Premise Hire Form

Premise Hire Form

163 Woodborough Road St Ann’s Nottingham NG3 1AX

Tel.: 0115 958 2973 Fax: 0115 924 0903



Thank you for choosing Pakistan Centre for your event.

Please complete this application form fully and return within 14 days before your requested booking date. We will contact you in case of any queries.

Full Name:

Full Address:______

______Post code:______

Home Tel:______Mobile Tel:______

E-mail address: ______

Please provide details of your organisation if applicable.

Name and address of organisation:
Contact person: ______Position: ______
Tel: ______Fax: ______
E-mail: ______

Day of event:______Date of event: ______

Start time: ______am/pmFinish time: ______am/pm

(The building MUST be vacated no later than 30 minutes after the end time stated above otherwise you are liable for additional charge)

Type of event (please tick)

 Mehndi Wedding Seminar/Conference

 Birthday party MeetingOther______

Approximately how many people will attend: ______

Please state your requirements (please tick)

 Main Hall (Capacity 250 people)SmallRoom (Capacity 15 people)

 Small Hall 1 (Capacity 50 people) Kitchen (only for warming food)

 Small Hall 2 (Capacity 50 People)

Please tick any additional requirements.

 PA sound  Flip chart  OHP/PP  Laptop  Refreshments  Meals

(Additional charge) (Additional charge)

Other requirements: ______

The terms and conditions of hire are enclosed with this form and must be read before agreement to hire is made either in writing or by verbal consent.

I understand and accept the terms & conditions of hire, Pakistan Centre reserves the right to refuse or cancel a booking.

Signed: ______Date: ______

For official use only

Booking taken by:
Total required / £
Amount paid / £ ______Cheque / Cash (minimum 50% of total)
Date: Received by:
Balance due / £______To be paid at least 7 days prior to date of event
Final Payment / £______Cheque / Cash
Date: Received by:


  1. The contract of Hire shall permit the Hirer to use the area/space (e.g. main hall, small hall or such rooms as may be agreed). The Hirer shall not use any of the equipment in the premises unless specific permission is given by the Centre Manager or any other authorised person on behalf of the management committee.
  2. Intoxicating liquors/alcohol, drugs or anything of an inflammable, dangerous or noxious character shall not be brought onto the premises.
  3. The Hirer shall indemnify the Pakistan Centre against all claims, demands, actions or proceeding inspect of the death or injury of any person which shall occur during the period of hire or prior or subsequent there to if in relation to or by any reason of hiring. Provided always that this indemnity shall not apply in the event of any negligence on the part of the Pakistan Centre.
  4. The Hirer shall repay to the Pakistan Centre on demand: the cost of re-instating or replacing any part or the centre or any property in or upon the centre which shall be damaged, destroyed, stolen or removed during the period of hire or prior or subsequent there to if in relation to or by reason of the hiring. The amount of the cost shall be certified by the Pakistan Centre’s Treasurer and his/her decision shall be final. Unless the Hirer can show that such property was damaged prior to the commencement of the period of hire.
  5. The Hirer is responsible for the effective supervision of the arrangement and activities in the premises during the period of hire and for the prevention of disorderly behaviour so as to ensure that no nuisance or annoyance arise to the occupiers, of adjoining premises
  6. Authorised representatives of the Pakistan Centre have the right to terminate a function (after informing the Hirer of his intention), if in the opinion of the Pakistan Centre’s representative, an outbreak of trouble occurs and which appears likely to escalate beyond the control of Hirers
  7. No nails or fastening shall be driven into the wall, floor, ceiling or partition or any part of the building without permission.
  8. The Hirers must ensure that the premises are to be left in a reasonable tidy and orderly condition at the end of the function
  9. The Hirer is responsible for acting in emergencies and should be familiar with the instructions provided for action in the event of fire
  10. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations in respects of any equipment used
  11. Hirer must seek prior consent from the Pakistan Centre’s representative when using any equipment or electrical item not belonging to the Pakistan Centre.
  12. Pakistan Centre reserves the right:
  1. to cancel reservation if there is any suspicion that the function/gathering is or may contrive the Terrorist Act 2000
  2. to refuse any application as it may deem fit
  3. to cancel any letting on giving notice, in writing under the hand of the Centre Manager on behalf of the management committee to the Hirer

Upon any such cancellation, Pakistan Centre will refund to the Hirer any money paid in respect of the letting so cancelled, but will not be responsible for any expenditure or loss whatsoever, in relation to the letting which the Hirer may have incurred or be liable to pay

  1. Pakistan Centre does not provide car parking space therefore accepts no liability in respect of any loss, destruction, damage or theft of or from the vehicle or the contents of the vehicle nor is responsible for any parking/clamping penalty fines.