Curriculum Vitae

Business Address:5A BBE

University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA 52242-1324




  1. Higher Education

1998 Ph.D. (Biology), University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

1990 B.A. (Biology), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

  1. Professional and Academic Positions

2003-present Affiliate Faculty, Aging Studies Program, University of Iowa

2002 - present Lecturer, University of Iowa

1999 - 2002 Assistant in Instruction, University of Iowa

  1. Honors and Awards

1995 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award


1.Teaching Assignments

As Lecturer

Sem/Yr / Courses Taught
Course Number and Title / Enrollment / % of course taught / Other roles? / Other instructors
Fall 2014, Sp 2014, and Fall 2015 / Diversity of Form and Function Honors Labs (BIOL1412:A06 and A12 Fall semesters, A18 spring ) / 24 (A06) and 14 (A12) Fall 2014, 11 (A18) Spring 2015, 20 (A06 and A12) Fall 2015 / 100% / None; I am acting as the sole instructor; no additional TA
Spring 2013- 2015
Fall 2015 / Biology of Aging (153:160); on-line (EXW the last three spring semesters and this Fall) / 6-25 / 100%
Spring, Summer Fall 2013-2015 / Diversity of Form and Function (BIOL1412) / 330 - 400
30-40 summer / 75% fall 2013 and springs of 2013 and 2104
100% summers
50% Fall 2014 – Fall 2015 / Admin./TA supervision and training / Erin Irish (lecture 25%)
Brenda Leicht assisting with lab and TAs
Spring Fall 2013 only
Erin Irish
(lecture 50%) Fall 2014 – Fall 2015)
Summer / Principles of Biology II / 48-85 / 100%
2012 Summer / Practicum in College Teaching (650:380:001) / 1 / _
2012 Fall / Principles of Biology II / 374 / 100% / Admin / Joe Frankel helped with grading
2012 Spring / Principles of Biology I / 424 / 46% / Admin / Erin Irish
Bryan Phillips
2011 Fall / Principles of Biology I / 532 / 34% / Admin/TA training / Jeff Denburg
Erin Irish
2009 -2011 Spring / Animal Physiology / 46 -56 / 50% / Alan Kay
2009 Spring / Principles of Biology II / 355 / 55% / TA Training / Joe Frankel

As Teaching Assistant (Dates and other information available upon request)

Principles of Animal Biology (37:003) – 1 semester

Principles of Biology I (2:010) – 9 semesters

Principles of Biology II (2:011) – 13 semesters

Intro to Animal Biology (2:002) – 1 semester

Human Biology (2:021) – 4 semesters

Animal Physiology (2:124) – 1 semester

Fundamental Genetics (2:128) – 4 semesters

Animal Behavior (2:143) – 1 semester

Cellular Physiology [lab] (2:155) – 7 semesters

Cellular Physiology [discussion] (2:155) – 7 semesters

Molecular Genetics (2:171) – 4 semesters

  1. Other Contributions to Instructional and other Programs

2013 Jan 22Tutor Workshop Presentation “Strategies for Biology”

2012 Fall Critical Mass Mentor

2011 Sept Biology Department Representative to Iowa Community Colleges

Biology Teachers Annual Meeting @Kirkwood College Cedar Rapids

2011 FebBiology Department Representative at Annual Articulation

Conference @ DMACC Newton Iowa

2010 – 2014Biology Department Curriculum Committee. This included (20101-2012) being a member of the three person subcommittee tasks with developing the curriculum associated with the new introductory biology courses for Biology and other health related professional majors

2009 – present Aging Studies Program Advisory Board Member

2002 June 3 Presentation "Biology of Aging/Free Radical Theory of Aging"

Geriatric Psychiatry Topic Seminar, UIHC.

2000 Jan 3 Presentation "Biogerontology" Genetics Program Biogerontology

Seminar Series, Iowa State University

OUTREACH ACTIVITIES(through Aging Studies Program)

2011 – present Member of Visibility Action Team of the Johnson County

Livable Communities

2012 – present Member on the Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center Commission


2011 Summer National Academies Northstar Summer Institute on Undergraduate

Education in Biology

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