Minutes of the Meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in the Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 24th April 2017 commencing at 7.00pm.
Chairman - Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mr D Couzens, Mr R Doughty, Mr A Garlick, Mrs C Hewitt, Mr M Jones, Mr R Woods
County Councillor – Apologies received
District Councillors – Mr S Ogden
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms J Hudson
Police Representative – None
Press Representative – Mr A Hubbert, Sleaford Standard
Members of the Public – 2
1. / Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
  1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
  2. She congratulated the allotment holders for their efforts in improving the visual impact of the entrance to the allotment site in readiness for the Best Kept Village Competition.
  3. The Chairman reported that following the announcement that Lloyds Bank was to shut the Heckington Branch, she had written to all of the Bank Directors and the local MP, Dr Caroline Johnson on behalf of residents and expressing their concerns. Although the bank has made the decision based on commercial considerations, the Chairman wished to highlight the difficulties faced by residents in more rural areas. Dr Johnson had replied and confirmed that she too, would write to the Chief Executive, asking for a re-consideration of the decision.
  4. The Chairman reported that a lease from Lincoln County Council has finally been obtained after many months, in respect of the ‘old library site’. She thanked County Councillor Mr B Young, in his absence, for his invaluable help in ensuring that the space is now able to remain as one of the grassed areas in the village.

2. / Public Speaking time
  1. A resident and Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator reported suspicious activity and damage in an empty property which he had reported to the Police. The Clerk to write to the agents responsible for this particular property to advise them of the situation. The Chairman confirmed that the Police are aware of a number incidents recently reported of this kind of anti-social behaviour which continues to be investigated, and is thought to be local youths.
  2. A resident asked for more details and copies of documents in relation to the project of the relocation of swimming pool and play area as he expressed concern about the need to fell trees. The Chairman confirmed that there is currently no documentation to publicise as the project is still in its very initial stages of background research.

3. / To receive apologies for absence
Apologies received from County Councillor Mr B Young, District Councillor Mrs S Tarry, Parish Cllrs Mrs M Collins, Mrs E Peto and Mr M West and PCSO P Welby-Everard
4. / To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
None received
5. / Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 27th March 2017 to be approved as Minutes and signed.
Proposed by Cllr Mr R Doughty, seconded Cllr Mr M Jones
Resolved – that the minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting
Vote results – Unanimous
The amended closed session minutes from Monday 27th February 2017, previously circulated by email to Councillors for their comments were also proposed and approved with a unanimous vote.
Matters arising from Monday 27th March 2017 –
  1. Cllr Mr A Garlick reported that the 2 historical street name plates for Freeston and Welchman have now been sited. He thanked the resident again on behalf of the Council, for the kind monetary donation to fund this project.

6. / Financial Matters
  1. To approve payment of outstanding invoices
31-Mar-17 / 4047 / Turnbulls - Cement mix / 13.99
31st Mar 17 / 4048 / SHOCK Sleaford Round Table - A17 defib / 1000.00
31st Mar 17 / 4049 / CHEQUE NOT USED - VOIDED / 0.00
APRIL Cheques
1st April 17 / 4050 / NKDC Rates - Cemetery, Car Park, Chambers / 1236.14
1st April 17 / 4051 / Came & Company - Motor Insurance / 672.10
24th April / 4052 / JJ Contracts - Window Cleaning / 20.00
24th April / 4053 / NKDC - Renewal of Garden Waste bins 2017/2018 / 42.00
24th April / 4054 / Burdens - strimmer wire / 28.87
24th April / 4055 / N Marshall - Blacksmith - Allotment Gate / 906.00
24th April / 4056 / N Marshall - Blacksmith - Slide Bolt/key and repair / 190.84
24th April / 4057 / Wheelcraft - Call out and 2 x tyre repairs / 30.00
24th April / 4058 / Majestic Crystal - Retirement Gift / 70.50
24th April / 4059 / VOID / 0.00
24th April / 4060 / Council dinner - awaiting invoice
24th April / 4061 / Cllr A Garlick - refund of historical plaques & assoc / 45.21
24th April / 4062 / Black Sluice IDB - Drainage Charge / 68.67
24th April / 4063 / Lincolnshire County Council - Legal Fees / 500.00
24th April / 4064 / CASH - Petty Cash transfer in / 50.00
24th April / 4065 / NKDC - Purchase of Black refuse sacks / 219.48
Resolved – to approve payment of outstanding invoices
Proposed by Cllr Mr A Garlick, seconded by Cllr Mr R Woods
Vote results – unanimous
A printed summary of the quarterly total figures from Jan-Mar 2017 inclusive was presented.
7. / Receive a report from the Police Representative
PSCO Welby-Everard had previously offered his apologies for absence. He provided the following information in relation to local issues which the Chairman read out –
‘We have had three incidents in the last month of people getting into the empty properties in the village. (Location details removed). The Council empty properties team are aware of these incidents and locations. I suspect 2 of the incident are local kids. The neighbourhood policing team is aware of these locations and will continue to patrol the area when on shift.
There has been a series of Oil thefts throughout the County, we have had 2 in the Sleaford area.
There were a couple of shed burglaries and calls regarding prowlers in the local area. We believe these are probably all linked together and this is currently under investigation.
There was also an incident of ASB with regard to flowers being pulled out of the planters in the car park. I have viewed the CCTV (location details removed), but it only shows a slight disturbance in the very distance...
…We are also well aware that spring and summer is looming and this can bring its own problems with regard to anti-social behaviour and will make sure that the village is patrolled by the neighbourhood policing team.’ - PCSO Welby-Everard.
The Chairman reported that following the wilful destruction of flowers on the green, a donation had been received from a resident to go towards the cost of replacement flowers. The Chairman offered her thanks and appreciation for this kind gesture.
8. / Receive a report from the County and District Councillors
County Councillor Mr B Young had previously offered his apologies for absence.
District Councillor Mrs S Tarry had previously offered her apologies for absence.
District Councillor Mr S Ogden reported the following –
  1. Other villages within the area have expressed interest in the Heckington idea of naming new street names from the War Memorial.
  2. He confirmed that he will also provide a short NKDC report at the Annual Parish Meeting.
  3. He also confirmed that he is following up the suggestion that a traffic bollard is located on the pedestrian area outside the new Co-op pharmacy, following concerns raised by Cllr Mr A Garlick about the potential dangers from traffic cutting the corner.
District Councillor Mr S Ogden left the meeting at 7.22pm.
9. / Receive a report from the Clerk
  1. The Clerk informed Councillors that over the next few weeks the internal Council Policy documents will be e-mailed out for prior consideration to their approval at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
  2. The Clerk informed Councillors that a recent accident at the Council Chambers had been reported to HSE under RIDDOR guidelines.
  3. With the absence of both Cllrs Mrs M Collins and Cllr Mrs E Peto, the Clerk confirmed that the litter pick weekend, in preparation for the Best Kept Village competition, was scheduled for 29th, 30th April and 1st May on the Village Green. All volunteers would be welcome to come and help.

10. / Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations
  1. Cllr Mr R Woods reported that the Tea Rooms at the Windmill were now open. He stated they were still waiting for new windows to be installed in the toilets, but overall the site is looking good and well worth a visit.

11. / Planning Matters
(1) Applications to be ratified
  1. 17/0300/HOUS – Erection of rear extension – 28 Church Street Heckington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9RJ
(2) Applications approved
  1. 16/1555/FUL – Proposed erection of new detached dwelling – Land at 15 High Street, Heckington, Sleaford – Receipt of Amended Plans/Additional Information
(3) Applications refused
None received
12. / To update arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting
The Chairman confirmed that unfortunately the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, Mr Marc Jones, was now unable to attend and speak at the meeting, to be held at The Pavilion on Tuesday 9th May, however his Deputy Mr Stuart Tweedale would attend in his place. Anna Richards the NHS Communications Manager is still scheduled to attend and speak.
13. / To discuss disposal of green waste and general refuse
  1. The Chairman reported that during a meeting with the NKDC Operational Services Manager, alternative ways to dispose of general waste/road sweepings was discussed. NKDC are potentially going to remove the use of the skip provided, but they will provide an alternative lockable bin for the Caretaker’s use as a compromise.
  2. The Chairman suggested that the area at the bottom of the allotment area be re-instated as it is the most suitable area for burning green waste only. The area requires levelling and clearing but is easily monitored with the help of the Allotment Association on an ongoing basis to ensure there is no fly tipping. The Clerk to send letters to all allotment holders informing them of this.
Proposed by Cllr Mrs J Palmer, seconded by Cllr Mr A Garlick
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to take appropriate action to prepare the area at the bottom of the Allotment field for re-instatement as a green waste burning area
14. / To update progress with Best Kept Village competition
The Clerk to email Mr A Hubbert (Sleaford Standard) with the details of the litter picking weekend.
Cllr Mrs C Hewitt suggested that the verges on Kyme Road/Heckington Road/Littleworth Drove previously reported to contain a lot of refuse, were potentially too dangerous for volunteer litter pickers to work. The Clerk will contact NKDC, who are able to instruct their Hill Holt Wood team to clear up litter ‘hotspots’.
Cllr Mrs C Hewitt also reported that there is no litter bin sited at the underpass tunnel at the end of Howell Road and suggested that it would be useful. The Clerk will research costings.
15. / To discuss and review tree works
The Council is still awaiting reports, advice and quotes from professional tree surgeons so this matter is deferred to a future meeting.
16. / To update on progress on play area/swimming pool project
The Chairman reported that the proposed relocation project appears to have received some very good feedback from residents. She confirmed that the bid for funding towards the outdoor exercise machines has been successful.
17. / To receive general correspondence
  1. LCC letter about temporary Road Closure – Burton Road Level Crossing 30th May 2017 (0800 – 1600)
The Clerk also read out a further notice of intended works as follows –
  1. Carter Plot Lane East Heckington and Kyme Road Heckington, period of restriction for up to 7 days between the dates of 10th April and 8th September 2017.
  2. The Clerk to write to Highways to remind them of the dates of the Show Weekend and to suggest that any road works during that time should be avoided if possible.

18. / To confirm the date of the Annual Parish Meeting as Tuesday 9th May 2017 and the date of the next Full Council meeting as Monday 22nd May 2017.
19. / To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960
Proposed by Cllr Mr R Woods, seconded by Cllr Mr R Doughty
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved - to go into closed session
Members of the public left at 7.47pm
The Chairman reported to Councillors on a recent meeting.
No resolutions to be made.
Meeting concluded at 8.05pm
Name ______
Signature ______
Date ______

24th April 20171 - 17 Initials :