MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 10 June 13 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

PRESENT Chairman: Cllr R Leech

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, Mrs M Liddell, D Liddell, P Smith and R Stier.

In attendance: Parish Clerk. No members of the public were present at the meeting.


As there were no members of the public present the Chairman asked Councillors to raise any issues raised with them by residents since the last meeting.

It was noted that a For Sale sign had been erected at the top of Black Horse Drive in Silkstone Common. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways to advise and check Barnsley MBC policy on the erection of Property For Sale signs away from the property.

A bench on Champagny Hill is maintained privately and it had been noted that a significant amount of work had been carried out around the bench on Barnsley MBC land. Cllr Mrs M Liddell will have a look at the bench and advise the Clerk if any action is required.


RESOLVED that there are no apologies. A formal letter of resignation is yet to be received from Cllr Charlesworth.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of interest in the payment to the handyman under agenda item 10; this payment was approved on mass with other payments and is listed under minute number 13-034 below.

13-027 MINUTES

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Annual meeting of Silkstone Parish Council on Wednesday 1 May 2013 as a true and accurate record with the following amendment:

The reference under public question time to the sewage works should be sewage on the field adjacent to Cone Lane – the Clerk will amend the minutes – the chairman signed the minutes.

Matters arising :

Cllr Stier asked if any progress had been made regarding the removal of the graffiti on the monkey tunnel – the Clerk will chase and advise members in due course.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Twinning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 8 May 13. Cllr Leech advised that more hosts were needed to accommodate the visitors.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting on Monday 13 May 13.

Matters arising – Cllr Stier highlighted the cost of materials and labour to replace the damaged bollard at the top of the drive – the Clerk will raise the matter further with members of the playing fields committee.



RESOLVED to approve the comments on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officer of Barnsley MBC.

2013/0557 / Alterations to public house including single storey front and side extensions.
The Planning Committee of the Parish Council met with the applicant prior to this application being submitted, as a result a letter of support was given to the applicant which states “(the) proposal to create a restaurant at the Ring O Bells will retain the building for the benefit of the community and will greatly improve the viability of the business by increasing the floor area for both the kitchen and dining areas. The emphasis on flood prevention measures within the design is also welcomed as this will protect the structure against further flood damage” At the Parish Council meeting on 10 June 13 members expressed concernat the lack of onsite parking which may lead to the potential for parking problems on the High Street. Since the application will be copied to Barnsley MBC Highways as part of the consultation they will comment on parking issues. / Ring O Bells
(The Bells Steakhouse)
High Street

RESOLVED to note that an application for Pot House Hamlet was not received by the Parish Council and the consultation period has now ended.

Ref: 2013/0392 Demolition of two existing retail units (A1) and erection of single storey building for two retail units (A1). Having checked the planning portal, the Parish Council are not listed as a consultee. The Clerk will raise this issue with the planning officer before referring to the Ward Councillors if necessary.


RESOLVED to note the updated Asset Register. The Clerk was asked to remove reference to the Entrance gate under the Pavilion item as this is listed twice within descriptions.

RESOLVED following discussion of the Clerk’s report (which had been approved for presentation to the Parish Council by the Chairman and Vice Chairman); that the recommendations in the report are approved. The Clerk will be paid to work 25 hours per week instead of 22 hours backdated to 1 April 13 for 6 months. This arrangement will be reviewed after 6 months. The extra hours are non-pensionable.


RESOLVED to approve the Annual Report for inclusion in the June edition of the Parish Newsletter.


RESOLVED to re- approve the Bank Reconciliation for the periods 1 October to 31 December 12 and 1 January to 31 March 13 which now show the audit adjustment required to be shown by the external auditor on the bank reconciliations as well as on the statement of accounts.

13-033 ANNUAL RETURN 2012-2013

RESOLVED to approve the annual statement of accounts and return for the external auditor and to approve the notes to the auditor for the 2012/2013 accounts. The Clerk will post the statement of accounts and all supporting documentation to the auditor this week.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 10 June 13. Payments listed below. Full details available from the Clerk on request.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
Silkstone in Bloom / 200.00 / 0 / 200.00 / 300567
Vision ICT / 110.00 / 22.00 / 132.00 / 300568
Bothams Prestige / 751.25 / 150.25 / 901.50 / 300569
Silkstone Common Methodist Church / 10.00 / 0 / 10.00 / 300570
Cheque cancelled / - / 300571
Handyman / 1,149.68 / 2.24 / 1,151.92 / 300572
Charge card payments / 45.00 / 0 / 45.00 / Charge card
Parish Clerk / 18.00 / 0 / 18.00 / 300573
Viking Direct / 136.41 / 17.29 / 153.70 / 300574
EON / 19.14
208.33 / 0.96
41.67 / 20.10
250.00 / DD
Parish Clerk / 900.00
187.60 / 0
0 / 900.00
187.60 / SO
HM Revenue & Customs / 191.38 / 0 / 191.38 / 300576
SY Pensions Authority / 226.17 / 0 / 226.17 / 300577
Old Silkstone Brass Band / 350.00 / 0 / 350.00 / 300578
Penistone Plumbing and Heating / 30.00 / 0 / 30.00 / 300579
Bothams Prestige / 751.25 / 150.25 / 901.50 / 300580
Silkstone Newsletter Deliverer / 80.00 / 0 / 80.00 / 300581
Silkstone Common Newsletter deliverer / 80.00 / 0 / 80.00 / 300582
J H Mowers / 70.00 / 0 / 70.00 / 300583
Handyman / 1,631.79 / 0 / 1,631.79 / 300584
British Telecom / 96.71 / 19.34 / 116.05 / DD
Yorkshire Water / 34.54 / 0 / 34.54 / DD
Yorkshire Water / 12.60 / 0 / 12.60 / 300585
Silkstone in Bloom / 200.00 / 0 / 200.00 / 300586
EON / 200.72
11.95 / 40.14
0.60 / 240.86
12.55 / DD
Totals / 7,702.52 / 444.74 / 8,147.26


a.  Barnsley Astronomical Society Pavilion Hire request (ref to 12-06 of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee minutes)
RESOLVED that the astronomical society be offered the hire of the Pavilion at a reduced rate of £5 per hour for the first 3 months (meeting fortnightly on a Friday evening) and thereafter at a rate of £10 per hour. The Clerk will draft a hiring agreement.

b.  Pavilion Water Ingress

RESOLVED to note that due to personal circumstances the appointed contractor can no longer carry out the required works to the drainage adjacent to the Pavilion. The Parish Council’s consultant has met with another contractor and is awaiting their quotation. The works will be completed as soon as possible as instructed by the loss adjuster. The dehumidifier’s remain in the Pavilion and are being monitored fortnightly by Chemdry.

c.  Health & Safety
RESOLVED that the Clerk will obtain two further quotations for Legionella monitoring of the Pavilion and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.
RESOLVED to note that the handyman had cut back two dead trees over the Beck in Conroyd wood in recent weeks which had become dangerous.


RESOLVED to note Councillor meetings attendance as follows :

Cllr Liddell / Attended the YLCA Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting and the NALC Policy Committee. Cllr Liddell has also put his name forward to form a new Sustainable Communities Board of NALC. He will attend the South Yorkshire Branch meeting of the YLCA next week with Cllr Stier.
Cllr Stier / Attended an event at Penistone Paramount for the new mayor elect. Attended the transport meeting in Penistone along with Ward Cllr Hand Davis. The unacceptable service 21 was discussed at this meeting and although the redirection of this service has caused a number of problems and inconvenience to elderly residents in Silkstone Common, Stagecoach is not willing to revert back to the old route. It was agreed that the Clerk should formally write to Stagecoach again expressing the Parish Council’s disappointment with the lack of consultation and the resultant difficulties caused to Silkstone Common residents wishing to travel by bus to the doctor’s surgery in Dodworth and to the hospital. The letter will be copied to the Ward Councillors and MP.
Cllr Leech / Attended the Twinning Committee meeting


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence:

CISWO newsletter – handed to Cllr Liddell
Country Air – Rural Action Yorkshire Magazine – handed to Cllr Smith
The Clerk Magazine – handed to Cllr Liddell
Penistone Line Partnership newsletter – all members received a copy of this newsletter
SLCC Conference 3 July 13 – It was agreed that the Clerk would not attend this conference this year.
EACEA advising that the Twinning grant application had been unsuccessful – noted
Barnsley MBC – Advising that the Asset management team are awaiting comment back from Parks services before heads of terms can be drawn up for the transfer of this wood to the Parish Council.
CARE – Advising that with the paper banks being removed from the car parks at the Red Lion and the Station Inn, their recycling credits have drastically reduced. It is because of these credits that CARE have not applied to the Parish Council for a grant for the last 6 years. Noted.
Silkstone Common resident e-mail relating to HGV traffic in Silkstone Common – The Clerk was asked to respond to the e-mail to suggest that the resident contacts Barnsley MBC Highways department with his concerns as they are the Highways authority and better positioned to answer his enquiries.
Valuation Office – Information request regarding Pavilion – The Clerk will complete the forms and return to the Valuation Office.


Chairman’s Signature / Date

RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 1 July 13 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm

Silkstone Parish Council 10 June 13