Prepositional Phrases

Misc. 4
Choose the correct phrase:
e.g. What was the score, out of interest?

What was the score, a) out of interest?
b) out of turn?
c) out of the question?

Don't light fireworks a) in love
b) indoors
c) in difficulty

They got married a) on the church
b) at the church
c) in church

They teach that a) by school
b) in school
c) for school

We can get it a) at short notice
b) in short
c) in shorts

I like that one a) in difficulty
b) in general
c) in particular

His age is a) on the point
b) beside the point
c) off the point

He took his go a) out of turn
b) out of luck
c) out of use

Yes, please sit here a) by any means
b) by all means
c) by some means

I met Frederik yesterday, a) in the way
b) across the way
c) by the way

He has to go a) to court tomorrow
b) at court tomorrow
c) in court tomorrow

Yes, we have plenty a) in stock
b) on stock
c) for stock

He's a) over the level. You can trust him.
b) at the level
c) on the level

a) On the whole he's a good worker
b) In the whole
c) On the hole

Look at this one, a) as example
b) for example
c) by example

If you do wrong you will have to go a) in prison
b) to prison
c) for prison

They bumped into each other a) by default
b) by design
c) by coincidence

Usually the score is 65% a) on average
b) by average
c) in average

No winnings today, sir. You're a) out of order
b) out of use
c) out of luck

You can't disturb him when he's a) on the work
b) on the job
c) in work

Life is very different a) on sea
b) by sea
c) at sea

Living was very cheap a) at one time
b) at once
c) one at a time

a) Up to now things have got better
b) After now
c) Up to then

"Keep off the grass" a) On order
b) As order
c) By order

He joined the army to go a) by war
b) to war
c) at war