Little Saints Academy 2018 - 2019

Preschool Supply List - Three Year Old Room

(Revised 5/18)

Student supplies with name:

1 white ½ inch binders with pockets inside

2 spiral notebooks

1 two pocket folder (pockets on bottom)(not plastic)(holes on side)

1 two pocket folder with prongs

1 book bag (needs to be able to fit binder)

Extra full change of clothes in Ziploc bag labeled with child’s name

Nap mat (full day only) (May need second mat at mid-year)

Beach towel (no sleeping bags, please) (full day only)

(label and put in 2.5 gallon ziploc bag)

Community supplies with no name:

1 box of crayons

1 box of Crayola washable markers

10 Elmer’s glue sticks

3 bottle of Elmer’s glue

1 pack of dry erase markers – EXPO**

1 pack of Crayola watercolor paints

4 cans of Play doh

2 container of Lysol wipes

1 Magic Eraser

3 containers of baby wipes

2 box of Kleenex

2 roll of paper towels

1 pair of child scissors

1 box of sandwich size ziploc bags (boys)

1 pack brown paper bags (boys)

1 bag of cotton balls (boys)

1 pack of large white paper plates(boys)

1 can of shaving cream (girls)

1 box of Ziploc 2.5 gallon size bags (girls)

1 pack of small white paper plates (girls)

1 pack of white paper bags (girls)

Activity Fee - $50 (per child) (see note on teacher web page)

Little Saints Academy 2018-2019

Preschool Supply List - Four Year Old Room

(Revised 5/18)

All Students:

Extra full change of clothes in Ziploc labeled with child’s name.

Supplies labeled WITH name

1 Two pocket folder – no prongs

1 ½ inch white, 3-ring binder with 2 pockets

1 Spiral notebook

1 Book bag – standard size, no wheels

Supplies WITHOUT name

2 Boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons

2 Boxes of Crayola markers

1 Package Expo dry erase markers

10 Elmer’s Glue sticks

2 Bottles of Elmer’s Glue

4 Cans of Play Doh

1 Box of Kleenex

2 Rolls of paper towels

3 Containers of baby wipes

2 Containers of Clorox disinfecting wipes

1 Magic Eraser

1 Child’s scissors


1 Crayola watercolor paints

1 Box sandwich sized Ziploc bags


1 Can of shaving cream

1 Box Gallon sized Ziploc bags

Full Day Students:

  1. Nap Mat labeled with child’s name (second mat may be needed at mid-year)

2 Two gallon Ziplock bags to store blanket

  1. Beach towel or small blanket labeled with child’s name (must be able to fit inside zipped two gallon bag)

Activity Fee $50 (per child) (see note on teacher web page)

KINDERGARTEN 2018 - 2019


(Revised 5/18)

1Back Pack – No wheels (labeled with name)

42 pocket folders (Orange, Red, Blue & Green labeled with name)

4 24 count pack of crayons

1 Pair of blunt metal Fiskars scissors

10 Glue sticks

1 Pack of 24 pencils

2Pack of thick classic color markers

1 Pack of thin classic color marker

1Pack of thick classic Crayola markers (for Art)

2 Pink erasers

1 Pack of dry erase markers

2 Boxes of Kleenex

3Clorox bleach wipes

1Pencil bag – zipper pouch (labeled with name)

2Composition notebooks (labeled with name)

1 ½ inch white binder (labeled with name)

1Pack of Post Its

1Rest Mat

1Towel for rest time

We use community supplies so your name will only need to go on the items that are listed with a note saying to label them.


SUPPLY LIST – 2018-2019

(Revised 5/18)

30 #2 pencils sharpened (Ticonderoga brand preferred)

4 Boxes of crayons (Crayola brand please) - No more than 24 crayons in each box

5 Big pink pencil erasers

1 Pair scissors (good metal cutting scissors)(child size Fiskars brand)

5Two pocket folders (No side pockets, only front pockets and not plastic)

(1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 of your choice)

1Purple 3 prong folder

10Small glue sticks

1 Thin markers (A – M)

1 Thick markers (N – Z)

1Pack of thick Crayola markers (for Art)

10Low odor Dry erase markers (Black only please)

3 Large boxes of Kleenex

3Spiral notebooks - wide-ruled (1 Red, 1 Blue & 1 Green)

1 Set of earbuds or headphones (for computer) (some of the younger students have

trouble with ear buds as they are too big for their ears.)

1Roll of paper towels

2Large bottle of hand sanitizer – 8 oz. (Mr. Gloe only)

1Set of Addition and Subtraction flashcards (up to 18) for home (recommended)

1 Container of Clorox wipes

Agenda (to be provided the first day of school)

Please do not send other supplies to school; for example: no rulers, no markers, no pencil sharpeners, no crayon sharpeners, etc.

We share supplies in our classrooms. No names are needed on items. Please remember to keep items generic.


SUPPLY LIST – 2018 - 2019

(Revised 5/18)

412 count package # 2 pencils sharpened

4Red ballpoint pens

10Pink erasers

1Pair blunt scissors

10Glue sticks

1 Bottle of Elmer’s white glue - 8 oz

1Bottle of Elmer’s glue – 4 oz (for Art)

5Hi-Liters (Any Colors)

4Dry erase markers

2 Boxes of Crayola brand crayons

1 Package of thick markers

1 Package of thin markers

1 Package of colored pencils

2Pencil cases with zippers

52 pocket folders

5Composition notebooks- NOT SPIRAL

1Package of sticky notes

3Packages of disinfecting wipes

4 Boxes of tissues for class use

1Package of gallon size Ziplock bags (boys)

1Package of quart size Ziplock bags (girls)

1 Roll of paper towels

1Container of Wet Ones or Baby Wipes

1 Adult large white t-shirt (new or used for Science Lab Coat)

1Set of addition and subtraction flash cards

1 Set of earbuds or headphones (for computer)

1 Single subject notebook (for Spanish)


SUPPLY LIST – 2018-2019

(Revised 5/18)


112 inch/metric ruler – not metal or rubber

6 Pink erasers

24#2 pencils

1Pencil bag

1 Single subject notebook (for Spanish)

1 Pack of loose leaf paper

1Pack of 4x6 notecards (ruled on one side only)

5Jumbo book covers

1Dry erase marker eraser

4 Highlighters (Yellow)

1 Box of crayons (24 only) (Crayola Brand) labeled with name

6Glue sticks (large size) (Elmer’s Brand)

1 4 oz. bottle ofElmer’s Washable White glue (for Art)

14 oz. bottle of Elmer’s Glue

4 Red pens (not clicking please)

2 Pair 7” sharp scissors

2 Plastic containers – shoe box size

8 Spiral notebooks (wideruled) 70 pages

2 Markers – Crayola Original Markers – Classic Colors (10 pack) (regular tip, not thin)

1Colored Pencils – 24 pack only (Crayola Brand)

1Set of earbuds or headphones (for computer) (some of the younger students have trouble with ear buds as they are too big for their ears.)

1Book bag

1Agenda (to be provided the first day of school)

8Dry erase marker in plastic bag for our dry erase boards which will be supplied.

2Clorox wipes

1Bottle of Hand sanitizer

1Box Ziploc bags (small size – sandwich)

3 Large boxes of tissues for classroom

1Rolls of Paper Towels (2 ply)


SUPPLY LIST – 2018-2019

(Revised 5/18)

2Composition notebooks

1Wooden ruler – inches and metric

24 #2 pencils

2 Red marking pens

2 Pencil erasers

1Boxes colored pencils

1 Boxes crayons (24 only)

1 Box thin-lined colored markers (8)

6 8" x 10-1/2" Spiral notebooks (wide-ruled) (70 pages)

1Pair pointed scissors

1 Elmer's Glue, 4 oz. (Elmer’s preferred)

4Glue Sticks

1Watercolor paint set (Crayola or Prang) (for Art)

4Pack of 3 ½ x 5 notecards

1 Single subject notebook (for Spanish)

2 Book covers

3 Jumbo book covers

7 3 hole punched heavy duty folders – no prongs

1Pencil case (bag with zipper type about 12” x 6”0)

2 Highlighters – yellow

4Dry erase markers

2 pkg. Loose-leaf paper (wide-ruled)

1 2 inch zipper binder

1set of earbuds or headphones (for computer) (some of the younger students have trouble with ear buds as they are too big for their ears.)

2 Boxes of tissues (at least 130 count)

1 Rolls paper towels (at least 60 sheets)

2Container of disinfecting wipes

1 Pkg. sandwich Ziploc bags (Last Name A-M)

1 Pkg. Gallon Ziploc bags (Last name N – Z)
Please LABEL as many items as possible with your child's last name.


SUPPLY LIST – 2018-2019

(Revised 5/18)

4 3 subject notebooks (LA, Math, SS & Science)

2 1 subject notebook (Religion & Spanish)

2 Composition Notebooks (Writing and Science Lab)

1 Pkg. red ball point pens for correcting

1 Pkg. Blue Pens

1 Pkg. Black Pens

30 #2 pencils (sharpened)

1 Sharpie (fine tip)

2 LARGE packages wide-lined loose-leaf paper

1 pack of graph paper

2 large erasers and a pack of small pencil top erasers

2 Packages of index cards

1 Box thick colored markers (8)

1 Box of thin Crayola markers (10)

1 Box of crayons (24 colors)

1 Box of 12 colored pencils (sharpened)

1Watercolor Paint Set (Crayola or Prang) for ART

1 Pair pointed, sharp scissors

4 Glue sticks

1 Bottle of Elmer’s Glue (white)(Elmer’s preferred)

1 12 inch/metric ruler

1 Clear Protractor

2 Pencil bags - ONLY - no boxes

3 Different colored highlighters

1 set of earbuds or headphones (for computer) (some of the younger students have

trouble with ear buds as they are too big for their ears.)

4 Black dry erase marker & sock in Ziploc bag

1Accordion file folder with at least 8 pockets and label sections front to back: Home

Notes, L.A., Religion, Math, S.S., Science, Music/Art, Spanish

2 Boxes of Kleenex for classroom

1 Package of Clorox wipes

1 Small Bottle of Hand sanitizer

1 Roll of paper towels

Agenda (to be provided the first day of school)

Please LABEL as many items as possible with your child's name. Please be aware that some

supplies may need to be replaced during the year. PLEASE REPLENISH THEM AS


Grade 6

Supply List2018- 2019

(Revised 5/18)

3 3-subject notebooks (1 for Math and 1 for LA, 1 for Specialties)

1Single subject notebook (Spanish)

1 Scientific Calculator TI30X IIS

2Pkgs. wide lined loose leaf paper (1 to be given to teacher)

2 Pkg. of 100 count 4x6 to be turned in to science teacher

4Single subject notebooks: wide-ruled, spiral bound

3 Composition Notebook

1 Plastic expandable accordion file folder with at least 7 sections

2 2-pocket plain folders, sturdy (turn in to teacher for testing)(no math on the inside)

1 1-inch binder with plastic cover

1 Set of 5 tabs to be used for binder

1Set of water colored paints

1Pair pointed, sharp scissors

Year supply of pens – navy blue or black only!

Year supply of pencils and erasers

2Red pens

1Box of 24 crayons

22 Fine Point Black Sharpie Markers for ART

1 10 pack of Crayola markers (fine tip) (for Art)

1 Box of colored pencils

2Boxes washable markers – one thick line and one thin line

24 pack Dry Erase Expo low-odor markers (1 pack for students, 1 for advisory)

2Hi-Liters in different colors

2 Glue stick

112-inch ruler with metric markings

1Soft, large zipper pencil bag – no pencil boxes

1Roll of paper towels

4Boxes of tissues (give to advisory)

1Packages of Disinfecting wipes

1Bottle of Hand sanitizer

1 Set of earbuds or headphones (for computer) (some of the younger students have

trouble with ear buds as they are too big for their ears.)

2Fine Point Black Sharpies (Not the extra fine)

Agenda (to be provided the first day of school)

Grade 7

Supply List 2018-2019

(Revised 5/18)

43-subject notebook (used for Math, LA, Science & Specialties)

1Single subject notebook (Spanish)

2Pkgs wide lined loose leaf paper (to be given to homeroom teacher)

3 Single subject notebooks: wide-ruled, spiral bound

3 Package notecards, 4” x 6” (Math, Sci & LA)

1 Plastic expandable accordion file folder with at least 7 sections

2 2-pocket folders, sturdy (to be turned in to homeroom teacher)

1Pair pointed, sharp scissors

Year supply of pens – navy blue or black only!

Year supply of pencils and erasers

2Red pens – for correcting

1Protractor – clear without measuring bar

1 Box of 24 Crayola crayons

1 Box of colored pencils

2 White erasers (for Art)

2 4 pack of Low-odor Dry erase markers – (1 pack for student, 1 pack for advisory)

2 Boxes washable markers – one thick line and one thin line

2 Hi-Liters in different colors

1 Glue stick

1 6-inch or 12-inch ruler with metric markings

1 Soft, large zipper pencil bag – no pencil boxes

1 Roll of paper towels

4 Boxes of tissues (give to advisory)

1 Scientific calculator – TI-30X IIS

2 Fine point black sharpies (Not extra fine)

1 Graph paper notebook

1 Pair of earbuds or small headphones

1 Agenda (to be provided the first day of school)

Grade 8

Supply List 2018-2019

(Revised 5/18)

4 Single subject notebooks: wide-ruled, spiral bound

2Packages wide-lined loose leaf paper (to be given to homeroom teacher)

3 3-subject notebooks (for Math, LA & Specialties)

1Single subject notebook (Spanish)

1 Plastic expandable accordion file folder with at least 7 sections

1 Packages of 4” x 6” note cards (LA)

1Pair pointed, sharp scissors

Year supply of pens – no click – navy blue or black only!

Year supply of pencils and erasers

4Red pens – for correcting

1Protractor – clear without measuring bar

1Package of graph paper (Math)

1 Box of 24 crayons

1Bold tip black Sharpie (for Art)

1 Fine tip black Sharpie (for Art)

2 Boxes washable markers – one thick line and one thin line

2 Hi-Liters in different colors

2 4 pack of Low-odor Expo Dry erase markers – (1 pack for student, 1 pack for advisory)

1 Glue stick

1 6-inch or 12-inch ruler with metric markings

1 Soft, large zipper pencil bag – no pencil boxes

1 Rolls of paper towels

4 Boxes of tissues (give to advisory)

1Packages of Disinfecting wipes

1 Scientific calculator – TI-30X IIS

2 Fine point black sharpies (not extra fine)

1 Pair of earbuds or small headphones

1 Agenda (to be provided the first day of school)