policy is in effect. Cellphones or other devices that are being used for a non-academic purpose will be confiscated and given to the office.

  1. Grading




Class work30% (audio, speaking, presentations, participation)

If a grade of “Z” appears in the grade book, it signifies “zero” points for an assignment. Any assignments with a “Z” can still be made up, but not always for full credit.

If a grade of “E” appears in the grade book, it signifies the assignment is “excused” for the student. This assignment will not need to be made up.

Special Assistance / tutoring: students may request tutoring or it can be teacher recommended.


The purpose of FLEX is to work on school related activities for 40 minutes. All school rules and expectations apply during FLEX. Students are expected to be on time, to be respectful, to work with all teachers cooperatively, to attend tutoring when requested, and to use the provided time in a productive manner. FLEX is not a free-block; no listening to music, playing cards, sleeping, etc.

Students are strongly encouraged to make effective use of this valuable time. It is imperative that you seek help from Mrs. Neuland as soon as you encounter difficulty in the course. Students are also invited to form study groups and peer pairs for studying purposes. You may sign up for FLEX by the end of third block. Remember that there are priority days, so I may not be able to pull you the day you want – don’t wait – sign up as soon as possible!

I will expect your very best effort all semester! I am here to help you succeed! Please contact me for any questions or concerns by e-mail () or phone (240-236-6400). If you ever have any questions or concerns about anything going on in Mrs. Neuland’s classroom, please do not hesitate to email so the matter may be discussed.

Please Sign:

Student’s name (please print)______Class/level______

In signing this Course Description and Requirements, I understand my responsibility as an academic and honest student. I agree to abide by the Behavior Expectations and Honor system for Tuscarora High School. The parent /guardian signature acknowledges acceptance of the Course Description and Requirements. You only need to return the signed portion of this copy. The Course Description and Requirements is for your reference.

Parent/ Guardian Signature: ______

Parent’s/ Guardian’s e-mail address: ______

Parent’s/ Guardian’s phone: ______

Please check the preferred manner of contact: _____Email _____ Phone

Student Signature______


We kindly accept tissues for our classroom!!


Capítulo 1 El Siglo XX: Así fue

Preterite, Imperfect, Preterite vs. Imperfect

Capítulo 2El progreso y la ecología

Uses of ser, estar, and haber: the future tense; Spanish subjunctive and noun clauses

Capítulo 3Los derechos humanos

The subjunctive with impersonal expressions; Direct and indirect object pronouns and the personal “a”; Gustar and similar verbs

Capítulo 4El individuo y la personalidad

Reflexive constructions; Agreement, form, and position of adjectives;

The past participle and the present perfect tense

Capítulo 5Las relaciones personales

The subjunctive vs. the indicative in adjective clauses; The future perfect and pluperfect tenses; Comparisons with nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, and superlatives

Capítulo 6El ocio y el mundo del espectáculo

The subjunctive vs. indicative in adverbial clauses; Commands (formal and informal); The subjunctive with ojalá, tal vez, and quizá(s)

Capítulo 7La diversidad humana

Review of preterite and imperfect; Hacer and desde in time expressions; por and para; verbs that require a preposition before the infinitive

Capítulo 8Las artes culinarias y la nutrición

The imperfect subjuntive; the conditional and conditional perfect; the indicative or subjunctive in si-clauses

Capítulo 9Nuestra sociedad en crisis

The pluperfect subjunctive; uses of “se”; Indefinite and negative expressions

Capítulo 10El empleo y la economía

Indirect speech; The relative pronouns que, quien, and lo que, and the relative adjective cuyo; The relative pronouns el/la cual and los/las cuales

Capítulo 11El tiempo libre

Sequence of tenses with the subjunctive; Uses of definite and indefinite articles; Uses of the gerund and the infinitive