Fall 2014
Term: Year
Grade Level: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: None
Description: This year long course is designed to complement Ellsworth’s or any other schools carpentry program. Skills learned here will help a student to decide whether a career in construction is an appropriate choice for them. This class is articulated with Ellsworth community college.
Course Goals
- Develop an awareness of the skills needed to pursue a career in construction.
- Develop safe and productive work habits for the construction industry.
- Gain an understanding of the processes in wood frame construction
Modules Covered
- Orientation to the trade
- Wood Building Materials, Fasteners, and Adhesives
- Hand and Power Tools
- Floor Systems
- Wall and Ceiling Framing
- Windows and Exterior Doors
- Roof Framing
- Introduction to Concrete and Reinforcing Materials
- Windows and Exterior Doors
- Basic Stair Layout
Grading Cut offs
A 90%
B+ 87%
B 83%
B- 80%
C+ 77%
C 73%
C- 70%
D+ 67%
D 63%
D- 60%
F 0-59% Failing
Class Rules
- Come prepared I will not give you pencil and paper, you will find them yourself from other classmates or return to your locker and receive a tardy.
- Do NOT sleep or simulate sleep, work on late assignments, work on material from other classes, or read unrelated materials during formal class activities.
- Do NOT write on, or deface desks, walls, tools, or other school property. Please pick up trash on the floor around your seating area and dispose of properly.
- Do NOT harass, intimidate, or put down other students or teachers.
- Profane language and shady stories will not be tolerated.
- Pen and paper work must be handed in when due. Work handed in late will be penalized 10% per day with a two day maximum. Make-up work due to illness or excused absences must be completed as per the student handbook. Online work is not accepted late unless an excused absence is marked on the admit slip.
- Food and snacks are not allowed in the classroom unless I give you permission. If I see them they will be thrown away.
- My name is Mr. Abbas or coach, anything else will result in a detention.
- The space behind my desks is my personal space, do not enter it with out permission or you will receive a detention.
- Decorations (toys and other) are not to be played with or defaced.
- The classroom needs to be cleaned up to a condition better then it was before you came before you leave.
Consequences of Classroom Misbehavior
Step One: Verbal Warning
Step Two: 20 Minute Detention
Step Three: 40 Minute Detention Parents Notified
Step Four: Office Referral Parents Notified
Step Five: Recommendation by the teacher that the student be expelled from the class with full loss of credit. Final determination will be made by the principal.