(Updated January 2018)

Preschool, School Age, Kinder Care

A positive place where kids can learn, play, and socialize in a fun, easy going way!

*Licensed Centre*Qualified Staff

9060 212th Street

Walnut Grove, BC


Parent Hand Book

Our mission for Building Blocks Learning Centre is to provide quality childcare, create an environment that children love, where they can grow, get involved, interact, and learn.

Executive Summary

Building Blocks Learning Centre provides a reliable service for families. Parents find it difficult when having to leave their child or children with additional care. They need care before and after the school day starts and want to feel their child will get there safely, so what better feeling then to know they are located on the school premises. Most parents would love to pick up their child once the end of the day bell rings but the reality is most jobs do not work around school hours and it is pretty common now a days that both parents work. This is what makes child care very important to families. Every parents needs to feel that their child or children are being taken care of by educated staff. They need to feel that they can trust the teachers. Building Blocks Learning Centre is committed to a second to none safe and stimulating environment for their child or children. The centre is committed to working with the parents, helping children further develop, and grow.

The customer base includes not only the parents but also the children enrolled in the Centre. It is important that the parents feel comfort when their child or children are under the care of Building Blocks Learning Centre but it is just as important that the children feel the same comfort. We use comfort and care for children as one of our stronger attributes at Building Blocks Learning Centre.

Building Blocks Learning Centre is owned and operated by one single person. I, the owner, have completed an Early Childhood Education Certificate as well as the required First Aid Courses. I also have many years experience in the field. The other additional employees also have their first aid and many other certifications. You may read over all of our qualifications on our teacher info board.

Building Blocks Learning Centre operates from the hours 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday not including Statutory Holidays. The Centre includes the following services; Preschool, KinderCare (care for children prior or after Kindergarten class), and School age care. Building Blocks operates on school grounds so the centre can provide convenient care for children. The objective of Building Blocks Learning Centre is to provide safe care for the children while also providing additional interactive learning.

Staff Qualifications

All staff members have undergone a Criminal Background check and a Doctor’s Medical Examination to be sure they are in good working condition. On-the-job training is used to train new employees. This training method allows the new employee to receive training while actually performing the job. It usually involves assigning a supervisor or more seniour worker who will then provide the training[1].

The minimum education requirement for preschool staff working at Building Blocks Learning Centre is a Certificate in Early Childhood Education (ECE Certificate), or their Assistant ECE certificate. The License ensures that that the employee follows and maintains the ratio of staff to children present in the facility; for each group of 10 or fewer children: 1 Early Childhood Educator; for each group of 11 to 20 children: one Early Childhood Educator plus 1 Assistant[2]. Any staff working in the school age program is required to have work experience with children and be considered a mature and responsible adult.

Educators working here are encouraged to taking ongoing child care workshops and additional training/education which is an added advantage for the employee as well as the facility. Many of these workshops are posted up in the centre for all staff members. The more skills a teacher posses the more exceptional their teaching practices in the classroom, which would help to bring about gains in the child’s targeted performance[3].

A parent/guardian and educator relationship is important for both in the child/children development. The child is most often comfortable when they see that the parent/guardian has a noticeable relationship with the educator[4]. This is something Building Blocks Learning Centre creates with each family in the centre as quickly as possible.

Physical Facility Layout

Building Blocks Learning Centre operates at James Kennedy Elementary School. All of the productive facilities in the classroom include; tables, sensory table, toys, art supplies, easels, manipulatives, books, circle mats, a science centre, as well as house/home area.

The tables in the classroom are used for a large variety of activities such as for children to sit at and work on projects, crafts, and other activities as well. This table is also for the children to have snack time. The sensory table that is used in the classroom is a small child’s table that can be filled up with things such as dirt, water, sand, etc. so that children can visualize and experiment hands on. Art supplies are used most often to teach the children creation as well as some independent learning so we have this open for free expression every day. The easels are used for painting in class. Items such as blocks, toys, manipulatives, and other items are all things used in the classroom to promote learning, sharing, interaction, creativity, as well as stimulation for children and because of this these are all things that are included in the production process. At Building Blocks Learning Centre we use a circle mat. The circle mat is where the children gather together and participate in singing songs, playing games, doing other group interaction activities, and also used for story time by a teacher. The house/home area is a specific child friendly area that resembles objects that are typically used by adults in the home but have been customized for a child’s use. This area allows the children to play games such as house as well as for letting them express themselves as an individual and feel competent. The last productive facility is the science centre. This is where the class attains more knowledge about experimenting and learning. The children can do things like collect bugs and look at them through a telescope.

The Classroom Facility

The classroom arrangement can have many different effects and results on a child so it is crucial that Building Blocks Learning Centre has experienced employees and the right productive facility to benefit the children. By allowing children the use of the materials provided by the facility we can ensure that happens.

If the facility is an inviting place for children, the expectation is that children will want to come to Building Blocks Learning Centre and will enjoy their time. It is common that children in an unorganized environment can exert disturbing and irrational behaviour. If the environment is orderly, the children are more likely to act orderly. Neatness is not only important for the safety and health of the children and staff, but it provides a safe and comfortable environment where the children can concentrate and stay focused on activities rather than being distracted. It is inspiring for children to create and have the ability to share their creations with their peers. At Building Blocks Learning Centre we have a Creation Wall where children can post their creations. Colour and creation in the classroom can influence young children and create a cheerful learning environment.

The classroom’s characteristic features are specially customized surroundings for that of a child. Children receive a personal cubby or area for theirbelongings, which they are responsible for keeping tidy. All contents in the classroom will be stored so a child can easily identify them as they are labeled with both words and pictures of what the storage unit contains. When children are partaking in activities such as painting, etc. the child is provided with a smock so that their clothing stays relatively clean. The classroom organization and unclutteredness is maintained throughout the day. The layout for the facility leaves no open spaces for running. All hazardous equipment and/or supplies are safely stored in a cabinet out of the reach of children. Parents/guardians feel comfort knowing that their child’s safety, environment, learning and development are the top priority at Building Blocks Learning Centre.

Guidance and Discipline Policy

The centre’s policy is to provide a positive and consistent environment. We like to have good communication when dealing with behaviour issues.

To provide a positive setting for limits and expectations, we acknowledge feelings that the child is portraying and focus on the child’s behaviour, rather than on the child.

Our main strategy at the centre is to teach self-help skills through problem solving. This includes the child identifying the problem, and working out a solution (with teachers’ help if needed).

Time out is not a part of our program at Building Blocks Learning Centre. However, we do use a thinking chair to have the child reflect their actions and talk about a more suitable solution for next time.

If there are any changes or stresses in your child’s life please inform the staff as these changes do affect behaviour. If the staff is aware of any stresses we can be there to help the child with their personal needs.

Any child portraying challenging behaviour will be discussed with parents to develop a plan for management. We will work together to minimize the behaviour to make it more manageable.

We believe, and act on the belief that in all disciplinary strategies we will strive to pursue a course of action that will enhance a child’s self concept, and that all our techniques will display a basic respect for the integrity of the individual child. No disciplinary action will be acceptable if it is intended to lower a child’s self esteem. Discipline is something we work through with the children, not do to them! The centre also has the right to withdraw a child from the program immediately if the behaviour continues.

We do not physically hit, humiliate, withhold food, or ridicule a child in any form. Abuse is not the answer. In the centre the following actions are forbidden:

Physical Abuse; Defined as any physical force or action which results in or may potentially result in a non-accidental injury to a child/staff member and which exceeds reasonable discipline.

Sexual Abuse; Defined as any sexual touching, sexual intercourse or sexual exploitation of a child/staff member. It may include any sexual behaviour directed toward a child/staff member or the request by an abuser that a child performs sexual acts.

Emotional Abuse; Defined as actively undermining a child's/staff member’s self-image, sense of worth and self-confidence.

Physical Neglect; Defined as the failure on the part of those responsible for the care of a child to provide for the physical, emotional, or medical needs of a child to the extent that a child's health, development or safety are endangered.

If the centre suspects forms of abuse inside the facility it is our duty to inform Community Care Facilities Licensing at 604-930-5405. If the centre suspects abuse outside the facility it is our duty as a caregiver to report this to the Children and Family Development at 604-514-2711. Any suspicions are taken very seriously and it is our duty to ensure the safety of everyone in our program. All suspected abuse reports are confidential. After all the children's safety does come first!

Behaviour Mangament

We will use language to guide and discipline a child. This language will be used within strategies that focus on positive behaviour and model good, respectable communication skills.

These positive discipline strategies will intend to make a distinction between the child and their behaviour, state limits in a positive way, and make an effort to acknowledge the child’s feelings before setting limits. It is more effective to shape and reinforce positive behaviour then to continually focus all our energy and attention on bad behaviour.

Building Blocks Learning Centre is a childcare program that offers quality care for children ages 30 months to 12 years old. Our mission is to provide a safe, secure environment that helps children grow through postive play. Licensing mandates that all children are kept safe from harm.

In an effort to provide a safe, secure, enriching, developmentally cohesive environment for your child, the children and staff at Building Blocks Learning Centre will not be subject to threatening, violent or abusive behaviour by any other individuals. The philosophy of our centre is:

a) Each child be treated with respect and dignity

b) Each child be provided with a safe, nurturing, stable environment

c) Each child is provided with a stimulating environment that encourages their individual development.

The following are reasons for Building Blocks Learning Centre suspend/withdraw care of your child:

  • Violent behaviour causing harm to themselves, other children or staff.
  • Willful destruction of any personal or daycare property.
  • Dangerous/excessive behaviour resulting in putting other children and/or staff at risk.

If the behaviour or the situation does not improved after written warning by the staff you will be advised that alternate care needs to be found.


Parents must provide a name of a reliable person who can act as alternative care for a child who is sick or has had an accident.

Our centre needs your child’s immunization records up to date. Information can be given by contacting the Health Unit or family doctor.

In order to keep our centre a healthy environment, sick or contagious children must stay at home until they are better. If your child is having any of the following symptoms you must keep them home until they are no longer feeling them:

  • Pain-Any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain.
  • Acute cold or fever, severe runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat (all the above while child is contagious).
  • Difficult breathing such as wheezing, or consistent cough.
  • Fever (100F or 38.3C).
  • Sore throat or difficulty swallowing.
  • Infected skin or eyes, or an undiagnosed rash.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Headache or stiff neck.
  • Severe itching of the body or scalp.
  • Children with unknown or suspected communicable diseases (example: Chicken pox).

The centre has the services of a public health nurse available. The services used if there is a need concerning a child’s physical, emotional, and mental well being. Please speak to staff if you have any concerns.

At Building Blocks Learning Centre we encourage health and nutrition. Please bring healthy snacks to the centre. If you need any suggestions please feel free to ask any of the staff.

Release of Child

Only People who are written on the registration form will be the only people that may pick up a child from the centre. If a parent writes a note or calls the centre we may make considerations to the pickup list. If there are any custody issues we will have to have a copy of the custody agreement to withhold a child from the parent. Also if we feel anyone who picks up is under any influence we have the right to call the police immediately for the safety of the child.

The centre will wait approximately ten minutes for parents who have been held up and are late picking up their child. If we cannot reach a parent at closing time we will phone all other authorized contacts. If the child is not picked up within the hour it is our duty to call The Ministry of Child and Family Development. Further investigation will then take place.

Description of Program

Children who attend Building Blocks Learning Centre after school program have a range of organized play. Everyday we encourage all children to get a start on any homework they may have right away. This is the time the staff members can give their undivided attention to help the children with any problems they may be having. We also put out some form of art and have all the centre areas open, such as block corner, housekeeping, books, art, ect.) Children are encouraged to participate in all cleanup activities right before we go outside. After a snack we have outdoor play. We promote outdoor play as much as possible, weather permitting. This is where the children will have the opportunity to play on the field or on the playground. The staff working at the time will supervise the children where they play. If there is only one staff at the time all the children will play in a designated area together where the staff can supervise in a close and safe manner.

Children who attend Building Blocks Learning Centre preschool will have a range of activities to learn from. The children will enter the classroom and find their name to put away. This awareness will help recognize their name and letters. We will sit down as a class and join in on circle time games, songs, and stories. Each month we will focus on a different theme to learn about.

Each day we have time for art, math, science, and imaginary play. At the end of each day we will sit down, have a snack and go outside, weather permitting... Gross motor is important for developing their bodies and self-esteem. We make time to go outside every day so we ask all children come in the appropriate attire for the day. If we don’t have a chance to go outside we will play movement games inside. We will then finish the day off by coming inside and having a quiet story and song.