May 10, 2017
PRESENT:Anne BissonKelley SylviaCharlotte Carr
Jim LincolnTracy HegerAnn Kardamis
Barry BurkeTed O’Brien
ABSENT: Louise Silva
Meeting called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Ted O’Brien
Ted O’Brienmade a motion to accept the April 12, 2017meeting minutes.
Charlotte seconded.
All in favor.
Director’s Report Board Meeting 05.10.17
Old Business:
- Taunton Opiate and Substance Use Task Force (TOTF): I spoke at a meeting sponsored by Bridgewater State University and Bristol Community College in Attleboro on 4.24.17 on building a coalition. Members of the TOTF attended a forum on 4.25.17 to discuss regional collaboration on the opiate issue. The monthly TOTF meeting was held on 5.9.17. Thirty-two (32) were in attendance. The guest speakers were Connie Rocha-Mimoso from Seven Hills Behavioral Health who spoke on the Syringe Services Program and Jodi Reese from Gilead who spoke on Hepatitis C. Anne added that the stats of overdoses and fatalities have gone down drastically from last year:
From January 2016 to May 9, 2016 - overdoses: 102; fatalities: 10
From January 2017 to May 9, 2017- overdoses: 46; fatalities: 2
Anne also noted that there are new drugs that individuals are overdosing on. One is called Pink, and another is carfentanyl,which is actually an elephant tranquilizer,andis harmful to first responders who could get sick from touching it.
- MA Opioid Abuse Prevention Collaborative (MOAPC) Grant: The Taunton Police Department sponsored a Drug Take Back Day on April 29, 2017, and it was successful; 125 lbs. of medication were collected. SSTAR also manned a table at the COA Drug Take Back Day and the Arbour-Fuller Hospital Health Fair. Anne added that The Taunton Police Department also held a drug and sharps take back and social hour here at the Senior Center on May 3rd, which went very well.Anne noted that Taunton Police have visited 312 homes and are being welcomed.
- Partnership for Success Grant (PFS Grant): SSTAR employees continue to work on events addressing youth substance use. We are working with SSTAR to expend the grant funds.
- FY 17/18 Community Development Block Grants (CDBG):
- FY 17 CDBG Evaluation – our CDBG evaluation was done on 4.28.17. There were no concerns noted.
- FY 18 CDBG update – as of today we have not received the grant award, however, it should be level-funded.
- FY 17 EOEA Service Incentive Grant: The Elder Community Crisis Intervention Team Coordinator now has two Clutter Control Support Groups, is coordinating TED Talks group discussions and addressing crisis cases. Our final Service Incentive Grant workshop for this fiscal year will be held on June 23, 2017. The title of the workshop is ‘Effective Communication Strategies & Understanding & Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors’.
Ted O’Brien asked what the acronym “TED” stands for in the TED Talks and it is:
Technology, Entertainment and Design converged.
- Council on Aging Newsletter: The newsletter will be tri-fold and in color. Tracy was trained on 4.27.17 on how to set-up the new newsletter. Tracy said the first new newsletter will start in June. Barry asked if we traded newsletters with other COAs for ideas. Tracy stated that staff does bring in newsletters if attending meetings at other COAs and that they are available online also.
New Business
- Taunton Safe Neighborhood Initiative (SNI): We coordinated the Taunton SNI Annual Meeting that was held on 4.26.17. There were 31 in attendance, including District Attorney Tom Quinn, Louis Loura from Sen. Marc Pacheco’s office, Mayor Hoye and four City Councilors. Judge Edmund C. Mathers of the Taunton Drug Court was the Guest Speaker. The meeting was well received. Anne added that the Taunton Drug Court is open to the community and all are welcome to go down and see how the program works on Wednesdays at 12:30.
- Older Americans Month: I will have Tracy update you on the activities of Older Americans Month.
- Bristol Community College: Tracy and I met with Gloria Saddler of Bristol Community College to discuss collaboration to encourage seniors, 60+, to attend classes at the school. They do have senior waivers where elders can attend classes for $37.00. There is a process that has to be followed. They are also open 5 days a week for anyone or any age to use the computer center, library and cafeteria. Gloria will be providing a presentation at the senior center on June 27, 2017. Tracy and Anne added that there are credited courses available, that High School transcripts are required to sign up, and that the Taunton Public Schools and the Board of Education can help obtain transcripts from schools that are no longer open. The college is located under the movie theatre at the Galleria Mall and is very big. The GED program and English as a second language course is free to all. Computers and Printers are also available free to the community to use at the site.
- Meeting Summary/Anne attended the following meetings:
- Department of Transitional Assistance: Gail and I attended a local coalition meeting on 4.12.17. Five agencies provided brief presentations/updates on their services.
- Manet CEO: I had a telephone conference with the Manet CEO on 4.13.17.
- Bridgewater State University/Bristol Community College: I was asked to speak about the Taunton Opiate and Substance Use Task Force at a meeting on 4.25.17 in Attleboro.
- Stonehill College/Opiate Forum: Seven members of the TOTF attended the forum on 4.25.17. Communities in Southeastern MA discussed their successes and challenges as to the opiate issue.
- Safe Neighborhood Initiative Annual Meeting: We coordinated the Taunton SNI Annual Meeting that was held on 4.26.17. There were 31 in attendance, including District Attorney Tom Quinn, Louis Loura from Sen. Marc Pacheco’s office, Mayor Hoye and four City Councilors. Judge Edmund C. Mathers of the Taunton Drug Court was the Guest Speaker. The meeting was well received.
- Bristol Community College: Tracy and I met with Gloria Saddler of Bristol Community College to discuss collaboration to encourage seniors, 60+, to attend classes at the school. They do have senior waivers where elders can attend classes for $37.00. There is a process that has to be followed. They are also open 5 days a week for anyone or any age to use the computer center, library and cafeteria. Gloria will be providing a presentation at the senior center on June 27, 2017.
- Bethany House Open House: I attended the Open House on 4.27.17. I was introduced to staff.
- Office of Economic & Community Development/CDBG: Our CDBG grants were evaluated on 4.28.17.
- Taunton Master Plan Consultant: I spoke with the consultant on 5.1.17. My priority was a new, much larger, Senior Center/Human Services office.
- Older Americans Month Proclamation at City Hall: On 5.2.17, due to the City Council being in Executive Session, the Mayor read the Proclamation outside of City Hall. We were unable to meet with the Council. I would like to thank all of those who attended.
- Mayor Hoye: I had my regular monthly meeting on 5.8.17
- Syringe Services Committee: Members of the Syringe Services Committee met on 5.8.17. They have collected 200 syringes and distributed 125. They have also placed two individuals in treatment and provided education to clients.
- Adult Community Crisis Intervention Team (ACCIT) training: John Munise and I presented on the Elder CCIT at the Adult CCIT training on 5.9.17.
- Taunton Opiate and Substance Use Task Force: The monthly meeting was held on 5.9.17. Thirty-two (32) were in attendance. The guest speakers were Connie Rocha- Mimoso from Seven Hills Behavioral Health who spoke on the Syringe Services Program and Jodi Reese from Gilead who spoke on Hepatitis C.
- Upcoming Scheduled Programs/meetings:
- Partnership for Success Conference call: 5.11.17
- Manet Strategic Planning subcommittee conference call: 5.12.17
- MA Association of Older Americans Workshop: 5.12.17
- Manet Community Health Center: 5.16.17
- Volunteer Recognition: 5.18.17
- Opioid & Substance Use/Elders & Families workshop: 5.23.17
- Safe Neighborhood Initiative: 5.24.17
- Bristol Elder Services Advisory Council: 5.25.17
- Summer Kick-Off Party: 6.8.17
- MA Councils on Aging/Human Services Council: 6.9.17
- Mayor Hoye: 6.12.17
- Bristol County Conference for Seniors/TOTF: 6.13.17
- Taunton Opiate and Substance Use Task Force: 6.13.17
- DHS Updates:
- The position of Bilingual Case Worker is still in the advertising process. We have received 4 applications so far. One was contacted but is no longer interested in the position, and the other three were either not qualified or not bilingual.
- Vacation Days: May 19 and 22, 2017
- Senior Center Coordinator Monthly Report
Senior Center Coordinator’s Report – May 10, 2017
The AARP Tax Aide Program started preparing tax returns on February 1st with their last day on April 18th. They helped a total of 505 individuals and couples prepare and e-file their returns.
On April 18th at 1 pm, Debbie Ann Hibbert from the SNAP/DTA office held the last of her group of presentations titled, SNAP Elderly Connection. 7 seniors attended. The purpose of this presentation was to teach people how to maximize their benefits.
On April 20th at 11:30 our TED Talks was on “Self-Care”. 6 seniors attended. It seems to be the same group of people attending the talks each month.
On April 25th at 1 pm, we welcomed the Banjo Ragtimers to the Senior Center. They provided the seniors with old time musical entertainment playing their banjos and kazoos. They handed out spoons, washboards, maracas, and drums for audience participation. 51 seniors attended and everyone had a great time!The presentation was well received and said to be “interesting and funny”.
Tickets went on sale May 1st for our “Summer Kick-Off Party” on June 8th at the PACC Pavilion. Tickets are $8.00 each and we will be having pulled pork and chicken with mac & cheese, cole slaw and baked beans. Food is provided by Kinfolks and South County Line will be our band for the afternoon.
On May 2nd Dave Downs was here, during our spring cleaning month, to discuss “Why did we have so much stuff”, 30 seniors attended. He will be back on the 30th to discuss how to get rid of all the stuff we have.
Also on May 2nd at 7:00 pm, 25 seniors along with our office staff and board members went to city hall for the Mayor to read the proclamation for Old Americans Month.
On May 3rd Taunton Police were here for a drug and sharps take-back day. We had 16 seniors who brought in their unused prescriptions / needles.
Upcoming Events
Shred bins are available throughout the month of May. Seniors are allowed to bring in the equivalent of 1 bankers box per week. We’ve been averaging 2 – 3 seniors a day taking advantage of the use of the shred bins and they have been very appreciative of the service.
Starting on May 9, 2017 at 4:15 we will be holding an 8 week meditation class. Classes run until the last Tuesday of June and are taught by Alex Schubert who also works for CCBC. We had 30 seniors attend and it was very well received.
On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 1:00 pm, Roger Tincknell will be performing, “Pete Seeger to Peter, Paul and Mary”. We already have 33 seniors signed up.
On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 from 9:00 – 10:30 the Taunton Police will be back for another drug and sharps take-back day. Refreshments will be served and Police Officers will be available to answer questions.
On Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 12:00 pm at the Segregansett Country Club will be holding our Volunteer Recognition.
On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 1:00 pm, we will hold a presentation called Cooking for One or Two. The program is presented by Mass in Motion and UMASS. The cooking for the demonstration will be done ahead of time off the premises as our kitchen isn’t big enough for clients to view the demonstration. Over 20 seniors have already signed up.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 1:00 pm we will be holding the second part of Dave Downs’s series to help manage the problem we have with stuff.
Tracy added that she is trying to look for different types of entertainment for the center and in October will have Mel Simons entertaining with music, comedy and trivia.
Ted asked if the center has ever thought of hosting organized outings. Anne said that it had been done in the past, but there were a couple of problems that arose and that staff is required to pay their own way. Tracy mentioned transportation as one of the problems.
Kelley pointed out that on the back of the newsletter, in our sponsored advertisers section; the YMCA has a coupon for a one week free trial membership.
Barry Burke made a motion to adjourn at 10:37.
Jim Lincoln seconded.
All in favor.
- Next meeting: June 14, 2017