《Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary – Genesis (Vol. 4)》(Various Authors)
44 Chapter 44
Verses 1-5
Isa . Yet now hear, O Jacob my Servant, &c.
The three Divine Persons in the Godhead are represented in Scripture as concurring in the salvation of fallen man. Our text is one of those interesting passages in which the Holy Spirit is promised in the Old Testament.
I. THE PEOPLE TO WHOM THE PROMISE IS MADE. The "seed" or "offspring" of Jacob, i.e., those who resemble Jacob in his state and character, in his spirit and conduct.
1. Jacob is here represented as the creature of God. "Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb." The same is true of all His spiritual children (Eph ).
2. God had chosen Jacob. Twice declared in our text. True also of His spiritual children (1Pe ).
3. In the text twice called the servant of God. His children are also in the same capacity (Act ; Rom 12:1).
3. Jacob is also called Israel. We know on what occasion that name was first given him (Gen ). It is the memorial of his triumph in prayer; and the promise in our text is made to those who, like Jacob, wrestle with God in prayer for spiritual blessings,
5. Jacob is here called Jesurun, i.e., "the upright one." Those who are interested in this promise are such as are upright before God. Imperfection may cleave to them; overpowered by temptation, they may fall into sin; yet they are sincere (H. E. I. 1022).
II. THE PROMISE MADE IN THE TEXT (Isa ). What is here promised is the Holy Spirit of God, the Sanctifier and Comforter of the Church. A blessing in which all other blessings may be said to be included. With it, and it alone, there come to the soul spiritual life, pardon, purity, peace, and meetness for heaven. Here promised under the emblem of water.
Water is a blessing—
1. Universally necessary. Without it, both man and beast must speedily perish.
2. Universally diffused. In some countries, indeed, it is more abundant than in others; but there is no habitable region on the face of the earth where it is entirely wanting. Nor is the Holy Spirit confined to a few favoured ones (Act ). This promise is being fulfilled.
3. Abundant. Note the promise of the text: "pour floods." He will communicate His Spirit copiously to earnest suppliants.
4. Cheap. Generally cheap, as the light of the sun, or as the air we breathe. What can be cheaper than the grace of the Spirit? Too precious to be sold (Job ). It is the free gift of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Joh 4:10).
III. THE EFFECTS ATTENDING THE FULFILMENT OF THIS PROMISE (Isa ). When the earth has been long without rain, the whole face of nature assumes a mournful and sterile appearance. Let rain be given, and fertility and beauty are seen on every side. Without the Holy Spirit, there is barrenness in the Church. When the Spirit is poured out upon the Church, what are the results?
1. Its converts become exceedingly numerous. "They shall spring up as among the grass"—numerous as the blades of grass. Preliminary fulfilments of the promise (Act ; Act 4:34; Act 5:14). In every age since that time, the number of converts has multiplied in proportion to the outpouring of the Spirit.
2. Its converts become distinguished for the rapidity and luxuriance of their spiritual growth. "They spring up as willows by the water-courses" (cf. Hos ). The young convert, watered by the dews of the Spirit, makes rapid progress in spiritual knowledge and in grace. He rivals the lily in grace, the olive-tree in beauty, the cedar in stateliness, and the vine in fruitfulness. He ripens as quickly as the full-grown ear of corn; and, like the vine of Lebanon, diffuses around him the most delightful fragrance.
3. They are animated by the purest spirit of self-dedication to the Lord, and of cordial attachment to His people (Isa ). That is, they shall dedicate themselves to the Lord as His faithful servants and sincere worshippers; and separating themselves from the ungodly and profane, shall solemnly and publicly join themselves to His Church. That this is the duty of those who have been converted and benefited by the Spirit, may be safely inferred from the practice of the Church in every age (Act 2:44; Act 2:46). Can we do better than follow the example set us by the primitive Church? Is it not at once our duty and the most likely way to promote the edification and salvation of our souls? Are we not more likely to go to heaven in company with those who travel thither, than by keeping aloof from them? (H. E. I. 3903-3911.)
1. What resemblance do we bear to the character of the people to whom the promise is made? Is the workmanship of God seen in us? Does the sanctity of our lives prove that we are His elect people? Are we men of fervent and persevering prayer? Are we sincere and upright before God?
2. Has the promise of the text been fulfilled to our souls? We so absolutely need the grace of the Spirit that we must perish, if we have it not. There is no good reason why we should be without it; like water, it is everywhere placed within our reach, and may be obtained in the greatest abundance by only asking for it. How inexcusable, then, must we be, if we still remain without it!
3. Some of us profess to have received the Spirit! What are the effects which He has produced on our spirit and conduct? (H. E. I. 2897, 2898, 1430-1437).
4. Have you truly dedicated yourself to God? and have you joined His people?—Daniel Rees: Sermons, pp. 469-479.
(For Whit-Sunday.)
Isa . I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, &c.
When God designed the recovery of ruined man, He purposed to accomplish the gracious and glorious work by two great means: by giving the Son to take upon Him our nature, to obey and suffer for us therein; and by sending the Holy Spirit, to render all that Christ has done and suffered for us applicable and effectual to the salvation of our souls.
In this Scripture an abundant effusion of the Spirit is promised to the Church, under the emblem of water: "I will pour water upon him that is thirsty." Being made truly sensible of spiritual need, and earnestly desirous of something better than creature satisfaction, this declaration promises a supply of spiritual blessings for the refreshment of the soul. Is that soul barren as the dry ground where there is no water? There is an enlargement of the promise—floods of grace are spoken of: "and floods upon the dry ground." Then there is an explanation, in the plainest language: "I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and My blessings upon thine offspring."
This promise was strikingly fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. It is doubtless to have a more complete fulfilment in that happy and glorious state which yet awaits the Church, when the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth, as the waters cover the sea. But it has also a most important reference to those operations which are carried on by the Holy Spirit in our own souls, and upon which our salvation depends (Joh ). Let us, then, reverently study what has been revealed to us in the Word of God concerning the being and operations of the Holy Spirit.
1. The Spirit, of whom this and other Scriptures speak to us, is Divine.
(1) This, and more, is involved in our Lord's command, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
(2) The same distinguishing names and titles are given continually in the Word of God to the Holy Ghost, as belong to no other than Almighty God. "THE LORD" (2Co . Cf. Isa 6:9 with Act 28:25). "GOD" (Act 5:3). "JEHOVAH" (Cf. Isa 63:14 with Deu 32:12 and Num 14:11).
2. The Holy Spirit is not an attribute or operation of God the Father; His distinct personality is clearly manifest from several scriptures.
(1.) From distinct and visible appearances. At the baptism of our Lord. In Mat , we read of a distinct manifestation of three Sacred Persons, at one time and place: The voice of the Father was heard, "This is my beloved Son;" the Lord Jesus came up out of the Jordan; and the Holy Spirit in a bodily shape descended from heaven, and lighted upon Him. On the day of Pentecost. He visibly descended on the apostles, in the likeness of fire.
(2.) To "the Spirit" divine and personal attributes are assigned. He is eternal (Heb ). Omnipresent (Psa 139:7). Omniscient (1Co 2:10).
(3.) He acts in a personal manner, as one who has a distinct and personal will (Joh ; 1Co 12:11).
(4.) He has personal appellations (Isa ; Joh 14:16; Joh 14:26). He is called "a Comforter," which is the name of a person, and of one vested with an office; "another Comforter," to distinguish Him from God the Son, who is a Comforter and indisputably a Person.
(5.) The immediate care and government of the Christian Church has been committed peculiarly to the Holy Spirit. Regeneration is His especial work, spiritual life His especial gift; by Him the work of sanctification is carried on; all Christian holiness, and the exercise of every grace, proceed from Him (Joh ; 2Th 2:13; 2Co 13:14, &c.) He also qualifies and appoints persons to minister in the Church of Christ, and claims their services (Act 13:2; Act 20:28).
These testimonies place it beyond doubt that the Holy Spirit is a divine, distinct, and self-existent person, infinite in all His attributes; that He is also, with the Father and the Son, One, God over all, blessed for evermore (H. E. I. 2867).
He is the great Teacher, the Spirit of Illumination, the promised Guide, who alone can lead us into a saving knowledge of the truth. We all continue in a state of spiritual darkness and death until by His mighty power we are born again. It is only through His agency that the corruptions of the human heart can be subdued and mortified, and a holy conformity to the will of God either acquired or sustained. He is the great and only true Comforter, from whom alone any solid consolations come. His work in the soul is just as necessary for its salvation as was the work that was finished on the Cross; and no man, however wise or learned he may be, knows really one tittle more of spiritual things than he is experimentally taught them by the Holy Ghost. His blessed influences, which are so absolutely necessary to us, should be earnestly sought (H. E. I. 2871-2891; P. D. 1815-1821).—John Johnstone, M.A.: The Way of Life, pp. 172-196.
The suitableness of this passage to the important subject of the day, when we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, is obvious. Let us consider—
I. THE PROMISE. "I will pour," &c. This, then, is a promise of the Spirit, which is here compared, as in other scriptures, to water, on account partly of its purifying, and partly of its comforting properties. For as water cleanses the body and quenches thirst, so the Spirit purifies the soul and satisfies spiritual desires.
But who are they upon whom the Spirit is poured?
1. Upon the people of God, compared to the earth in the drought of summer, parched and thirsting for rain; upon those who are sensible of their spiritual barrenness, and are not looking for the supply of their wants to their own imaginary merits or strength, but are trusting in the mercy of God through Christ. Upon these the Lord will shed the Holy Ghost abundantly.
2. Upon the children of believers.
II. ITS EFFECTS. "And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water-courses." The image here employed implies two things—an increase of the Church, and a growth of individual piety. As plants and herbs spring up of themselves and spread in a grassy and well-watered spot, so did the Christian religion at first rapidly extend itself, through the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Thousands were converted by a single sermon, and churches were planted over the whole of the then known world. As the willow situate by the river's side shoots up quickly, so he upon whom the Lord pours His Spirit plentifully thrives and flourishes in the divine life. His faith becomes steadfast, his love pure and fervent, his humility profound, his knowledge and wisdom extensive and deep, his zeal ardent and constant, lowly and meek, his deadness to the world thorough, and his devotedness to God unreserved.
If the gift of the Spirit be so important, how earnestly should we pray for it! Prayer is the appointed means of obtaining every blessing, whether temporal or spiritual, which God has to bestow. It is the particular duty annexed to the promise of the Spirit (Eze ; Eze 36:37). Neglect it not! Pray first of all for your own dry and barren souls, that they may be visited with an abundant outpouring of the Spirit, and thereby be softened, refreshed, and fertilised. Pray next for your children, and pray in faith, expecting, on the ground of the new covenant and of the Divine promises, that your prayers will be heard and answered; your children are included in the promise as well as yourselves. Make a constant practice of praying "for the good estate of the Catholic Church, that it may be so guided and governed by God's good Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in the unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life."—James Gibson, M.A.: Sermons, pp. 87-99.
Three things demand our attention—
This is seen in the condition of the persons to whom this promise is addressed. Graphic and affecting terms are used to describe the state of the Church when the grace of the Spirit is withdrawn or withheld. It is a state—
1. Of destitution. The face of nature is entirely dependent on the dews and rains of heaven for its picturesque and fruitful appearance. In their absence the earth pines and languishes. Think of the condition and appearance of Israel, when for more than three years rain was withheld from it. As dependent is the heart of man upon God; where His gracious influence is not exerted, there is no true peace or joy.
2. Of sterility. This is denoted by the phrase "dry ground." Dry ground is barren. Equally barren is the human heart in the absence of divine influence; it brings forth nothing valuable.
3. This destitution and barrenness extends even to the rising generation. Grace is not hereditary. The children of the most devout are individually dependent on God for all excellence. Unless that dependence is exercised, all the excellences resulting from their religious education will dwindle away and ultimately die. The necessity of divine influence clings to us all.
This is represented in the metaphor by which it is described, "I will pour water," &c. The opposite metaphor, fire, is also used to describe the work of the Holy Spirit. The propriety and beauty of the metaphor employed here will appear if we consider—
1. The peculiar proprieties of the promised blessing. Remember
(1.) its cleansing influence.
(2.) Its softening power.
(3.) Its fertilising tendency.
(4.) Its satisfying quality. Nothing else so effectually quenches thirst.
2. The manner of its bestowment.
(1.) It falls from heaven.
(2.) It is imparted freely.
(3.) It is poured forth copiously. "Floods upon the dry ground."
When it is exerted, the results are seen—
1. In numerous conversions to God (Isa ). As grass springs up in the water-courses, and willows grow in the moistened earth, so where the Spirit is poured forth numbers of converts arise to call the Redeemer blessed.
2. In consecration to the service of Christ (Isa ).
(1.) It is individual and personal.
(2.) It is marked by holy decision openly avowed.
(3.) It is influential in its example. "One shall say … and another!"
1. This promise should teach us to cultivate dependence on the Holy Spirit.
2. Let us derive encouragement to seek an enlarged effusion of the Divine influence for ourselves and for others.
3. The promise and the pictures of the text appeal to you young folk. They show you what you are without the Holy Spirit; what you may become under His gracious influence; and they stimulate you to that personal dedication to God on which your present and eternal well-being depends.—George Smith, D.D.
Who are they that shall participate in these rich blessings? The region surveyed by the promise is one of destitution. It is a "dry ground." Months since a drop of rain fell. It is parched. Nothing grows. The land is thirsty. The land and people represent God's Church. It was a separated people (Isa ). Jacob and Israel, names of the chosen people. Jesurun, "my righteous" or "beloved one." So that the promise of the text relates to the Church.