EDUC 529:
Emerging Technologies for Transformational School Leaders
Fall 2016
Instructor: Rodney Thompson, Ph.D. / Class Meetings: Monday @ 5:30
Beaufort County = Wednesday @ 5:30
FAX: 843/953-8408 (School of Education)
CELL: 843-834-0828 / Location: Capers 310
Beaufort County = Battery Creek High (D 117)
Email: / Office Hours:
Monday 2:30 – 5:30 (Capers 325-D)
Tuesday 9:00 – 1:00 (Capers 325-D)
Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 @ Beaufort
Others by appointment: Just Ask!
Credit Hours: 3

PREREQUISITES: See admission requirements for the Citadel Graduate College the School of Education and CGC 2012-2013 Catalog, pages 44-46.


LiveText Registration: (Available at campus book store or on-line) One-time registration fee is good for all classes in your program of study. If you are already using LiveText, you do not need to register again. (Register by Oct. 1, 2016)

CitLearn Blackboard:

Student CitLearn accounts are created when new students are admitted to The Citadel. The student should receive instructions via email. Also, if they have access to Lesesne Gateway, this information is available on theStudent tab under the My Courses section.

The student can log in for the first time with the following:

username: CWID (8 digit campus wide ID number)

default password: Pass + last 4 digits of SSN

If the student encounters any issues, contact the Help Center for assistance.

ELCC Standards available on-line

On-line resources: Other online resources available on Blackboard Web Links

  • Smart Brief on Ed Tech
  • Tech & Learning
  • Education World's Administrator's Desk Newsletter
  • Kentucky Academy of Technology Education
  • ASCD Smart Brief
  • CEC Smart Brief
  • South Carolina Department of Education
  • American Association of School Administrators
  • National Association of Elementary School Principals
  • National Association of Secondary School Principals
  • National Association of State Boards of Education


This course is part of the educational leadership program and is intended for students who seek a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (Elementary or Secondary Administration); students who have a master’s degree and wish an administrative certification-only program of study; and students in the Ed.S. Program who have not completed this requirement.


Participating in online course assignments requires a great deal of self-motivation and organization. You must log in early and often and it is important that you schedule dates/times so that you will not fall behind or miss a deadline. Students are expected to participate positively in CitLearn discussion board, activities and assignments. It is imperative that ALL discussions and assignments are submitted by each due date. I highly recommend that you log into CitLearn 3-4 days per week and respond to discussion questions early so that you can be an active participant. If you wait until the last day to post or reply, you will not get the most out of the information. When a Collaboration session is scheduled, I hope you will carve out time to join in on the rich discussions and idea sharing. Attendance and participation for scheduled class meetings is required

You are required to complete an interactive presentation, and present to our class using at a date TBD. It is important that you start working on this presentation during the first week of class so that you will allow enough time to complete all sections as outlined on the Rubric provided.

**Cell Phones should not be out during class unless part of the instructional activity


Journal Review: Summary and Analysis (1)–Review a pertinent professional journal articleon technology models/initiatives that may be appropriate for supporting technology infusion). Write a summary and analysis formatted in APA Style, 6th edition that contains: a title page, summary and analysis. Citation of journal article and other references should be posted on the last page (See posted examples). Completed assignments should be posted on CitLearn prior to the due date. This activity is worth5 Points. This assignment provides evidence for ELCC 2.4, 3.1, 3.2.

Guest Speaker Reflection (5) (Candidates must complete 4)

I have invited several speakers to visit our class and share information about important emerging technology topics. Each student will write a 150-200 reflection relating to the topic of the guest speaker. Reflections are to be posted on CitLearn. This activity is worth 20 Points. (5 Points Each).This assignment provides evidence forELCC 2.4, 3.5.

DUE DATE: One week after presentation prior to 5:30.

CitLearn Discussion Board (5):Review the assigned discussion topics as listed in the syllabus: Post your comments in regards to the topic during the week the discussion board is open on that topic(Your individual post is worth 2 points). Read all postsand respond to a minimum of 3 other post (unless stated otherwise) during the week that discussion topic is open.In order to receive any credit, Replies must be substantive and relevant to the corresponding answer. Effective replies offer some reflection upon the specific ideas in the answers posted by others.No credit will be given for replies that simply state things like the following: I agree, nice job, well done, and the like, i.e., if a particular reply could apply to any answer, anywhere, then it is inadequate. The reply should have information that relates to the particular answer to which it pertains. Each reply receives either a 0 or 1 pointfor a total of 3 points, so there are usually 1 point to be earned in each Discussion.Chapter Topic Replies cannot be submitted late for credit. You will be asked to discuss/demonstrate discussion topics in class. This assignment is worth points 25 (5 Points Each). This assignment provides evidence for ELCC1.3, 2.4, 3.2, 5.1, 6.3.

Website Review: Review PK-12 School Website and complete forms for school selected. Upload completed forms to CitLearn on the assignment page. For talking points during class presentation, prepare to discuss strengths and weaknesses of selected website. Template provided on CitLearn assignment page.This assignment is worth 5 Points.This assignment provides evidence for ELCC 4.3, 4.4.

Review the ISTE Standards for School Administrators: Review the ISTE Standards for School Administrators (Section labeled ISTE Standards) and post review on LiveText Portfolio and post on CitLearn assignment page for ED 529.This assignment is worth 10 Points.This assignment provides evidence for ELCC 2.4.

Note: The assignment should be included in your LiveText Administrative Professional Portfolio as an artifact under the proper standard.

Infusing Technology into the Learning the Process Assessment (Activity):

Part 1: Candidates are to review a selected school’s current strategic plan as submitted to the SCDE.

A.Select a performance goal already identified in the student achievement section.

B.After a student achievement performance goal is selected, with a 50k budget, candidates are to develop a strategy and necessary actions steps utilizing emerging technologies to help the school close the achievement gap in the selected performance goal. Candidates should use the SCDE template for Strategic Planning to assist with the activity.

(See P. 20 & 21 of template)

Part 2: Candidates are to respond to the following statements: 200-300 word per statement

**Statements are located on the LiveText assignment page.

  • Describe how current best practices using an emerging technology (research based strategies) were determined to create and implement plans to achieve school goals.(ELCC 1.2))
  • Describe the process for assessing and modifying the plan annually in order to make adjustments to the action steps (ELCC 1.4)
  • Describe how you would utilize collaborative strategies to plan professional development activities that focus on improving student outcomes (ELCC 2.3)
  • Describe how selected technology improves classroom instruction student achievement, and continuous school improvement (ECCC 2.4)

Note: The assignment should be included in your LiveText Administrative Professional Portfolio as an artifact under the proper standard.

Infusing Technology into the Learning the Process Assessment (Presentation):

Prepare a persuasive, electronic presentation of the “Infusing Emerging Technologies into the Learning Process” activity to the “governing body” (Sample Target Audience: superintendent, curriculum director, and board members) and deliver it to the class. The presentation will be assessed in five areas: (a) convincing logic relevant to the target audience, (b) technical quality, (c) organization(d) content, and (e) effective communication skills (display). The PowerPoint (PPT) presentation to be posted on the Assignment Page of CitLearn. Presentations are due by 11:30 Pm of the assigned date.The presentation shouldsummarize the Strategic Planning Activity assigned to you. The PPT must “stand on its own” since you will not present it face to face, so ensure that the slides communicate effectively without excessive use of text. If you have the technical capacity to include your own accompanying audio presentation or visual aids with your PPT you are encouraged to do so; however, it is not required.Approximately 6 to 8 PPT slides should be adequate, but you are welcome to use more.This assignment along is worth 10 Points.This assignment provides evidence forELCC 4.1, 4.2.

Note: The assignment should be included in your LiveText Administrative Professional Portfolio as an artifact under the proper standard.


Grades for EDUC529 are based on a variety of assignments. The relative weights used for calculating the course gradeare as follows:

Assignment / Percent
Journal Article or Case Study Review / 10%
Website Review / 5%
Guest Speaker Reflection / 20%
LiveText Discussion Board / 25%
Review the ISTE Standards for School Administrators / 10%
Infusing Emerging Technologies Into the Learning Process (Activity) / 20%
Infusing Emerging Technologies Into the Learning Process (Presentation) / 10%
Total / 100%

Per the CPGS handbook, "only letter grades are given to evaluate a student's progress. No numeric symbol or percentage is fixed or assigned to the equivalent of any grade."

Final grading is based on the following scale (Plus minimum attendance requirement--see policy):

A = 90 - 100 %C+ = 77 - 79%

B+ = 87 - 89%C = 70 - 76%

B = 80 - 86%F = 69 or below


This course is designed for practicing and prospective educational administrators. The course presents the current state-of-the-art technology in using computers in such areas as record keeping, pupil scheduling, energy conservation, data collection and analysis, and the evaluation of programs as well as educational technology used to increase student achievement.

CONCEPTUAL BASE: Developing Principled Educational Leaders for P-20 Schools

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit prepares principled educational leaders to be knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical professionals. Candidates completing our programs are committed to ensuring that all students succeed in a learner-centered environment.

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit is committed to the simultaneous transformation of the preparation of educational leaders and of the places where they work. Specifically, The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit seeks to develop principled educational leaders who:

  • have mastered their subject matter and are skilled in using it to foster student learning;
  • know the self who educates (Parker J. Palmer) and integrate this self-knowledge with content knowledge, knowledge of students, and in the context of becoming professional change agents committed to using this knowledge and skill to ensure that allstudents succeed in a learner-centered environment; and
  • exemplify the highest ethical standards by modeling respect for all human beings and valuing diversity as an essential component of an effective learner-centered environment.
  • The Citadel’s Professional Educational Unit is on the march, transforming itself into a Center of Excellence for the preparation of principled educational leaders. Through our initial programs for teacher candidates for P-12 schools and our advanced programs for professional educators in P-20 schools, The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit transforms cadets and graduate students into principled educational leaders capable of and committed to transforming our schools into learning communities where all children and youth succeed.
  • The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit has identified 15 performance indicators for candidates to demonstrate that they are principled educational leaders who are

Knowledgeable Principled Educational Leaders…

  1. Have mastered the subject matter of their field of professional study and practice;
  2. Utilize the knowledge gained from developmental and learning theories to establish and implement an educational program that is varied, creative, and nurturing;
  3. Model instructional and leadership theories of best practice;
  4. Integrate appropriate technology to enhance learning;
  5. Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning;

Reflective Principled Educational Leaders…

  1. Develop and describe their philosophy of education and reflect upon its impact in the teaching and learning environment;
  2. Develop and manage meaningful educational experiences that address the needs of all learners with respect for their individual and cultural experiences;
  3. Construct, foster, and maintain a learner-centered environment in which all learners contribute and are actively engaged;
  4. Apply their understanding of both context and research to plan, structure, facilitate and monitor effective teaching and learning in the context of continual assessment;
  5. Reexamine their practice by reflectively and critically asking questions and seeking answers;

Ethical Principled Educational Leaders…

  1. Demonstrate commitment to a safe, supportive, learning environment;
  2. Embrace and adhere to appropriate professional codes of ethics;
  3. Value diversity and exhibit a caring, fair, and respectful attitude and respect toward all cultures;
  4. Establish rapport with students, families, colleagues, and communities;
  5. Meet obligations on time, dress professionally, and use language appropriately.

Disability Disclosure

If you need accommodations because of a disability, please inform me immediately. Please see me privately, either after class or in my office. To initiate accommodation, students must register with the Office of Access Services, Instruction and Support (OASIS) located in room 105 Thompson Hall or call 953-1820 to set up an appointment. This office is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodation and for accommodation in cooperation with students and instructors as needed and consistent with course requirements.

Honor Statement

As a professional educator, integrity is an expectation. Students of The School of Education at The Citadel are expected to meet the standards set forth in the Citadel Code. Available at:

Cheating and plagiarism violations will be reported and a failing grade will be assigned for the work in question. This class will follow The Citadel Honor Manual regarding plagiarism: "Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words or ideas as your own without giving proper credit to the sources:

  • When you quote another's words exactly you must use quotation marks and a footnote (or an indication in your paragraph) to tell exactly where the words came from, down to the page number(s). When you mix another's words and ideas with your own in one or more sentences, partially quoting the source exactly and partially substituting your own words, you must put quotation marks around the words you quote and not around your own. Then you cite the source, down to the page number(s).
  • When you paraphrase another's words or ideas, that is, when you substitute your words for another's words, but keep their idea(s), you do not use quotation marks, but you must cite the source, down to the page number(s).
  • When you use only another's idea(s), knowing that they are the other's ideas, you must cite the source of that idea or those ideas, down to the page number(s).
  • Citing the source means giving, as a minimum, the author, the title of the book, and the page number. (The Citadel Honor Manual)

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