March 11, 2014
Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church
A. Presbytery Council recommends that the Presbytery:
1. Approve the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of Presbytery on January 14, 2014 stated meeting.
B. The Committee on Preparation for Ministry:
1. Caroline Newman/Transfer from Salem Presbytery, under care as an Inquirer
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry met on March 3, 2014 and on behalf of the Presbytery of New Brunswick enrolled Caroline Newman as an Inquirer transferring from Salem Presbytery. Ms. Newman is a member of Pennington Presbyterian Church. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Religious Studies from UNC-CH in 2011 and is currently enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary in a joint M.Div./MA in the Youth Ministry program.
2. Kelsey Faul/Inquirer/First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry met on March 3, 2014 and on behalf of the Presbytery of New Brunswick enrolled Kelsey Faul as an Inquirer. Ms. Faul is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Azusa Pacific University and is currently enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary in the Master of Divinity program.
3. Megan Cullip/Inquirer/First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry met on March 6, 2014 and on behalf of the Presbytery of New Brunswick enrolled Megan Cullip as an Inquirer. Ms. Cullip is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square. She received her B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas (SA). She is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (May 2013).
Information Item:
Annual Consultation/Kelly Langford/Ewing
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry conducted an annual consultation with Candidate Kelly Langford on February 3, 2014 and continued her under care of the New Brunswick Presbytery.
C. Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee recommends that the following persons be elected:
Committee on Preparation for Ministry:
Class of 2015
Ruling Elder Christo Claassens (Witherspoon Street)
Class of 2016
Teaching Elder Kathryn Mustaro (Flemington)
General Assembly Commissioner 2014
Ruling Elder Margaret Redman (Dutch Neck)
Synod Commissioner 2014
Teaching Elder John Maltby (HR)
D. Stated Clerk
The Stated Clerk reports that the Plan of Presbytery sets the term of the Stated Clerk at five years. Therefore, there will be an election for stated clerk at the June 2014 meeting of the Presbytery. Anyone interested in serving or in proposing someone to be nominated should address themselves to the Nominating Committee through its chair, Bisi Shofu, .
Consent Agenda, March 11, 2014 Page 1