Pippins & Bramleys

Preschool and Out of School Club

Gravenhurst & Villages Preschool, Orchard Close, Gravenhurst, Beds MK454JF

Tel: 01462 713445 / 07807 473348

Settling in Procedure

After you have returned your registration, and permission forms we will begin the settling in procedure. This is a guideline and designed to be flexible to meet the needs of your child and your family.

1)Home visit – where possible a home visit will be arranged. Two members of staff will visit, one of which we anticipate being your child’s keyworker. We are not there to look at your house or assess your parenting skills. We are there so your child can meet us in a familiar setting and we can get to know them and their family better. It is invaluable in helping us meet the needs of your child.

2)Settling in visit/s to the preschool – This will give your child the opportunity to explore the preschool and meet staff and children. You will also be given the opportunity to meet administrative staff and a committee member who can answer any further questions you might have. Settling visits can last for part or all of a session, you are welcome to stay as long as you wish. If appropriate more than one visit can be arranged.

3)Your child’s first day – your child’s keyworker will ideally be there to greet your child and help them to settle.

4)2 week review meeting – this is the opportunity to speak in more detail to your keyworker about how your child has settled and any issues that may have arisen. If you would like to book a review meeting please speak to your child’s keyworker or the Play Leader.

We have an open door system so please feel free to talk to your child’s keyworker or the Playleader as you are dropping off or picking. Alternatively please make an appointment with the Play Leader or Key worker so that we can give you more time and attention.

Alice Redman

Acting Manager