ILRI/FAC/12/BLD/SERV/04B / Furniture and furnishing supply and installation / Office furniture, window treatments and solar film installations.
Document Purchase Receipt No. / Date: / Serial No.

For further information, please contact:

Procurement Office-ILRI on Tel: +254-20-4223000... Email:


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) (

ILRI has its headquarters in Nairobi working in agricultural research and development. ILRI purchases substantial quantities of Engineering goods and services on an annual basis. Prospective suppliers are invited to submit their proposal of expression of interest to the address below for pre-qualification.

The information you disclose will be handled in the strictest confidence by ILRI. The Supplier will also be held responsible for disclosing incorrect or misleading information.

Submissions should be in a sealed envelope (not disclosing the source) which should be dropped and registered at the ILRI-Mail Office – Procurement Tender Box.



ILRI-Mail Office – Procurement Tender Box

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Old Naivasha Road

P. O. Box 30709-00100




All submissions must be received by 4.00 pm on 10th May, 2012 to be deemed “received in time”


This document is a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) for the provision of Furniture and furnishing supply and installation.

  • All the information contained in this RFP and in the Provider’s response will be handled with confidentiality by both the Provider and ILRI.
  • In issuing this RFP, there is no obligation on ILRI to select and procure all or some of the services offered.
  • Any information given by the Provider will form the basis of any contract that may be entered into between ILRI and the Provider.
  • ILRI shall not be liable for or required to pay any costs, expenses or losses that may be incurred by the Provider in the preparation of their Proposal.
  • All required information will be submitted on the documents specified in this RFP.
  • ILRI does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid of any Proposal and reserves the right to accept a portion of any Proposal.
  • The Provider is to submit a fully qualifying bid.
  • ILRI reserves the right to conduct unannounced site visits to the Provider premises.
  • ILRI may contact or arrange site visits to the referees stated in this proposal.


A copy of this Request for Proposal can be downloaded from the ILRI Website on

The supplier’s proposal must be submitted in two copies, bound, typed and completely printed in one sealed envelope. One Soft copy in CD-ROM should also be included .The proposal MUST be submitted in the format below.

The proposal is made up of the following sections:

Section 1: Company Information

Section 2: Financial Information

Section 3: Business Activities

Section 4: Trade references

Section 5: Certification, Accreditation and Approvals

Section 6: Agencies and Partnerships

Section 7: Management Policies

Section 8: Business Probity and Litigation Management

Section 9: Insurance

Section 10: Evaluation

Section 11: Declaration

All above sections will form part of the evaluation criteria.

The services provided will be exempt from VAT and excise duty under the terms of the ILRI’s Host Country Agreements with the Government of Kenya. However, a VAT exemption certificate will be given in lieu of the VAT payments).

The services will also be subjected to withholding tax (as applicable) as required by the Government of Kenya.


Companies willing to be considered for any of the mentioned tenders are expected to furnish ILRI with among others the following vital information, which will be treated in strict confidence.

1.1 / Full name of organization:
Is your organization (Please answer Yes or No) / Question / Response
i) A public limited company? If yes, please attach copies of the company’s memorandum of association and articles including any change of name
ii) Public listed company? If yes, attach copies as (i) above
iii) A limited company? If yes, attach copies as (i) above
iv) A partnership? If yes attach partnership
v) A sole trader? If yes attach business certificate
vi) other (please specify)
1.2 / Date of Registration of your company (Attach a copy of certificate of incorporation):
1.3 / Full physical address of principal place of business:
Full postal address of the principal place of business(include the postal code):
1.4 / Registered address if different from the above:
Map: Provide a description of significant features / roads next to the business premises.
1.5 / Office telephone number(s) Landline: Mobile:
1.6 / Fax number:
1.7 / E-mail address:
1.8 / Website address (if any):
1.9 / Company Tax PIN: (Kindly Provide a copy of the PIN Certificate)
1.10 / VAT Registration number: (Kindly provide a copy of the VAT Certificate)
1.11 / Tax Compliance certificate (Kindly provide a current copy of Tax Compliance certificate)
1.12 / Compliance with statutory payments i.e. NSSF and NHIF (please attach evidence of payments for the company staff)
1.13 / Proof of registration with the relevant government Ministry (if applicable to this Prequalification)(Attach copy of current registration certificate with relevant statutory bodies)
1.14 / Period in which you have been in business
1.15 / Names of the Shareholders, All directors and Partners (Please indicate the citizenship of the directors)
Kindly provide original copy of an official search report issued by the Registrar of Companies showing the directors and shareholders of the company (Companies For CR 12). The report should not be more than one month old.
1.16 / Associated companies(if any) Associated dealers(if any)
1.17 / Provide the name company’s certified Secretary/Auditors
1.18 / Please provide a copy of the most recent annual return together with a filing receipt.
1.19 / Name of (ultimate) parent/holding company (if this applies):
1.20 / Companies Registry number of parent/holding company (if this applies):
1.21 / If a consortium is expressing interest, please give the full name of the other organization(the proposed consortium partners should also complete this questionnaire in its entirety)
1.22 / Contact person within the organization to whom enquiries about this prequalification should be directed: / NAME:
 Office:
 Mobile:


2.1 / What was your turnover in the last two years? / ………… for year ended --/--/---- / ………… for year ended --/--/----
2.2 / Has your organization met all its obligations to pay its creditors and staff during the past year? / Yes / No
If No, please give details
2.3 / What is the name and branch of your bankers (who could provide a reference)? / Name of Bank:
Bank Account number(s):
Telephone Number:
Postal Address:
Contact Person Name:
Contact Person’s Position
Contact Person’s
2.4 / Provide a copy of the following
  • A copy of your 2008, 2009 and 2010 audited accounts

  • A statement of your cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position


No. / Particulars
3.1 / What are the main business activities of your organization? (Please specify).
3.2 / How many staff does your organization have? ...... Please provide a functional organization chart with number of staff in each function. Indicate the number under each category
i. Technical (Permanent………, Temporary……)
ii. Semiskilled (Permanent……., Temporary……..)
3.3 / Please generally describe the experience and expertise your organization possesses that will enable you to effectively and efficiently undertake the work you wish to be prequalified for as required by ILRI.
  • Attach you company organogram with emphasis on the category you are being pre-qualified for.

  • Attach CV’s of key staff

  • For expatriate, provide copies of valid work permit

3.4 / Please list your key resources other than staff relevant for the category under which you wish to be considered. For vehicles, machinery and equipment, show age, owned/leased, current status (in working condition or otherwise).


Please provide in the table below details of at least four (4) previous/current top contracts you have undertaken over the last five (5) years, or that are relevant to this prequalification document. Attach copies of LPO’s, Letters of award/signed contracts. Note that the referees may be contacted without further references to you.

No / Customer Organization (name) / Customer contact name and phone number / Contract reference and brief description: / Date contract awarded / Date contract Completed / Value of Contract: (KES/USD)
4.5 / Have you had any contracts terminated for poor performance in the last five years, or any contracts where damages have been claimed by the contracting authority/client? / Yes / No
If yes, please give details:


Detail any relevant certifications and accreditations by principals or accreditation bodies and attach copies of such certification. Such certifications may be for your company and for your individual staff as relevant to the work they do and the key skills for your area of expertise. Other expected certifications may be in the areas of Quality Management Systems such as ISO, Environmental Management Processes, Security certification or GSM Association certifications. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


a) Detail any agencies and partnerships that you have that are relevant to your business category. Attach copies of letter(s) of agency or partnership, manufacturers/principals appointments.


a) Employee Integrity

How does the firm ensure the integrity of staff? Detail any related policies ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Code of Conduct/Ethics

Does your company have a code of conduct? If so, please attach a copy. Indicate if the company subscribes to a professional body with a code of conduct/ethics.

c) Company employment policy

Does your organization have a documented employment policy? Please provide a copy. What are key highlights from this policy if in existence? What types of employment contracts do your employees have?

d) Customer Service

Does your organization have a documented policy on Customer Service? If yes, please provide a copy.

Which position in your firm is responsible for customer service and how is this position supported by other functions?

Does your firm use any performance management techniques, including customer satisfaction measurement if so, what are the key parameters? Attach sample reports.

e) Health and Safety

Does your organization have a written occupational health and safety at work policy? [No/yes] if yes please specify who is responsible for occupational health & safety within the organization and provide details of how safety is administered at the different levels within the organization and how you will ensure that any sub-contractor used will meet your obligations on health & safety issues.(Attach your organization’s occupation health & safety policy)

f) Waste Management

Will your activities while performing your contractual obligations generate waste or have potential in the event of an accident to cause damage to the environment? (No/Yes) If yes, please attach a copy of the waste management plan and the accident management plan.

g) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Please provide details of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs, if any. Attach excerpts to support your assertions

h) Environmental Policy

Does your organization have a written environmental policy? [No/yes] if yes please specify who is responsible for environmental issues within the organization and provide details of how environmental issues are administered at the different levels within the organization and how you will ensure that any sub-contractor used will meet your obligations on environmental issues. Attach a copy of your environmental policy.


Please confirm whether any of the following questions applies to your organization: Note that failure to disclose information relevant to this section may result in your exclusion as a potential ILRI contractor.

8.1 / Is the organization bankrupt or being wound up, having its affairs administered by the court, or have you entered into an arrangement with creditors, suspended business activities or any analogous situation arising from similar proceedings in Kenya or the country in which it is established?
8.2 / Please provide a statement of any material pending or threatened litigation or other legal proceedings where the claim is of a value in excess of KES 500,000/= (equivalent to USD 6,250).
8.3 / Has any partner, director, shareholder or employee whom you would propose to use to deliver this service been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct?*
8.4 / Please state if your organization or any of its shareholders, directors, or employees has ever been the subject of public allegations, under investigation, charged, prosecuted, or convicted, has had its assets blocked, seized or frozen or has a judgment entered against in respect of national or international law relating to the following;
Money laundering, economic crime, corruption, bribery, terrorism & any other economic offence
8.5 / Has the organization been charged for not fulfilling its obligations relating to the payment of any statutory deductions or contributions including income tax as required under Kenyan law or the laws of the country in which it is established?
8.6 / Please state if any Director shareholder/ Partner and / or Company Secretary of the Organization is currently employed or has been employed in the past three years by ILRI
8.7 / Please state if any Director / Partner and / or Company Secretary of the Organization has a close relative who is employed by ILRI and who is in a position to influence the award of any supply. For purpose of pre-qualification process close relative refers to parents, siblings, spouse or children
8.8 / Please state if your organization, any predecessor to your organization or any member of your organization is currently a party to any litigation that is in progress or has been within the last three years that is directly related to the conduct of your business.
8.9 / Please state if your organization or any of its shareholders, directors or employees has ever offered gifts or bribes to facilitate award of business or to facilitate payments or to obtain business advantage.

Business principles

Conflict of interest

  • ILRI insists on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of the business relationship with your company. Direct or indirect offer, payment, soliciting and acceptance of bribes in any form are unacceptable practices.

Please confirm your agreement to the above. Yes / No

  • To avoid conflict of interest between their private financial activities and their part in the conduct of company business, ILRI employees or members of their immediate family or relatives should not acquire financial interest in any company or organisation with which ILRI has commercial relationship

Is a member of your family or relative an employee of ILRI? Yes / No

If yes, please provide details


Please provide details of your current insurance covers as below / Value (Kes)
9.1 / Employer’s Liability:
9.2 / Public Liability:
9.3 / Professional Indemnity (if applicable)
9.4 / W.I.B.A
9.5 / Other (specify)


(a) Mandatory Requirements for Evaluation

The following documents must be attached. Except where stated, all copies must be certified by your company secretary or an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with a current practicing certificate.

For organizations not legally incorporated or registered within the Republic of Kenya, all documents must be notarized by a Notary Public

Item / Description / Reference Section
1 / Certificate of Incorporation/Business Name Certificate / 1.2
2 / TAX PIN Certificate / 1.9
3 / VAT Certificate / 1.1
4 / Tax Compliance certificate / 1.11
5 / Certificate from relevant regulatory authority (where applicable) / 1.13
6 / Trading Certificate/Practicing Certificate (where applicable) / 1.13
7 / Form CR 12 as issued by the Registrar of Companies (certified copy of original). Should not be more than one month old. / 1.15
8 / List of all Directors with Percentage of shares held, telephone and their postal addresses. / 1.15
9 / Latest Annual Returns and filing receipt / 1.18
10 / Bank Accounts Information / 2.3
11 / Audited Accounts for the last 2 years / 2.4
12 / CVs of Key Staff / 3.3
13 / Organogram / 3.3
14 / Certifications, Accreditations / 5
15 / Letter(s) of agency or partnership / 6
16 / Management Policies / 7(a) to 7(h)
17 / Insurance Covers / 9.1 to 9.5


 For any organization listed in section 3.1 (i) – (iv), this declaration must be completed and signed by 2 authorised signatories of the organization.

 For a partnership, the declaration must be completed and signed by at least 2 partners.

 For a sole trader business, the declaration must be completed and signed by the person in whose name the business is run, and witnessed by the business' auditor

 For any other organization, the declaration must be completed and signed as per such organization's mandate, a copy of which must be submitted to ILRI

I/We declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the answers submitted in this prequalification (and any supporting documentation) are correct. I/We understand that any misrepresentation will render my/our organization ineligible to participate in ILRI’s future tenders.
Position (Job Title):
Telephone number
 Office:
 Mobile:
Position (Job Title):
Telephone number: