Alma, Michigan
Mayor Nymancalled a regular meeting of the Alma City Commission to order at 6:06 p.m. at the Alma Municipal Building.
Present:Ayers, Harrington, Mapes,Mott, NymanPiccolo.
Mayor Nyman asked the City Commission and members of the audience to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion by Vice-Mayor Mapesas supported by Commissioner Piccolo to approve the minutes ofthe July 12,2016 regular meeting.
Yes: Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Ayers as supported by Commissioner Piccolo to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda for payment: $1,531.54 to Mid-Michigan Railroad for the Pine River pipeline crossing; $1,841.18 to Mid-Michigan Railroad for the Court and Bridge Streets pipeline crossing; $4,830.00 to Alma Housing for rental inspections from January through May 2016; $3,127.48 to 21st Century Media for June Publications; $14,088.60 to Mission Communications, LLC for three year alarm service to lift stations; $2,551.87 to the State of Michigan MDEQ for the annual Drinking Water Laboratory Certification fee; $10,225.00 to Mainstream Computers for the MS Office 365 license; $2,160.00 to Scholten Fant for legal fees for June; $1,516.00 to Muzzall Graphics of mailing supplies; $31,674.01 to Freed Construction Co., Inc. for the payment request for the 101 W Downie project.
Yes: Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Harrington as supported by Commissioner Mott to approve the request for purchase in the amount of$21,050.00to Jett Pumpfor 2 raw sewage pumps for the Waste Water Department.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Piccolo as supported by Vice-Mayor Mapes to approve the request for purchase in the amount of $2,950.00 to Scotland Oil for fuel.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Harrington as supported by Commissioner Ayers to approve the request for purchase in the amount of $4,046.64to DLT Solutions, LLC forupgrades to the Civil 3-D software for the Engineering Department.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Ayers as supported by Commissioner Harrington to approve the request for purchase in the amount of $1,500.00 to Alldata for the annual subscription renewal for the Public Works Department.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Piccolo as supported by Commissioner Mottto approve the request for purchase in the amount of $3,159.00 to E &S Graphics, Inc. for website development and a one-year maintenance agreement with the Alma Transportation Department.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Ayers as supported by Commissioner Harrington to approve the request for purchase in the amount of $3,470.00 to BS&A Software for the Special Assessment.Net Software and implementation and training.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Piccolo as supported by Commissioner Harrington to receive the bids for the Pine Avenue Sidewalk Extension Project and to award the bid to Sajdak Contractor of Prudenville in the amount of $73,970.00.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Mott as supported by Commissioner Piccolo to approve a resolution approving a request from Gratiot County Relay for Life to install purple bows and signs on light poles in downtown Alma until August 15, 2016.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Harrington as supported by Vice-Mayor Mapes to approve a resolution to place a ballot proposal on the November 8, 2016 General Election for the renewal of a 2.5 mill, six-year street dedicated millage from 2017 to 2022 for the repair and maintenance of public streets within the City of Alma.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Ayers as supported by Commissioner Piccolo to approve a resolution of support to provide a maximum total of $2,000.00 in matching funds to the Healthy Pine River Group to assist in gathering information on the Pine River. Upon receipt of notification from Healthy Pine River Group that it has received contributions for governmental entities, the City of Alma will match such contributions, up to a maximum total contribution from the City of Alma which will not exceed $2,000.00.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by CommissionerHarrington as supported by Commissioner Ayersto approve Change Order #1 to Wobig Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $2,215.00 for the 2015 Parks Improvement: Scottish Heights Restroom Project to construct additional sidewalk on site and to place additional fill and site grading.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Ayers as supported by Commissioner Harrington to approve Change Order #1 to Stephen Hardman, Inc. in the amount of $2,692.21 for quantity adjustments in the Annual Sidewalk Replacement Project from the estimated costs to the actual as built costs.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Piccolo as supported by Commissioner Harrington to approve Change Orders #1, #2 and #3 to Bolle Contracting, LLC in the amount of $9,500.0 for the removal of a sub-floor below the large warehouse, removal of asphalt along Mechanic Street and removal of extra railroad ties and rails for the 101 Park Demolition Project.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Commissioner Mott as supported by Commissioner Harringtonto receive the following reports:
July Board of Review Minutes andthe Alma Policereport for June 2016.
Yes: Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Motion by Vice-Mayor Mapes as supported by Commissioner Harringtonto approve Warrant No.17-02 and to authorize the City Treasurer to issue checks in payment of all claims.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington,Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Commissioner Ayers and City Clerk Letourneau reminded all to please vote on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at the Primary Election. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Donald Miller of 405 Allen addressed the Commission on his concerns on Cemetery Monument/Marker rules in Riverside Cemetery. He had recently purchased cemetery graves for the use of his family and recently deceased brother. Mr. Donald Miller is the owner of a four grave lot in Block S. There was an existingMonument on the Lot and was told he could have it refaced and placed back in the cemetery. But he wishes to have the monument set on his brother’s grave (Grave #1) not on the existing foundation set over graves 2 & 3 of the four grave lot, as per the rules of Block S.
City Manager asked Mr. Miller to give him his contact information and then he would research this question with City Staff and the inform Mr. Miller of his findings.
Motion by Vice-Mayor Mapes as supported by Commissioner Piccolo to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:35 p.m.
Yes:Ayers, Harrington, Mapes, Mott, Nyman & Piccolo.
Melvin A. Nyman, Mayor
Sheila Letourneau, City Clerk