D & T Creations
2011 Price List
Updated June 25, 2011
Prices and quantities subject to change at any time.
American Tradition / Firehawk / $140 $130.00 eachArmageddon / World Class / Sold Out!
Fireworks Pail / Pyro Value / $12.00 each
Bag-O-Fun NEW!! / World Class / $25.00 each
Big Hombre / World Class / $85.00 each
Colossal Aerial Display / Firehawk / Sold Out!
Dazzler / World Class / $60.00 each
Finale Display (6 piece fuse connected show) / Black Scorpion / $150.00 set
Firework Assortment #1 / Generic / $13.00 each
Four to Go / World Class / $38.00 each
Great Night Extravaganza / Boomer / $50.00 each
In the Mixx #5 / Boomer / $16.00 each
Just For Kids / World Class / $6.00 each
King / World Class / $75.00 each
Laying Down the Law / World Class / $150.00 each
Night Lighter / Pyro Value / $42.00 each
One For The Money / World Class / $10.00 each
Powder House / Brothers / $200.00 each
SALE!! $150.00
Ammunition Store / Pyro Value / $85.00 each
Sizzler / World Class / $33.00 each
Small Bag Assortment NEW!! / United Pyro / $5.50 each
Stars and Stripes / World Class / $40.00 each
Tray Assortment 1 NEW!! / United Pyro / $11.50 each
USA / World Class / $64.00 each
What A Girl Wants / World Class / $16.00 each
What Boys Are Made Of / World Class / $16.00 each
Above The Law / Boomer / Sold Out!American Celebration / World Class / $42.00 each
Atomic Funk / United Pyro / $56.00 each
SALE $50.00 each
Badge of Honor / Brothers / $21.00 each
Beyond Reality / United Pyro / $24.00 each
Blond Joke (36 shots) / Brothers / $32.00 each
Boss / World Class / $25.50 each
Burning Wind / Brothers / Sold Out!
Caution! Dangerous Goods Inside / Richton / $24.00 each
Chicken on a Chain / World Class / $32.00 each
Coconut Rings / Wolverine West / $32.00 each
Colorful Carnie / Fire Plug / Sold Out!
Cooking With Gas (19 shots) / World Class / $30.00 each
Crazy Exciting on Steroids (16 shots) / World Class / $28.00 each
Curtain Call / Brothers / $28.00 each
Da Big Bomb Box / Brothers / $32.00 each
Dahlias & Bouquets / Geisha / $38.00 each
El Grande de Flambe / Big Bad / $45.00 each
Extreme Challenger / Cannon / $35.00 each
Fade to Black / Brothers / $45.00 each
Falling Water Chutes / Wolverine West / $45.00 each
SALE $37.00 each
Fan Shaped Smoke Cake / World Class / $45.00 each
Femme Fatale / Wolverine West / $45.00 each
Flying Fish with Zoom Power / Wolverine West / $45.00 each
SALE $35.00 each
Galactic Empire / Brothers / $60.00 each
Ghost Rider / World Class / $32.00 each
Gimmie Shimmy / Fire Plug / $65.00 each
SALE $60.00 each
Gold Fever / Pyro King / $35.00 each
Grave Digger (30 shots) / World Class / $30.00 each
H20 / Geisha / Sold Out!
Happy Hour / Pyro King / $36.00 each
Head Banger / Cannon / $32.00 each
Illegal As Hell / United Pyro / $52.00 each
SALE $47.00 each
Imperial Brocade Crown / Cannon / $32.00 each
Labyrinth / Brothers / $30.00 each
License to Thrill / United Pyro / $52.00 each
SALE $40.00 each
Loyal to None (33 shots) / World Class / $30.00 each
Mad Skillz / Brothers / $42.00 each
Major Combat (119 shots) / Brothers / $90.00 each
Major Riot / Pyro King / $37.00 each
Minefield / Brothers / $32.00 each
Nordic Legend / Brothers / Sold Out!
Not in My Yard (16 shots) / World Class / $29.00 each
Oktoberfest / Brothers / $37.00 each
One Bad Mother –REALLY (16 shots) / World Class / $35.00 each
Only the Strong Survive / World Class / $36.00 each
Open Fire (33 shots) / Brothers / $40.00 each
Pay Day / Brothers / $42.00 each
Perpetual Motion / World Class / $25.00 each
Pow Bam / United Pyro / $45.00 each
SALE $37.00 each
Psycho Gig / Cannon / $35.00 each
Pyro Picasso / Wolverine West / $45.00 each
SALE $35.00 each
Rings / Wolverine West / $55.00 each
Rip Snorter / World Class / $28.00 each
Rise of Legends / Firehawk / $32.00 each
Rough and Ready / World Class / $32.00 each
Saturday Night Special (36 shots) / Brothers / $30.00 each
Scatterbrain / Pyro King / Sold Out!
Screemin' Meemie / Fire Plug / $45.00 each
Sexy Rider / World Class / $29.00 each
Shred / Wolverine West / $100.00 each
SALE $90.00 each
Sidewinder / Brothers / $80.00 each
Spazzatron / Pyro King / $42.00 each
Speed Racer / Winda / $28.00 each
Tatt / Wolverine West / Sold Out!
The Big Guns / United Pyro / $42.00 each
SALE $38.00 each
The Big Package (16 shots) / World Class / Sold Out!
The Chosen One (49 Shots) / World Class / $42.00 each
The Matador / Cannon / Sold Out!
The New Hotness / Brothers / $45.00 each
Thermometer Rising / Brothers / $42.00 each
Thirsty Thursday (33 shots) / Pyro King / $50.00 each
Thug / Wolverine West / $30.00 each
Thunder Driver / Cannon / $18.00 each
Trippin’ / Wolverine West / $45.00 each
Too Damn Good (25 shots) / World Class / $28.00 each
Torrent / Brothers / $35.00 each
Uncle Sams Answer / Brothers / $30.00 each
Wall of Fire (50 shots) / World Class / $42.00 each
War and Peace / Brothers / $35.00 each
Warning / Wolverine West / $30.00 each
Wicked Cool / Brothers / $50.00 each
Winner Takes All / United Pyro / $45.00 each
Ying-Yang / Geisha / $55.00 each
SALE $47.00 each
American Intensity NEW!! / World Class / $26.50 each
Fighting Rooster NEW!! / World Class / $32.00 each
Smokin Hot NEW!! / World Class / $33.00 each
Outta Control NEW!! / World Class / $15.00 each
Panther Pride / World Class / $50.00 each
Twice as Nice / World Class / $20.00 each
Zeus NEW!! / Brothers / $60.00 each
Sky High NEW!! / Brothers / $76.00 each
Hydrogen Bomb NEW!! / Brothers / $33.00 each
Hammer Time NEW!! / Pyro King / $42.00 each
Bourbon Bomb NEW!! / Pyro king / $68.00 each
Classic Cool #2 NEW!! / Pyro King / $42.00 each
Hot to Trot NEW!! / Pyro King / $30.00 each
Zombie Syndrome NEW!! / Cannon / $25.00 each
No Mercy NEW!! / World Class / $22.00 each
Oriental Dragon NEW!! / World Class / $16.00 each
Rattler NEW!! / World Class / $20.00 each
Razors Edge NEW!! / World Class / $30.00 each
Whoop A$$ NEW!! / World Class / $38.00 each
Stars and Bangs NEW!! / World Class / $64.00 each
Chaos NEW!! / World Class / $20.00 each
Trendy Tattoo NEW!! / Brothers / $55.00 each
Putting on the Ritz NEW!! / Brothers / $36.00 each
Jail Bait NEW!! / Winda / $ 50.00 each
Swimming Pearls NEW!! / Wolverine West / $47.00 each
Red, White, and Bluetiful NEW!! / United Pyro / $40.00 each
Platinum Pro Series 8 NEW!! / United Pyro / Sold Out!
Tons of Fun Assortment NEW!! / United Pyro / B.O
Unforgettable NEW!! / United Pyro / $32.00 each
Reality CheckNEW!! / United Pyro / $36.00 each
Rock Your World NEW!! / United Pyro / $40.00 each
Chopper Gun NEW!! / United Pyro / $19.00 each
Out of Whack NEW!! / United Pyro / $30.00 each
Whoopee NEW!! / United Pyro / $53.00 each
Classic Cool #1 NEW!! / Pyro King / $48.00 each
3”& 2 ¼” MULTISHOTS – 500 GRAM
3” Brocade Willows / Wolverine West / $65.00 eachMagnum Tremors NEW!! / World Class / $65.00 each
Game Changer 2” / Brothers / $67.00 each
Nice Rack / Pyro King / $58.00 each
Nine / Wolverine West / $65.00
SALE $60.00 each
Prime Time / Brothers / $65.00 each
Quake / Brothers / $39.00 each
Fanaticon / World Class / $70.00 each
Rolling Thunder / World Class / $60.00 each
Perfect Round / Winda / $70.00 each
Shoot the Moon / Winda / $70.00 each
Country Hero / Behai / $45.00 each
Classic 9 / Pyro King / $45.00 each
16 Shot Happy / Generic / $1.50 eachAnimal Dancing / Generic / $3.00 each
6 Assorted 16 Shot (Assorted) / Boomer / $7.00 each cake
Accelerate / Brothers / $17.00 each cake
Anger Management / World Class / $8.00 each
Armored / Pyro King / $7.50 each
Atom Smasher / United Pyro / $15.00 each
Beware / World Class / Sold Out!
Bling Bling / Brothers / $12.00 each
Boiling Point / Boomer / Sold Out!
Box O’ Tricks (I and II sold separately) / Brothers / Sold Out!
Brocade Bash / Pyro King / $15.00 each
Brothers Choice / Brothers / $14.00 each cake
Buck Fever / Pyro King / $11.00 each
Bump Bear / Winda / TBD
Car Gator / World Class / $4.50 each
City Crashers / Pyro King / $12.00 each
Color Pearl - 48 shots / Boomer / $1.00 each
Colorful Missile Launcher / Generic / $1.25 each
Crackling Cherry Chasers / Geisha / $13.00 each
SALE $10.00 each
Crackling Color Palm / World Class / $10.00 each
Crashing Rainbow / Pyro King / $13.00 each
Crazy Exciting / World Class / $14.00 each
Desert At Night / Boomer / $2.00 each
Double Exposure / Brothers / $11.00 each
Evil Clown / Fire Plug / $15.00 each
Evil Enemy / Brothers / $12.00 each
Exotic Mash / Cannon / $16.50 each
Extreme Madness / World Class / $10.00 each
F16 / Pyro King / $13.00 each
Falcon Rising / Brothers / $8.00 each
Fearless / Boomer / $9.50 each
Festival Balls / Victory / $14.00 each
Fireworks Fiesta / Winco / Back Ordered
Free Fall / Brothers / $10.00 each
Garden In Spring / Boomer / $2.00 each
Golden Willows / Wolverine / $15.00 each
Grapes Over Vineyard / World Class / $10.00 each
Hard to Beat / Boomer / $7.00 each
Heavenly Delight / United Pyro / $8.50 each
HN68 Assorted / Boomer / $2.00 each
Hot, Hot, Hot / Pyro King / $13.00 each
Instant Replay / Brothers / $12.50 each
It’s A Matter of Size / World Class / $3.00 each
Jampacked / Pyro King / $8.00 each
Land of the Free / World Class / $7.50 each
Luck O' the Irish / Brothers / $11.25 each
Magician / Mighty Max / $2.00 each
Master Mine / Pyro King / $11.50 each
Matrix Pyro / Brothers / $12.00 each
Mean Machine / World Class / $5.00 each
Medal Of Honor / Firehawk / $7.75 each
Milestones / Pyro King / $12.00 each
Mini Don't Tread on Me / Venom / Back Ordered
Motor Mouth / World Class / $11.00 each
Natural Disaster / World Class / $12.00 each
Oh My Pretty / United Pyro / $7.50 each
Power Play / Boomer / $9.00 each
Pyro Alert / Pyro King / $12.00 each
Rainbow Crunch / Wolverine West / $16.00 each
Red Light Green Light / Brothers / $12.00 each
Red, White, and Blue Salute - 24 shots / Brothers / $13.00 each
Reggae Party / World Class / $4.00 each
Rip Snort / Wolverine West / $ 8.50 each
Sabertooth / Brothers / $12.00 each
Savage Safari / Cannon / $10.00 each
Sky Monitor – 23 shots / Brothers / $15.00 each
Speed It Up / Brothers / $12.00 each
Stockade / Brothers / $15.00 each
Super Crackling Rainbow / Pyro King / $11.00 each
Super Stock Car / Brothers / $12.00 each
Tail Gator / Boomer / $6.00 each
T-Formation – 12 shots / Cannon / $12.00 each
The Virus / World Class / $13.00 each
Trinity Force – 18 shots / Brothers / $16.00 each
Vegas Voltage – 96 shots / Red Pearl / $15.00 each
Welder / Brothers / $6.50 each
Wreckless / World Class / $6.50 each
Zinger / World Class / $12.00 each
Kiss in the Dark NEW!! / World Class / $9.00 each
Funky Fish / Cannon / $5.00 each
Auto Assault NEW!! / World Class / $7.00 each
Sudden Exposure / Boomer / $4.75 each
In Honor Of NEW!! / World Class / $8.00 each
Luna Chick NEW!! / World Class / $3.00 each
Stressed Out NEW!! / World Class / $5.25 each
Smiling Face NEW!! / World Class / $2.50 each
Bombchickabombbomb NEW!! / World Class / $2.50 each
Cat 5 NEW!! / Brothers / $11.00 each
Tough Stuff NEW!! / Brothers / $11.00 each
Cosmic Raider NEW!! / Pyro King / $7.00 each
Full Blast NEW!! / Pyro King / $13.00 each
Sledge Hammer NEW!! / Pyro King / $12.00 each
Strong Man NEW!! / Winda / $14.00 each
Frost and Burn With Pearls NEW!! / Wolverine West / $10.00 each
Blue Pearl With Gold Strobe Tail NEW!! / Wolverine West / $15.00 each
Blue Tie with Brocade Mine NEW!! / Wolverine West / $15.00 each
Sugar Daddy NEW!! / United Pyro / $10.00 each
Bump and Grind NEW!! / United Pyro / $4.75 each
Close Combat NEW!! / United Pyro / B.O
Blown Away NEW!! / United Pyro / $3.50 each
Big City Lights NEW!! / United Pyro / $10.50 each
Beat It NEW!! / United Pyro / $11.00 each
Last Call / Pyro King / $3.75 each
Mini 1.25” Artillery Shells (6 shells) / Generic / $3.50 eachBite The Bullet / Brothers / Sold Out!
Blaster Shells / Pyro King / $140.00 each
Crackling Artillery Shells (Green Box) / Generic / $5.00 each
Critic’s Choice #3 / Pyro King / $24.00 each
Critical Acclaim (Mines) / World Class / $22.00 each
Critical Mass / Brothers / $130.00 each
Desperado / Brothers / $160.00 each
Double Impact / Pyro King / $25.00 each
Double Lightning / Pyro King / $34.00 each
Excalibur (Canisters) – 24 shells / World Class / $47.00 each
Gold and Bold – 24 shells / Pyro King / $65.00 each
Goliath (Assorted Breaks – 35 shells / World Class / $65.00 each
Hammer Shells / Pyro King / $20.00 each
Horsetail Shells / Pyro King / $11.00 each
Iron Revenger / Pyro King / $10.00 each
King Arthur (12 Shot Excals) / World Class / $30.00 each
Maximum Exposure / Pyro King / $15.00 each
Merlin (Doubles) - 18 shells / World Class / $35.00 each
MOAB - Mother of All Bombs - 60 shells / World Class / Sold Out!
Pyro King / Pyro King / $26.00 each
Rambo Kid/Pyro Ranger / Behai / $22.00 each
Red and Radical / Pyro King / $64.00 each
Sir Lancelot (6 Shot Excals) / World Class / $14.00 each
Strength and Valor (Assorted Breaks) - 8 shells / Brothers / Sold Out!
Super Magnum (Singles) / World Class / 17.00 each
Super Magnum with Tails / World Class / $18.00 each
Swift Victory (Quads) - 8 shells / World Class / $25.00 each
Swordsman / Winda / $18.00 each
Trilogy (Triples) - 18 shells / World Class / $37.00 each
Festival balls / Generic / $4.50 each
Whistling Jake (Singles) - 6 shells / Generic / $5.00 each
X01 –8 Canister Shells / Wolverine West / $20.00 each
Power Shells / Pyro King / $53.00 each
Instigator / World Class / $220.00 each
United We Stand / World Class / $125.00 each
Kiss of Death (24 canister shells) NEW!! / Venom / $75.00 each
X02 NEW!! / Wolverine West / $20.00 each
Hard and Heavy NEW!! / United Pyro / $70.00 each
Military Artillery / Pyro King / $37.00 each
Triple Impact / Pyro King / $66.00 each
Zeuss / World Class / $60.00 each
#100 Assorted / World Class / $5.00 each#300 Assorted / World Class / $5.00 each
#5 Assorted / World Class / $4.50 each
Assorted Mines / Cannon / $9.75 pack of 3 /$3.25 each
Whiplash Mines / Fire Plug / $8.00 pack of 4 / $2.00 each