Minutes of monthly meeting of Ardee Town Council held in Market Square House, Market Street, Ardee on Wednesday 9th March 2005 at 8.pm.
Present:Cathaoirleach Cllr Leonard Hatrick
Cllrs Tom Minogue, Seamus Gaffney, Fionnán McCoy
Jim Tenanty, Padraig McKenny, Fintan Malone, Finnan McCoy
Apologies:Cllr Niall Carberry
Officials:Ms Fiona Reilly, Town Clerk
The minutes of the February monthly meeting were approved on the proposal of Cathaoirleach Leonard Hatrick and seconded by Cllr Fintan Malone.
MINUTE 14/05
Matters Arising
It was agreed to amend the minute 10/05 of meeting held on February 9th to note that Mr. Padraig Fallon confirmed that he was happy with the Hale St/N33 Junction.
It was also agreed to amend minute 11/05 of meeting held on February 9th to note that it was proposed by Cllr Seamus Gaffney and seconded by Cllr Padraig McKenny to write to Mr. Robert Kieran, Solicitor, asking him to clarify under what basis in law is it inappropriate for the Town Council to write to An Bord Pleanala enquiring about costs re Hickey V An Bord Pleanala – Judicial Review.
MINUTE 15/05
A letter received by Caroline McArdle, Solicitor, Dundalkwas read by Fiona Reilly regarding clarification on the members privileges within the chamber.
A letter received from Mr Patsy Fitzsimons, Senior Executive Officer, regarding the Community House in FerdiaPark, was read by Fiona Reilly. On the proposal of Cllr Padraig McKenny and seconded by Cllr Jim Tenanty it was agreed to write to Mr Fitzsimons and to Michael Campbell, Housing Liaison Officer requesting that the project be put on hold until an AGM was held and the project had the full consensus of the Residents of Ferdia Park.
In response to a letter received from Mr Paul Gallagher, Senior Engineer, regarding the extension of the footbridge at Moorhall, the members agreed to check back the minutes with regard to this matter.
Cathaoirleach Leonard Hatrick announced that there would be a sponsored walk held in Ardee on Sunday 8th May in aid of Aware.
MINUTE 16/05
Notice of Motion
Notice of Motion from Cathaoirleach Leonard Hatrick
“that Louth County Council, be requested to provide public lighting in the back-lanes of all the housing estates in the town, in order to provide adequate security at the rear entrances of these houses for both the protection of the residences and their proprieties from criminals committing anti-social behaviour” Response: We do not havea programmefor the installation of public lighting in any housing estates at present. Public lights are normally installed as part of a scheme. In the past additional lighting units have been provided by residents which Louth County Council then take in charge.
The members agreed to write to Mr Paddy Donnelly, requesting that a programme be put in place for the installation of public lighting in housing estates in CountyLouth.
MINUTE 17/05
After heated discussion between the members Cllr Finnan McCoy withdrew his proposal that all town council members should receive laptops from the County Council.
MINUTE 18/05
Cllr Padraig McKenny extended an invitation to all Councillors to view the St Patrick’s Day Parade from the viewing stand in Castle Street at 3.pm.
MINUTE 19/05
Next Agenda
The members agreed to invite Ms Martina Maloney, CountyManager to the next meeting to be held on Wednesday 13th April at 7.30pm.