Users Manual
Electronic Filing of Export Goods Declaration
Prepared By:Development Team (PRAL)
Version 1.1Customs Electronic Manifest filling & De-consolidation SystemPage 1 of 39
Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Ltd. An IT Company along with Customs have strived hard to develop software which will facilitate the trade and the same time caters to the need of Pakistan Customs in various ways.
One more step which Pakistan Customs and PRAL have taken is to automate the Goods Declaration of Exports (Web based).
It was observed that the Exporter / Clearing Agent had to travel all the way from there office to Service Centre just to get their Shipping Bill manifested and the cargo would arrive late.
Therefore in order to facilitate them, PRAL has developed web based application which will allow them to submit complete Shipping bill information over the web to customs, and the Customs system will allot them machine number and they can get a machine numbered printed Gds at the ease of their office.
This manual will help the users in understanding the complete system and help them in preparing the GDs web based.
After going through this document you will know how to :
1)Log on to Web based e-filing module
2)Prepare and file GD electronically
3)Check for errors in GD
4)Amend errors and submit to Customs
5)Get a printout of machine numbered GD
Table of Contents
1)PreamblesPage 5
2)System RequirementsPage 5
3)Getting StartedPage 5
4)Logging on Page 6
5)Options TreePage 6
6)Create Exports GDPage 7
7)Field DescriptionsPage 8
8)Retrieving a Saved GD & Taking prinoutPage 13
9)Submitting a GD to Customs & taking
PrintoutsPage 15
10)Accessing a Submitted GD to view ErrorsPage 15
11)Frequently Asked QuestionsPage 17
In order to login, you need to get a password issued from PRAL 9th Floor Custom House Karachi. Only those agents who have been authorized by the Export Collectorate vide CGO will be issued Login ID / Password.
In order to Log onto web based application you need to have fulfilled the following system requirements.
System Requirements
1.User Id and Password
2.Pentium IV with window XP/2000 home edition, SP-II (Recommended)
3. Web Browser (Internet Explorer 7.0 Recommended)
4. DSL internet Connection (Recommended)
Export filing of Good Declaration or commonly known as E-filing Export can be accessed directlyfrom the given link the snap shots for further understanding below.
Type address bar
Logging On
After logging you are now ready to use the application after entering valid user Id andPassword.
Enter User Id in login field
Enter Password in Password field
Press Login button
Second page will page after authenticating login information. See snap shot below.
Options Tree
- Declaration
- Goods Declaration Exports
- Create Exports GD
- Search Exports GD
- Logout
Please see snap shot below
Create Exports GD
After Clicking on the Option “Create Exports GD” Following entry screen will open.
Field Description
- Job Number & Year
- Exporter Type & Consignment Type
- Transport Mode
- EGM (Coll, No. & Year)
- Consigner Name & Address
These are manual input fields in which you will manually enter the name and address of the Consigner.
- BL / LC # & Date
In this you will enter the BL number, LC Number and select date by clicking the date combo and select date.
- Gross Wt / Net Wt
- Number of Packages
Here you will enter the Qty being exported alongwith the Mode of Packing.
- Container & Marks Nos.
Here you will select the Container Number, Type and Seal Number of the container and also Marks & Numbers e.g’
Cont. # Type Seal #
APLU 123456 20 FT HYUNDAI 12345
Please remember to press ADDbutton once you enter the information otherwise the information will not be stored and will not be attached with the GD. If in case you have erroneously entered the information or have mis-typed the information, you can always delete the entered information and add a new one. When you enter information and press ADDbutton, it will look like this
You can always press to delete and add a new one.
- NTN No. & Sales Tax No.
Here you will enter the valid NTN no. of the exporter. It is a possibility that the Exporter may have more then one business with the same number only the Business Circle will change. Therefore just enter the 7 digit and press SHOW NTN button. It will display all the valid businesses of the Exporter registered with Customs, simply select the one against which export is being done the complete 11 digit code and enter.
Please ensure that you enter valid Sales tax number against which the NTN number is available otherwise the GD will not be validated.
- Country of Destination & Port of Discharge
For your convenience we have entered all the valid Countries and their ports in the system. Once you select a Country all the valid Ports of that country will be displayed in the Port of Discharge Combo. Care needs to be taken while selecting both.
- Place of Delivery & Port of Shipment
In this you will select the final delivery place of the consignment.
Port of Shipment is the place from where the consignment will leave out of Pakistan, you need to specify that.
- Flash Point & General Description
In this you will select the Type of Dangerous Good and its flash point. General Description is the field where you will enter the generalized description of the complete consignment since the consignment can comprise of different items.
- Payment Terms & Delivery Terms
Payment terms is the filed in which you will select the agreed terms of payment of the Consignment.
Delivery Terms in which you will select the calculation aspect of GD e.g; CFR, CIF etc.
- Currency
Here you will select the currency in which the consignment has been negotiated.
- SB nature & Unit Price Exclusions
BT = Border Trade
MB = Manufacturing Bond
RG = Rebateable Goods
EPZ = Export Processing Zone
Unit Price Exclusion, where you select that your price is inclusive of what (insurance, commission etc). so if u want that something should be excluded then please select that.
- Values
CFR = FOB + Freight
Insurance (if applicable)
Other Charges (if applicable)
Rebateable Amount (for complete consignment – if applicable)
If refund will be through State Bank then please check the Check Box.
- Form E information
Enter the Bank Code and the Number, select the date and the Value of E-Form. Select the Bank from the combo box and automatically branch combo will be populated with the related branch codes of the bank selected.
Each time Form E information of one Form E is entered please click the ADD button so that the entered Form E can be attached with the GD.
You can enter as many Form Es you like. But the total value of Form E must not be less then the total consignment value.
- Item Details
Enter a valid HS Code and the system will automatically bring the Unit against this HS code from Tariff therefore the Qty to be entered will be in that Unit only (Please take care).
Enter the Declared unit value of the item and the
Total Value = Quantity x Unit Value
Rebate Value of the item will be entered and the Wt of the item and the unit.
Description of Goods, Where detailed description of Item will be entered. If the consignment is rebateable then please select SRO from the List and then press the ADD button so that SRO can be attached with item and same treatment with Exemption if there is. It will look like this
and After completing the Item press ADD button to add item. Will look like this
You can add as many items as many as you want. But please ensure to save the GD in regular intervals so that in case of Power failure you do not suffer a loss.
In case of erroneous entry pressto delete the item or press to open item in edit mode.
After pressing the save button you can always take a print out of the GD to check whether the GD has been entered correctly or not.
Retrieving a Saved GD & Taking Printout
Please refer to Option Tree above
Go to the Declaration. Then in search Exports GD, a new screen will open as below.
Since the Goods Declaration is at a saved stage then click the Saved button. This window will refresh like.
Enter the Job number and press search a grid will pop up as below. Kindly select the Collectorate in which the GD was filed.
You can either open the saved GD or you can take a print out.
Submitting a GD to Customs
If you are finished and have entered the complete information, then press the submit button. The GD will be submit to Customs.
After 5 minutes you can access your GD to check the status of your GD either it has errors or it has been successfully submitted. Please note that once submitted, machine number will be allotted to GD.
Accessing a submitted GD View Errors
Once submitted you can go into the Search option and click the submitted button since you are trying to access a submitted GD.
The following screen will show in front of you.
You can either search your GD using the Job Number option or your Machine number option. Whichever you remember. Enter the number and press search button, do not forget to enter the Submission Collectorate. The GD will pop up in front of you.
Those GDs which contain error will have icon in front others will not.
- = Open GD in Edit mode
= View GD errors and Status
= Print GD
Once this icon disappears, the GD has been finalized and has been successfully submitted to Custom.
You can take the printout and go to Customs for Processing for further processing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1If i enter information in this web page and submit it and if I cannot remove the errors can I resort to Service Centre option?
AnsYes you can always resort to service centre option but our representatives are always there to help you out and if you feel that you cannot remove errors even after out guidance you can always go to Service Centre.
Q2Once I submit the data to Customs can I access it to change it?
AnsIf the GD submitted is in error and yet to be finalized, then yes you can access the data and amend it. But once finalized an error free then you cannot change it.
Q3If I submit a GD to Customs and after submission I feel that I have wrongly submitted it in wrong Collectorate or with mistakes, can I delete it?
AnsOnce submitted, you cannot delete the GD since machine number is allotted to it so you have to follow the amendment procedure.
Q4If I am enrolled for e-filing then can I at all use the service centre facility?
AnsService Centre facility will be open for you all the times but only if GD has not been submitted before.
Q5In case of any issue whom can I contact?
AnsYou can always contact the person mentioned below for any sort of issues.
Akbar Ali0321 2594501
Q6What if I forgot to save GD and I have power failure, will I have access to previous information that I typed?
AnsNo if you did not save the information you typed, you will not retrieve it, and therefore we recommend that if you have frequent power breakdowns then we suggest that you keep saving your GD after regular intervals.
Q7what if I forgot my Password?
AnsThen you will need to contact PRAL office 9th Floor to have your Password reset.
Q8Can I change my Password from my Office?
AnsThis provision has not been given so far but will be enabled shortly.
Q9If I have filed a GD at Service Centre and I can see the GD in Submitted Area, can I amend it at web portal and submit?
AnsWe strongly suggest that you do not use this web portal for amending Service Centre GDs.
Q10Can I change the Unit of HS Code since my GD is not being submitted in the code specified?
AnsNo you cannot because it is hard coded and it is impossible for you to change the unit. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you provide qty in the code specified.
Q11What if I want to suggest changes in the Web Portal?
AnsKindly contact Mr. Fida Muhammad at 9th Floor, we are always open to suggestions.
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