
College of Design, Construction and Planning

University of Florida

Gainesville, Florida

Telephone: 352-392-4836 x 427

Fax: 352.392.7266



Doctor of Philosophy:1985, Environmental Engineering Science, University of Florida.

Specialization:Systems Ecology

Master of Arts: 1981, Urban and Regional Planning,

University of Florida.

Specialization:Environmental Planning and Geographic Information Analysis

Bachelor of Science:1979, Engineering Technology,

Florida Technological University now University of CentralFlorida, (Summa Cum Laude)

Specialization:Engineering Construction Management



College of Design, Construction and Planning

University of Florida

  • Professor
  • Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs


  • Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs, July 2005-2012
  • Director of the School of landscape Architecture and Planning October 2009–2010
  • Director GeoPlan Center 1999-2014
  • Director of the College Doctoral Programs, July 2005-2012
  • Professor, July 2005-Present
  • Chair Department of Urban and Regional Planning, October 2000-August 2007
  • Interim Chair Department of Urban and Regional Planning, May 1999-October 2000
  • Co-Director GeoPlan Center, 1998-1999
  • Associate Professor, 1998-2005
  • Associate Research Scientist, 1992-1998
  • Associate Director GeoPlan Center, 1989-1998
  • Assistant Research Scientist, 1989-1992
  • Associate in Urban Planning, 1987-1989
  • Assistant in Urban Planning, 1986-1987


Over the years my primary teaching responsibilitiesfor the Department of Urban and Regional Planning includedeveloping and teaching: one graduate level quantitative methods course, one environmental planning studio, one advanced spatial statistics course, one land use modeling and analysis course, an introductory GIS course, and an advanced GIS course. Normally I teach a full load of 2 courses a semester (4 per academic year), participate in my department with an active research agenda (funded as well as non-funded), and have three administrative assignments.

Other responsibilities include: the direction and participation on thesis and doctoral dissertation committees (217graduate doctoral and master committees), the development and instruction of one real estate GIS course, and a joint appointment in the School of Natural Resources in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. I am also a member of the graduate and doctoral faculty in the School of Natural Resources.


My research emphasis has been directed at the design, development, and analysis of computer applications in land use analysis, urban and environmental planning. I am interested in the integration of innovative technologies with land-use planning and environmental analysis. More specifically, my research efforts have been directed at the analysis and design of dynamic models and the use of spatial analysis systems, commonly referred to as geographic information systems.

I have been the principal or co-principal investigator for the development of a geographic information system and database for the Florida Department of Transportation and for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. That database called “The Florida Geographic Data Library” is a data library for the dissemination of GIS data to federal and state agencies and to the citizens of Florida, including secondary schools, libraries, planning organizations, private corporations and businesses, and individual citizens. I have also completed a five-year project, as co-principal investigator, with a team of multidisciplinary researchers to identify and locate statewide greenway corridors and recreational trails. With greenways my work has continued as a co-principal investigator on a grant for the U.S. Department of Environmental Protection that locates greenway opportunities in the Southeastern United States.

My latest and perhaps most exciting research effort, trying to understand the use of spatial conflict for land-use analysis, resulted in the development of “LUCIS” or more formally, the Land-Use Conflict Identification Strategy. The utilization of LUCIS has produced significant results while assisting planning organizations, students, and citizens of Florida as they attempt to make critical future land use decisions. The LUCIS team has been instrumental in assisting numerous Florida communities, in every region of Florida, to actively engage in land use visioning exercises. The result, we believe, is a more comprehensive community visioning tool and consequently better informed community planning. Our efforts have resulted in three APA national awards, a State of Florida award, and a book “Smart Land-Use Analysis: the LUCIS Model”.


President and Co-founder of GeoFocus, Incorporated. GeoFocus was a small computer systems and application development company specializing in creative use of geographic information systems. GeoFocus began as a merger of GeoSource, Inc. with faculty and staff from the University of Florida’s GeoPlanCenter, 1991 - 1995. I was the President from 1991 - 1995. The University of Florida was a stockholder in GeoFocus and had a voting representative on the Corporate Board of Directors. When the company was sold in July 1996 I was retained as consultant for special projects. My consultant relationship with GeoFocus is inactive.


  • IBM
  • Reedy Creek Improvement District
  • ESRI France
  • American Bankers Insurance Group
  • MonroeCounty
  • Camp, Dresser and McKee
  • Duke Power
  • Florida Power & Light
  • Trimble Navigation

Bureau of Land and Water Management, Department of Community Affairs.

Internship requirement for Masterof Arts in Urban and Regional Planning degree. Responsible for review and analysis of the methods employed by electric utilities to project future electric demand capacity. May 1980 - August 1980.

Consolidated Edison Company of New York; Buchanan, New York.

Nuclear plant operator. Responsible for the operation of the Chemical Systems Control Room at Indian Point Unit-1 Nuclear Facilities. August 1972 - June 1974.

U. S. Navy; U.S.S. Woodrow Wilson SSBN 624 Submarine Service. Nuclear plant operator. Maintenance and operation of the nuclear plant electric power distribution system. October 1965 - December 1971.


Electric Power Research Institute and Photo Science Corporation.

A source expert on the Transmission Line Delineation Modeling Team. Consultant Relationship is currently active. Clients include:Georgia Transmission Corporation and

Kentucky Power

Electric Power Research Institute and Georgia Transmission Corporation.

Develop a Transmission Line Delineation Modeling Methodology (Completed 2004).

PhotoScience, Inc.

Review Model and Modeling Procedures for Transmission Corridor Locations (Completed 2002).

St. Johns River Water Management District.

Review Growth Potential Model and Modeling Procedures for the District’s Water Consumption Modeling Efforts (Completed 2003).

Board of Directors GIS Associates, Inc.

Provide leadership, guidance, and advice to the owners and managing executives of the corporation. Consultant relationship is currently active.

East Central Florida Regional Planning Council.

Review consultant responses to RFP for the Wekiva Protection project. This included ranking responses and reviewing model and plan results. (Completed 2002).

Munroe Regional Health Systems.

Develop a GIS and population distribution model for location of new facilities. This included a new hospital and new out-patient-care facilities. (Complete 2001).

National Conservation Training Center, US Fish and Wildlife.

Develop and Teach advanced spatial analysis course at the center, “GISTechniques for Regional Conservation Planning”. I have taught the “GIS Techniques for Regional Conservation Planning” course 13 times since January 1998. (Completed 2005).

Reedy Creek Improvement District.

Develop a GIS for support of concurrence management. Reedy Creek Improvement District is a special district established by the State of Florida for the Disney Corporation(Completed 2001).

IBM Corporation.

Numerous presentations explaining the use and applicability of geographic information systems.(Completed 2000). Presentations include but are not limited to:

  • North Dakota legislative officials
  • Dallas area property appraisal district officials
  • City of Chicago, Office of the Mayor
  • City of Chicago departmental directors and managers
  • Legislators, elected officials, planners, and environmental scientists

for theState of Connecticut

  • IBM Executive Conference, Atlanta, GA.

American Bankers Insurance Group.

Consultant for the development of a national GIS for the identification of property structures within the Flood Insurance Rate Map boundaries as defined by FEMA(Completed 1996).

IBM Corporation.

Expert for geographic information systems course for corporate marketing representatives. Materials developed for this course included 1) text, 2) video tapes, and 3) audio tapes (Completed 1991).

IBM Corporation.

Consultant with RUIS project at the city and county of San DiegoCalifornia, training for project staffs in GIS programming(Completed 1991).

Florida Power & Light.

Train personnel in the use and functionality of IBM's GeoFacilities Information System. Provided training and consultation for development of land based information system(Competed 1991).

City of Ocala.

Development of an urban services database and analysis program(Completed 1984).



Robert Wood Johnson($193,913)Research to study The Impact of Coordinated School Siting on the Potential for Bicycling and Walking. UF#58172 6-1-06 to 5-31-08. I provided topic advicefor the research team regarding spatial analysis, statistical sampling, and statistical techniques.


Florida Sea Grant: Mapping Sea Level Rise for Property Parcels in Florida($8,375.00)

Develop a parcel base sea level rise map for the coastal counties in Florida. The intent is to identify over a range of 0-2 meters of sea level rise the property value loss(from 2009 base property tax records) in Florida. Aug. 2010 to Dec 2010.Active

Land Use Modeling Support for the Florida Department of Transportation: A Collier County Study($84,375.00)

Develop a Regional Future Land Use Model to Assist withthe Identification of Primary and Cumulative Impacts of a Future Interchange in Collier County Florida. The University of Florida Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy LUCIS+ was employed for this effort.Completed

Hamilton County, Florida through the University of Florida Foundation($90,000.00)

Develop a Regional Vision of the Land Use Future for the County Using The University of Florida Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy.Completed

East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Transportation($102,000.00)

Develop a Land Use Modeling and Visualization process in Support of Transportation Analysis Using the University of Florida Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy. Completed

Southwest Florida Regional Strategic Alliance ($37,500.00)

Develop a Regional Vision of the Land Use Future Using The University of Florida Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy.UF#62603 6/30/06 to 12/31/06.Completed

East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the MyRegion Group ($65,000)

Develop a Regional Vision of the Land Use Future Using theUniversity of Florida Land UseConflict Identification Strategy. Develop Small Area Spatial Population Distributions by TrafficAnalysis Zones. UF#62443 7/15/06 to 3/31/07.Completed

1000 Friends of Florida Growth Potential Mapping ($38,150)

Develop a modeling strategy and map growth potential in Florida from 2005-2060.This work has been cited in over 150 newspaper articles and editorials for this work.UF#58101 12/8/05 to 21/31/06Completed

Historical Resources Grants-In-Aid ($24,000)

Develop a GIS web application for mapping and information dissemination of historical structures data for Alachua County, Florida.UF#52879 8/8/05 to 6/30/06.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation ($249,992)

UpdateFlorida’s Digital Data Inventory for Support of ETDM. UF#60323 6/27/06 to 6/30/08.Active

University of Florida Service for the Florida Geographic Data Library ($189,966)

Developaservice account for the distribution of data from the Florida Geographic Data Library UF#48900800. Completed

University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship Award ($3,000)

Received a University of Florida competitive awardto support graduate assistantship as part of three year graduate faculty award for outstanding research activities at the University of Florida UF#PAW200403 4-27-04.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation($5,364,286)

Develop a GIS for support of an Environmental Analysis database and Efficient Transportation Decision Modeling methodology and applications.(UF#1506592-12/1355)Active

The Florida Department of Transportation – Turnpike Division($250,000)

Create a transportation planning tool to integrate the turnpikes work program for a multimodal transportation network. (UF#1506444-12) 8-19-03 to 9-30-05.Completed

The Southwest Florida Water Management District.($250,000)

Develop aGIS based decision support model to assess recreation, land use, and land management impacts within the district lands. (1506587-12) 4-22-03 to 8-30-05.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation($474,000)

Develop a model for the identification of faunal movement patterns and specific habitat corridors to determine ecological impacts associated with the widening of SR 200. (UF#1506570-12 UF#1506589-12 UF#1506351-12) 11-12-01 to 3-31-05.Completed

U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration($69,000)

Develop a GIS to analyze human uses or activities in coastal marine environments byevaluating existing management strategies and delineating ecological resources for marine ecosystems. (UF#1506566-11 UF#1506571-11 UF#1506591-11) 6-1-01 to 5-31-04.Completed

The Alachua County, Florida - Substandard Housing GIS Model ($18,000)

Develop a computer methodology to locate substandard housing from property tax information. (UF#1506593-16) 1-15-03 to 2-1-04.Completed

U.S. Army($24,508)

Define and map a Southeastern Ecological Framework for Military Installations. (1506582-12) 1-29-03 to 10-31-03.Completed

The Florida Defenders of Wildlife($7,300)

Identify and map linked areas in the North Central Florida region. (UF#1504376-12) 5-19-03 to 10-1-03.Completed

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission($42,425)

Develop mapping support for the nature-based recreation program. (UF#1506637-12 UF#1506561-12) 8-17-01 to 8-30-03.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation($2,892,277)

Develop a GISmethodology to support the environmental analysis and national pollutant discharge elimination system database and associated applications. (UF#1506436-12) 5-30-97 to 5-30-03.Completed

Department of Urban and Regional Planning CO-OP Program($58,892)

Develop a CO-OP program for the Planning Information Analysis Specialization. (UF#1506350-12 UF#1506551-12 UF#1506552-12) 8-15-03 to 5-6-04 and 1-8-01 to 6-30-01 and 1-8-01 to 5-30-03.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection.($2,500)

Provide modeling GIS analysis support to the department. (1506583-12) 2-19-03 to 5-10-03.Completed

U.S. Department of Military Affairs($39,375)

Develop a web-based GIS for Camp Blanding, Florida. (UF#1506557-12) 7-1-01 to 2-28-03.Completed

The Southwest Florida Water Management District.($70,000)

Assessment of recreational, land use, and land management impacts on district lands: A pilot project. (UF#1506565-12) 12-19-01 to 1-31-03.Completed

UF-City of Gainesville Police Department Crime Mapping & Analysis.($25,000)

Develop a GIS for crime mapping and analysis. (UF#1506539-11) 1-1-99 to 9-30-00.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Office of Greenways & Trails State

Greenways Plan($1,263,741)

Develop a GIS database and application and models for the Office of Greenways & Trails. The effort was to support a state-wide plan for greenways and trails within Florida. The project is a continuation of the Florida greenways GIS project. (UF#1504470-12 UF#1504477-12) 3-20-95 to 6-15-98 and 12-24-01 to 6-30-08.Completed

The Florida Department of Community Affairs.($100,000)

Develop a GIS based hurricane wind line map for local government assistance. (UF#1506566-12) 11-27-01 to 6-30-02.Completed

The U.S. Department of the Interior.($6,000)

Lead the conversion of the FGDL to the Federal Geographic Data Committee National Metadata Standards. (UF#1506558-12) 3-1-01 to 3-1-02.Completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency($355,400)

The project was to identify linked areas of ecological significance in the Southeastern United States. (UF#1504371-12) 9-15-98 to 12-31-01.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection.($4,714)

Develop a new GIS at THE GRMNERR. (UF#1506562-12) 8-30-01 to 12-18-01.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection($319,000)

Develop a land acquisition GIS for the Office of Greenways and Trails. (UF#1506531-12) 6-28-99 to 6-30-01.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection.($254,800)

GIS support and application development for the Florida Greenways and Trails Office. (UF#1506544-12 UF#1506554-12) 1-18-00 to 12-1-00 and 3-28-01 to 6-15-01.Completed

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission($35,500)

GIS support, application development and analysis for the FloridaBlueways Plan. (UF#1506520-12 UF#1506534-12 UF#1506547-12) 9-3-98 to 5-1-01.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation – Turnpike Division($753,709)

Develop a GIS for the turnpike’s MS-4 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System database/application. (UF#1506440-12) 2-2-98 to 8-31-01.Completed

Florida Department of Transportation($374,313)

Provide guidance and oversee implementation of the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Program to be located within the department of urban and regional planning at UF. (UF#150653811) 10-1-99 to 9-30-00.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection ($284,145)

Develop the Florida Geographic Data Library FGDL. A Statewide public access GIS database for the distribution of GIS data collected and organized by GeoPlan faculty and staff. (UF#1506508-12 UF#1506516-12 UF#150625-12) 4-1-96 to 12-31-96 and 3-4-97 to 12-15-97 and 1-24-99 to 12-31-99.Completed

Child Care Resources, Inc.($4,248)

Develop aGIS community assessment process for the Head Start Program of the Tri-county Area (Levy, Gilchrist, and Dixie Counties, Florida) (UF#1506533-12) 6-23-99 to 12-30-99.Completed

The Florida Power Corporation($28,900)

Provide expert advice to the land management office for GIS. Assist in the conversion of land based feature data into GIS format. (UF#1506526-12) 2-9-99 to 3-30-99.Completed

Florida Department of State($19,695)

Develop a GIS for Archeological Site Support. (UF#1506522-12 UF#1506435-12) 11-29-94 to 12-1-95 and 10-5-98 to 12-24-98.Completed

Monroe County, Florida ($15,000)

Develop an interactive multimedia bicycle plan CD-ROM for distribution of the County’s Bicycle Plan to the General Public. (UF#1506441-12) 3-11-98 to 12-20-98.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation($45,353)

Provide GIS support for rectification of digital aerial photography. (UF#1506439-12 UF#1506517-16 UF#1506518-16 UF#1506519-16) 9-5-97 to 11-14-97 and 8-27-98 to 11-30-98.Completed

St. Johns River Water Management District($64,598)

Develop a population based water use model. (UF#1506506-12) 2-14-96 to 10-15-97.Completed

Florida Trails Association($49,848)

Develop a digital database and provide a map series for the Florida Scenic Trail. (UF#1504470-12) 5-12-95 to 7-31-96.Completed

The Florida Department of Transportation($542,447)

Develop a GIS for an environmental analysis and create a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System database and applications. (UF#1506510-12 UF#1506502-12) 6-24-96 to 6-30-97 and 9-6-95 to 6-30-96.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Office of Greenways & Trails GIS($71,235) Continued GIS support for geographic information systems management, database design, and applications for the Cross Florida Greenbelt State Recreation and Conservation Area. (UF#1506465-12 UF#1506497-12) 8-23-93 to 12-31-94 and 9-8-94 to 6-30-95.Completed

The Florida Department of Natural Resources($137,504)

Develop a Geographic Information System for the Paynes Prairie state park. (UF#1506477-12) 8-18-92 to 6-30-95.Completed

The St. Johns River Water Management District.($38,360)

Provide support and analysis for the district’s GIS database development. (UF#1506498-12) 10-6-94 to 4-30-95.Completed

Caribbean Conservation Corporation ($25,952)

Develop a GIS for the Miskito Cays and support of the Paseo Pantera Greenway project. (UF#1506478-12 UF#1506438-12) 1-4-93 to 6-30-93 and 8-17-92 to 12-24-94.Completed

Alachua County, Fl. ($3,435)

Develop a method and provide a map component for the Alachua County Radon mapping project. (UF#1506489-12) 8-17-93 to 8-16-94.Completed

Florida Power & Light - Population Projection Model ($146,016)

Develop a GIS population distribution model to be used by FP&L for demand projections. (UF#1506423-12) 7-1-90 to 6-30-93.Completed

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection - The Cross Florida Greenbelt State

Recreation and Conservation Area Geographic Information System ($188,794)

Develop a GIS to support planning and management activities for the “Cross Florida Greenway & Conservation Area”. (UF#1506429-12) 7-1-90 to 6-30-93.Completed

The Florida Department of Community Affairs - Florida Radon Potential Mapping Group ($236,779)