November 10, 2015

Presbytery of the Inland Northwest

Transition Steps Guidelines

(generally takes approximately 18 months)

PCUSA Resource --On Calling aPastor(March 2015)

I.Introduction to Calling a pastor

Note – scriptural resources that can be used for PNC devotionals.


Our presbytery has a long tradition of also using the commissioned ruling elder as a pastoral leader. (Resource: PIN policy6.000. Can be found at )


Orientation – The EP and COM liaison orients the session and later the PNC on the call process.

IV. The Transition

  1. Dissolving the Pastoral Relationship

The teaching elder informs the Presbytery and session andthen makes an announcement/sends letter to congregation requesting that the pastoral relationship be dissolved.

Session calls a congregational meeting to vote on the teaching elder’s request.

A”Member Change Form” is sent to the Board of Pensions (BOP), indicating the final date of service and must be signed by the teaching elder and the Clerk of Session. The BOP will compute and bill the vacancy dues for the first twelve months of a vacancy, or until the temporary teaching elder or the new teaching elder begins work, whichever comes first.

Commission on Ministry (COM) acts on the dissolution request and appoints a Moderator for the time the pulpit is vacant.

The teaching elder sets up pulpit supply for the 6-8 weeks following his/her departure with session approval. The Executive Presbyter (EP) generally preaches soon after the teaching elder departs.

  1. Planning For Transition

Session appoints a transition team.

Thetransition team writes up an interim job description (includes interim tasks) which the session and then COM approve

The EP gives thetransition team approximately 3 names of potential interims who have had interim training.

Thetransition team interviews potential interims and then recommends an interim to the session.

Session and then the COM approve the contract.

3. Next Steps in Ministry

Normally a mission study is required. COM must approve any exceptions.

Session tasks a subgroup or conducts the mission study--a process of examining the congregation’s strengths and needs and the gifts and leadership competenciesdesired in a teaching elder.

4. Assessing Your Finances

Session assesses the finances to determine whether there will be sufficient funds for an appropriate compensation package. Factors include: insurances, pension coverage, and other expenses for the skills and experience desired in a teaching elder in light of the other financial resources necessary to carry out the church’s ministry.

Assessment should include moving costs, travel costs (if necessary) for interviews, in-person visits, etc.

5. Electing a Pastor Nominating Committee

Session or Church Nominating Committee nominates people to be on the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).(Resource: Handbook for PNC Liaisons )

Session calls a congregational meeting to elect a PNC.

V.Searching for a Pastor

1. The work of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC)

The PNC is oriented for its task by the EP with the COM liaison.

Members of the elected PNC team will set a meeting schedule.

Select PNC team leadership

Discuss the role of confidentiality.

2. Using the Church Leadership Connection (CLC)

PNC views MIF and PIF templates.

  1. Writing the Ministry Information Form (MIF)

PNC establishes matching criteria for comparing their MIF with information provided by CLC and the candidate.

The session and the COM approve the MIF which is then submitted to Church Leadership Connection for circulation.

4. Choosing A Pastor

The PNC determines whether the EP or the CLC will match PIFs with MIF. The candidates’ information may come in the form of self-referrals, or through Personal Information Forms (PIF).

PNC chairperson tracks Equal Employment Opportunity statistics (EEO) (Resource: CLC website )

The PNC receives and evaluates PIFs, watches sermons conducts telephone interviews. (Resource: Candidate Rating Sheet)

PNC determines a fair and consistent interview process.

The PNC contacts primary references (secondary references only with permission of candidates).

The PNC asks the EP to check presbytery references when the “pool” of potential pastors is reduced to aboutseven.

The PNC does national criminal background checks

5. Meeting Prospective Pastors Face-to-Face

The PNC decides whether any PNC representatives will visit prospective pastors in their ministry setting (with permission of the candidate)

When the number of potential pastors is reduced to about three, the PNC requests the EP to secure locations for neutral pulpits for the candidates.

The PNC contacts all candidates who were interviewed by phone and were not selected to continue.

The PNC sends candidate documents to COM in a timely manner.

The candidates are interviewed by COM during the neutral pulpit visit


1. Choosing the Nominee and Extending the Invitation To Call

The PNC reaches a decision on whom the nominee will be.

The PNC contacts the chosen nominee to invite him or her to be the nominee who will be presented to the congregation.

The PNC chairperson contacts as soon as possible the other final prospective pastors to thank them for their consideration and that a nominee has been chosen.

The PNC negotiates the terms of the call (total effective salary, effective date of the call and tentative schedule for the next steps) with concurrence of presbytery minimums.

The PNC notifies the COM when the nominee has accepted the invitation to candidate

After the call is accepted, the terms are reported to the COM for approval.

2. Presenting the Pastor Elect

The PNC coordinates with the session to schedule a congregational meeting to call the new pastor. This meeting usually follows a service of worship led by the candidate.

The pastor accepts the call.

3. Finishing Your Work

The PNC chairperson notifies the CLC of the call of the pastor.

The PNC disposes of the PNC materials

The PNC chairperson informs session of any agreements the PNC has made with the pastor-elect.

The session assumes the responsibility for the ongoing work with the pastor-elect.

4. Ordaining and/or Installing the Pastor

The pastor contacts the moderator of Presbytery to determine the date for ordination/installation

COM approves the pastor-elect’s choices of teaching & ruling elders for the Administrative Commission

Support for the New Pastor

Boldface indicates this is unique to our Presbytery.