Livelihoods Support Fund (LSF) Facility

Pre-proposal Application Formand Concept Note

(To be submitted by the individual or entity that will be managing the project)

The Livelihoods Support Fund is a small grants facility aimed at assisting coastal communities to undertake actions in support of sustainable livelihood programmes and enterprises. Priority will be given to livelihood activities that will impact positively onTobago Cays Marine Park and South Coast Marine Managed Areas.The Fund will consider applications from individuals, small and micro-businessesand groups.


If you believe you meet the criteria above and would like to apply for funding, please fill out and submit your completed application form, concept note and other required attachments to the National Parks Office, Jaycees building, Stoney Grounds (hard and/or electronic copies) with a copy submitted to the OECS Commission.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority

Ministry of Tourism

Attention: Ms. Tasheka Haynes

ECMMAN in-country project coordinator




OECS ECMMAN Livelihoods Support Fund

Attention: Joan John-Norville

Social and Sustainable Development Division

OECS Commission

Morne Fortune

Castries, Saint Lucia


Please contact the ECMMAN in country project coordinator Ms. Tasheka Haynes at telephone number 454-3023 or email or Mr Andrew Wilson, Director, the National Parks, Rivers and Beaches if you have any questions, queries or need assistance with submitting your application.

Deadline for receipt of applications and concept notes is 29thAugust, 2014.

Please type or print all information. Continue answers on separate sheets if necessary.

  1. Applicant Information. Detailed information on the entity / individual may be attached (e.g. organisation’s charter / registration certificate, goals and objectives, organisation chart, CV- max 2 pages ofapplicant / lead implementers)

Name of entity that will be implementing the project:
Registration no. (e.g. business / company / organisation, fisher license)
Organisational type (community based group / non-governmental organisation / quasi- government agency / business / individual)
Contact Person (Mr / Mrs / Ms)
Family Name
First Name
Middle initial(s)
Position or role in the entity
Target site / location of the micro-business / initiative
Phoneno. (Work) of contact person
Email Address

B. Concept note

(Use separate sheets if necessary)

  1. Title of the project


  1. Micro and Small Business/Enterprise information

Business/Enterprise name(s), physical address and contact information.List the business/enterprises which will receive assistance under the Livelihood Support Fund. An organisation / group may apply on behalf of a number of businesses / individuals.

  1. Project brief

Complete the table below providing informationon the proposed project to be funded under the OECS-ECMMAN Livelihood Support Fund.

  1. A statement of the problem, opportunity or issue to be addressed (max 100 words)

  1. Main goal / purpose of the project

  1. Specific objectives (3 max)

  1. Target beneficiaries
(type eg fishers, number by gender)
  1. Benefits (please list) to be obtained from the project [e.g. value added, number (#) of persons employed, income improved/ generated, linkages to other enterprises].

  1. Main actions/ activities to be implemented (please set them out as numbered points)

  1. Measurable outcomes and outputs (please set them out as numbered points)

  1. State howthe project will contribute to the ECMMAN objectives (including strengthening the management of marine and coastal resources, sustainable use practices for coastal resources and livelihoods improvement in fisher and coastal communities) (max 200 words)

  1. Actions /strategies (please list) to protect or mitigate against possible threats to environment and/or other livelihoods

  1. Duration of project (number of months and proposed start and end dates)

  1. External services required (eg small business/ enterprise consultancy, training consultancy, etc.). Indicate which of these services will be funded by this project; please include the estimated consultancy fees and expenses.

Total estimated cost of project (cash and in-kind) EC$ / Cash: In-kind: Total:
Other sources of funding (cash and in kind contributions proposed or received including business owner’s / applicant’s / own funds) / Cash: In-kind: Total:
Amount requested under ECMMAN (EC$)
  1. Other supporting documents:
  1. Evidence (letter of agreement/designation) indicating authority of applicant (individual) to represent community/group/organization (which should also be registered), where applicable.
  2. Curriculum vitae (see attached template) of applicant / lead implementers.
  3. Implementation Plan and Budget

I hereby certify that all information provided in this form and supporting documents iscorrect.

……………………… ………………………………… …………………

Name of applicant Signature Date

(please print)

Anyone providing false information will have their application rejected. Incomplete forms andabsence of required attachments may result in your application being rejected.

For Official Use only

Received by / Date / Signature
(NIE representative),
National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority
Reviewed by TAC
Reviewed by OECS