LPTO Meeting 10/14/2015

Present at Meeting: Lynn Kenerson, Amy Mullins, William Stason, Denys Draper, Shelley Koehler, Gordie Johnk, Cindy Burnell, Sue Ober, Amanda Clough, Meg Caron

Funding Requests:

Shelley Koehler: iEarn $500.00 Asking for these funds to help with the Global Ed program in order to learn more about different cultures and to be able to compare/contrast with ours. Global Ed has been going on at LRS for a long time. Shelley and the teachers want to make this program more project based and get the kids more involved. Would like to use this site to help. Connects us to other classrooms in other countries. This site would connect us and offer professional development; also helps with translation. This is a yearly subscription. School membership is $400, but there are also shipping costs. Site offers over 100 projects so classroom teachers could also use it. The students would be able to directly interact with other students in different parts of the world instead of just reading about what other cultures are like. Cindy moved to allocate $500 to iEarn this year only and to evaluate program after the year for renewal. Approved by group.

Faye Hanson 6th Grade: Desk Inserts $168: Provides a drawer inside of a desk so that there is less “fiddling” and more organization. One of the top things that Profile has said to work on with our students to get them ready for 7th grade is organization. These should last for a few years depending on the student. There are 26 in a pack. Fit in a 21” desk. Cindy moved to allocate $168 for desk inserts for 6th grade. Approved by group.

Schoolwide: Los Sugar Kings $300: Assembly. Los Sugar Kings are a band from Cuba. They will be playing at the Colonial Theatre. The leader of the band will talk about the history of music in Cuba as well as what is going on in Cuba right now. The assembly will end with a Cuban dance lesson and he will play some music as well. This event is part of theNorthern New Hampshire Art Alliance. Amanda moved to allocate $300 for assembly. Approved by group.

Residency Program: This year we are up for Scientist in Residency. School have been talking with Bill Church at WMSI and he has brought a Maker Program to the table. Paper flashlights, paper speakers, how to make arches, how to make water fountains, coding/programing, Legos, robotics, etc. Would be a 5 day program. Each class would get 45 minutes a day. All of it is hands on…indoor and outdoor. Kids will leave with something that they built. Teachers are excited about the program. It is set up for all ages. Not sure of the cost as of now as he initially came in above our residency budget ($2500-3500). Hope to do the program in March. Gordie is meeting with Bill again later this month to negotiate price.

After School WMSI Programs: These would be a 6 week programs;Game Design, Solve it with LEGO, Animation. They would be available for 10 students but may be able to offer more. $720.00 for 6 weeksession for 10 students. Gordie doesn’t want $ to be a stumbling block for kids….want it to be open for all kids. Looking into how we could underwrite the program to get the cost down for everyone. Think it is important for families to pay something so that they value the program and kids show up. Aaron Goldman would be running these programs. They would be for 3rd-6th grade. Maybe we could look/ask for sponsors. Programs would be first come in terms of which students are able to attend. If large interest student would only be able to attend one. In the interest of time for this meeting it was decided that we will wait until Gordie meets with Bill again later this month and will revisit this at the next LPTO meeting.

Requests Still Out There: Still waiting to pay some requests that were approved by the LPTO last year:

FOA Flower Pots: $204

Aluminum Letters for the front of school: $600

Clay for Art Project: $150

Student Internet Safety Program: $556

Summer Book Club: $280 (this was not used so will be added back to the budget)

Events/Fundraiser Update:

Meadow Farms: Catalog Sales $4,100.00 as of now (online sales still open). We receive 50% of this amount. Direct Donations: $277.50 but other people have emailed Amy saying they will make a donation (especially if there is a specific cause/event) Second part of the fundraiser (cookie dough/popcorn) starts on the 23rd of October and runs for one week.

Box Tops: have been trimmed. Amy Veneinza is done with Box Tops so the LPTO is looking for a new coordinator. Service Kids will also be helping.

Halloween Happenings: Janel Lawton has offered to take this on. This event will be on Friday October 30th. Toni will follow up with Janel

Recycle Sale: Beth Kinney and Meghan McPhaul are running this and it is under control

Auction: We have done one for approximately the last 10 years. It is a huge undertaking but brings in a big return. Tina is willing to help but doesn’t want to do it alone. It will not happen this fall, but maybe in the spring or maybe a year off? Amanda brought to the table the idea of an Art Show/Social vs. Auction where we sell tickets to attend and also sell student art. Teachers would need to be made aware of this in order to prepare. This idea was well received and will be further discussed at our next meeting. Students could do their own projects at home as well. We could have BYOB and light o’dourves and make it more a “parent’s night out” social.

Treasurer Report: Please see profit and loss for details. We have about $11,000 for this year if we don’t do an auction.

Next Meeting: Wednesday November 18th 8:00am

Meeting adjourned at 9:05am