Vladimir Vestnik


Preliminary part of the New Knowledge

Chapter 1



The Expected Messenger

— Vladimir, we once discussed the prophecies about you by old and present day prophets. The prophecies certainly changed from one to the other, but nevertheless there is much truth in the predictions of these prophets. They even gave quite accurate indications about the information that you are going to reveal to the people. I can never understand how they were able to do that?

— Events develop first at the field level and then they happen in reality. The future has already been programmed at the field level. This information is accessible to the subconscious. People who have a weak barrier between the intellect and the subconsciousness are able to see the future.

Andrey shrugged his shoulders, he was thinking. The voices of children playing could be heard in the background. A saw buzzed somewhere behind the house. It was a warm sunny morning in June. Our house is secluded, hidden behind trees at the edge of the village. My Assistant Andrey and I are sitting on the open terrace of his cottage. We are located in a village near Moscow; all the houses here have been bought by Moscow’s holiday visitors and that is why no local people live here any longer.

We cannot give more precise and detailed information about ourselves at this point, so I will confine myself to the following: I am over forty years old, Andrey is over fifty; he is a lieutenant colonel of the reserve. He is the owner of the house, but I have been living here since 1999. I am busy writing the book about the New Knowledge that God has sent me. Andrey is my Assistant and he was born and grew up in this village. But he has now been living in the city of Korolev for quite a long time. Whereas I live in his house, he comes on visits at weekends as a guest.

Andrey: — I have an idea. Maybe, we should describe in the book all the details of your destiny, your physical appearance,the attendant circumstances and show how all these details match the predictions the prophets made about you. If I may say so, this would confirm your skill as God’s Messenger.

How funny it sounds: «your skills; God’s Messenger».

— First, do not forget that before the publication of the second book «On the Functioning of the World» we must keep what we are doing quite secret, otherwise journalists and curious people will not allow us to get on with preparing it for later publication and creating a positive critical climate for the reception of my ideas. I cannot disclose my physical appearance until the publication of the main book, and therefore I am not allowed to indicate the correct prophecies.

Second, it is not really my job to study the prophecies. When I reveal myself to a broad public after the publication of the second book «On the Functioning of the World», let the astrologers see how they feel about my ideas. Everybody should concentrate on his own affairs.

Anyhow, people’s minds are filled with different prophecies. People do not need to know if different prophecies correspond to reality, but they need the knowledge that will save them. They will feel its truth and its beneficial nature even without the prophecies and miracles. It is impossible not to feel the supreme wisdom of the God’s Message and to falsify it.

— That means, that you will reveal yourself to the public after the publication of the second book.

— Definitely, maybe I will give a press conference but you understand this will be much later

— I look forward to editing the first and second book «On the Functioning of the World» (Translator’s note: i.e. the first and second books about the New Knowledge). People need this knowledge so much! While you were giving me the assignment to tell people about the New Knowledge in installments in order to test their sensitivity, I was always wondering to myself: why do they always thank me after my talk? I am used to having this knowledge so I perceive it as something normal. But it is so new for other people! They are so happy that I opened their eyes, showed them something important and gave them at least a little hope in their lives!

— People feel intuitively that this is the knowledge that is able to change their lives for the better.

— I wonder: people are all different but still almost all of them comprehend the information well, particularly, when I talk about the information from the second book “On the Functioning of the World”. It seems to me that I did not explain much, but still I can imagine what will happen when all the New Knowledge is announced! It will be an interesting time…

I seemed to me that Andrey was glowing with inspiration. I did not share his mood, because I knew that many obstacles lay ahead of us before we would be able to be heard by a large audience

A Note from the Author

This book is the first of the series “Universal Ethics”. Here I start to announce to the world the New Knowledge given to me by God. In the book you can find excerpts from the first book «On the Functioning of the World» which is being prepared for publication and also excerpts of my talks with my assistants.

My main goal while I was working on the book was the precise presentation of the New Knowledge given to me by God - a true description of the real circumstances, facts, and contents of the talks and it was not my goal to create a literary work of art. I have never had an aptitude for writing and I began this for me unusual and difficult task only because of the need to transmit this knowledge which will determine the destiny of humanity. That is why I ask you to be tolerant about the literary qualities of the book. The dialogues may seem rather colloquial and even banal sometimes. My aim was to reflect reality as precisely as possible, and that is why I consider that I did not have the right to change the content or embellish the style. You will agree that we do not follow literary norms in our normal life. This is not a novel. Reality is more prosaic than fantasy.

Nothing in this book is invented. Several times at different moments of my life I learned that around ten magicians and clairvoyants, who did not know each other, had asked the Informational Field and had confirmed that nothing was invented in the book. Perhaps this is not a powerful argument, but it has a certain force.

The description of mystical moments will evoke skepticism in a certain category of reader. I could not omit describing these moments because they form an integral part of reality. However, in order to convince the reader, I have not written about all the mystical moments.

What I am asked to communicate.

There is an Access to Knowledge that is controlled from high above. Its limits are determined by the evolutionary level of civilization.

I am allowed to publish The Fundamentals of the true Supreme Laws - the Norms of Conscious Existence - and also to outline briefly a general description of the nature of existence, ,which is supported by scientific facts. All of this is contained in the last chapters of the book.

As several elements of the celestial plan have already been revealed by existing doctrines, the main new principle for humans will first of all be the information about the Supreme Laws. That means that Norms of Conscious Existence are the first and most important elements that I am allowed to communicate now.

As for the major part of the information about the true nature of existing problems, the concrete ways of solving them and the shortest way to achieving well-being. This will be presented in several years, when society will have become mature enough to receive this information.

You can read the details about the Access to Knowledge and the New Knowledge in the corresponding chapters of the book.

A Brief Outline of the Structure of the World

Everybody consists of two principal components – a solid (physical) body and a virtual body.

The virtual body is called by different terms – field substance, bio-energetic field, ethereal body etc. As these terms are incomplete, I have introduced my own term «escon» (which derives from the abbreviation of energy-informational structural complex). An escon is composed of a complex of stable energy-informational structures.

During evolution, the escon becomes more complex and the physical body becomes more complex as well. More precisely, the evolution of the escon occurs prior to the development of the physical body. The escons of organisms are composed of a complex of evolutionary composed organs that consist of stable energy-informational structures.

Therefore, a body is composed of a physical body and an escon. Moreover, the escon of the body dominates the physical body. The state of a body at any point in time is determined by its escon. This is true both for an inanimate object and also for a human being. In particular, the ruling influence of the escon of organisms or objects is used in magic.

The escon of an organism is composed of two main parts – the soul (which is also an escon by its inherent nature) and the escon of the body. The mind is focused in the soul and the body’s escon controls the physiological state. The hereditary programs of the organism’s acitivity are recorded in the DNA molecules contained in the escon.

An escon has some interesting properties. Memory is one of them, and also the aptitude to be in a energy (magnetic-informational or we may say telepathic) interrelationship with every other escon. Every escon is interrelated with every other escon in the Universe. Moreover, the strength of this interrelationship between escons usually depends on the similarities of the bodies that go with these escons. For example, identical twins exchange thoughts telepathically, independently of the distance between them.

Another property of escons is the following: as they are interrelated, they display the properties of a unique escon. This is indirectly proven by scientific facts, and is called the Einshtein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and the connection of photons.

Further details can be found in the sub-chapter “On the reality of God “.

As escons are interrelated, when combined they show the properties of a unique escon. This unity manifests itself especially in the behavior of an accumulation of similar organisms. For example, a colony of bacteria or social insects shows the properties of a unique organism with a unique soul – the vital activity is coordinated. I call this kind of organism a “super-organism”.

Animals and humans are also unified into super-organisms. Animal communities and human communities show signs of unconscious and reciprocal coordination of their behaviour, which has been confirmed by the latest scientific investigations. For example, humans are unified in super-organisms by family bonds, communal life, vital activity and their way of thinking. Super-organisms in terms of human beings are families, dynasties, professional teams, social movements, political parties, religious confessions, nations, and humanity as a whole. This means that everybody is an element in a set of super-organisms, which, in their aggregate, form a structural hierarchy.

The phenomenon – which we call “egregor” - corresponds, we might say, to a unique soul of a super-organism. By its properties egregor is a unique formation, with souls as its elements. If a body’s ruler is its escon, the egregor would be a ruler of a community of organisms. One of the properties of an egregoris the constitution of a leading element (i.e. of any soul); another is the redistribution of qualities and of the human potential.

All the properties of escons mentioned above are confirmed by numerous proven scientific facts. I will list the facts in this book and in my others.

As all escons are interrelated, they form a unique escon. Due to this unique escon all existing elements in the Universe are unified in a unique super-organism – the Cosmos. As an escon is a ruling structure, the unique escon of the Universe in turn rules it. By the aggregation of its properties it corresponds quite well to the concept we call «God – the Almighty».

There are universal principles for the optimization of the life of conscious creatures and communities (and accordingly of the hierarchy of super-organisms). In aggregation they form a code of the Norms of Conscious Existence:








The Norms of Conscious Existence are the true Supreme Laws of the Cosmos. Their description is presented in chapter 9.

The quality of life of super-organisms depends on the quality of the souls that compose them. That is why the overall objective is to educate the souls - by rewarding positive actions and punishing mistakes. The Highest super-organism is the Cosmos. Human beings are also a part of this super-organism. God, the Almighty is its soul. That is why the direction of the soul’s evolution and its main education are controlled by God, the Almighty. Accordingly, a human being and communities in general achieve satisfaction to the degree to which they follow the Norms of Conscious Existence and suffer pain if they violate the Norms of Conscious Existence. This phenomenon is known to humans as «karma». The main aim of karma and of the signs of destiny that are sent from high above is the correct education of the souls.

Therefore, following the Norms of Conscious Existence is the shortest way to obtaining the reward corresponding to their own merit and a reasonable feeling of well-being.

You can read further details about the world’s structure in the second part of the book and especially in the sub chapter “On the reality of God”.

Chapter 2


According to the hypothesis found in myths, the Lord of Darkness is the King of this World. Some people worship him as the leading element of evil. Therefore, Satan controls only those adherents who support him consciously. They have always been a not very influential minority.

There is another old mental monster of a parasitical nature on the Earth, which I call the EGP. (Translator’s note: The English abbreviation “EGP” is the direct equivalent of the Russian abbreviation “ЭГП”.)

People do not know about it. The EGP has an influence on people of different nationalities and convictions. Factual control of the civilized sections of humanity, and therefore of the world, is exercised by the EGP. And the most of the evil on the Earth is generated by it and not by the Lord of Darkness.

It happens, however, that their aims and methods overlap. Their strategic guide lines are also correlated in many respects, because the one or the other are guided by selfishness (individual and collective) and both are on the same side – that of evil. Butconflictsbetweenthem are not rare either

The EGP is less radical in terms of evil than the Lord of Darkness, because it takes care of its members as far as possible. In order to increase its life potential it actively uses both good and evil. However, the evil is usually well concealed under good intentions. It succeeds in hiding its true objectives under the external appearances of the good. The EGP creates a cunning mechanism of enslavement.

Many of the structures and ideologies adopted by people that are meant to bring truth and good were created under its invisible direction. The EGP and not - as many people think - the Lord of Darkness causes the greatest degree of evil. Even if the prince of darkness acts in secret, his evil essence is obvious to rational people. The lack of obvious evidence of EGP’s acts and the fact that they are hidden behind apparently good deeds provides the EGP with a life potential, large-scale influence and makes it effective. That is why the EGP is so very dangerous and harmful. That is why after many centuries of intellectual evolution people are still not able to master the power of evil.

The Cosmos is definitely stronger than the EGP, which is a relatively small entity compared to it. But on the scale of the Earth itself the EGP is the biggest among the negative mental-astral forms. Its power is directly conditioned by the negative energy accumulated by humanity. The Almighty has no reason to eliminate it until humanity realizes how negative their own thoughts and actions are and humans finally conclude that they should work towards a creating a better environment for them, their relationships and activities.

The EGP controls the situation on the Earth both widely and deeply. The majority of people are incapable of adequately perceiving reality because of the fact that dominant world-views are created under its influence. The discovery of many important truths is impeded by the effect of the EGP. My mission consists not only in spreading the New Knowledge about God and the Supreme Laws but also in weakening the artificial barriers in the way of comprehension.