Pre-Proposal Application Form
Community Transition Program
Box 732, #4077 Highway 3 East
Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4T2
Phone: (519) 426-6147
Toll-free 1-866-334-8767
Fax: (519) 428-0074
Application Process
The Community Transition Program (CTP) has a two-stage application process:
(1)Pre-proposal, wherebyapplicants willdiscuss their project with CTP staff and submit the Pre-Proposal Application Form to the Community Transition Program office:
- Cover sheet (page 1)
- Narrative (page 2)
- Budget (page 3)
(2)Full Application and Business Case,which includes:
- A business case
- Measurable outcomes
- Detailed project funding budget including supporting documentation
- Projected milestones
- General company information
- Confidentiality, consent and certification agreement (for each partner)
When the Full Application and Business Case are complete they will be reviewed by staff and then presented by staff to the Project Approval Committee.
Applicants must read the Community Transition Program-Program Guidelines and will need to refer to the guidelines when completing the Pre-proposal Application Form and the Full Application and Business Case.
Applicants are required to work with Community Transition Program staff in developing both their pre-proposal and full application and business case.
Information from the pre-proposal will assist CTP staffin providing feedback to the applicants on whether the concept is eligible. All pre-proposals will be provided to the Project Approval Committee (PAC) as information. Applicants with projects that are deemed eligible for CTP funding by staff will be asked to complete a Full Application and Business Case for their project.
Applications will be accepted on an on-going basis until the depletion of the funding, but no later than March 31, 2007. Project funding could extend beyond March 31, 2007 for approved projects. Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Approvals and notification to applicants will occur as quickly as possible.
Suggestions to all applicants:
Create partnerships: The CTP program encourages partnerships. The extent of involvement and commitment of all applicants involved in the project will be considered.
Share the costs: The more each applicant contributes to financing the project, the stronger their commitment to complete the project and the stronger the application becomes.
Innovative projects:Projects must be innovative and involve new service delivery approaches, technologies, processes or products.
Project benefits:Projects should provide benefit to more than just the applicants, please identify the economic benefits to one or more of the tobacco growing communities of Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and OxfordCounties
Be specific:Applicants must be specific about how projects fit with the priorities and objectives of the program. Quantify the measurable outcomes of the project (e.g. number of jobs created, sales volume in dollars, acres, etc.)
Measurable Make sure the results of your project are measurable and that you have included
outcomes:information on how you will measure the short-term and long-term impacts of your project. Make sure the objectives are SMART(Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Time bound)
Any questions? Please contact theCommunity Transition Program Staffat(519) 426-6147 or toll-free 1-866-334-8767.
Pre-Proposal Application Form
Applicants are required to complete the entire Pre-Proposal Application Form, as part of the pre-proposal stage of the application process.
Title of Project:Please check the funding category the application is being made under:
- Sustainable Diversified Economy □
- Community Capacity for Growth □
- Human Capacity for Change □
Organization or Business:
Mailing Address (Street):
City/Town: / County / Region:
Province: / Postal Code:
Telephone: / Fax:
Potential Partners and/or Co-Applicants:
Names / Organization Name / Phone Number
Community Transition Program Staff Person(s) that assisted:
Application forms and supporting material submitted to the Province of Ontario will be subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any information submitted in confidence should be clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL” by the applicant. Inquiries about confidentiality should be directed to the Community Transition Program Regional Coordinator John Klunder at (519) 426-6147 or toll-free 1-866-334-8767.
By submitting this application the lead applicant hereby certifies that the application and supporting documentation are true and complete in all respects.
Lead Applicant Name (please print):______
Position: ______
Signature:______Date: ______
The Community Transition Program is supported entirely by the Province of Ontario.
CTP Program Guidelines Approved by PAC October 20, 2005
Revision February 2006
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Pre-Proposal Application Form
Applicants are required to complete the narrative section of the Pre-Proposal Application. Applicants may type directly into the form or hand-write their application. Applicants are encouraged to attach additional information as it relates to the application, but should be limited to a maximum of 2 pages.
1) Overview:Give a brief overview of the project. Please indicate if it is a new project or an existing project being enhanced.
2)Project Timelines:Indicate your estimated timelines for specific stages of the project.( i.e.: breaking ground April 2006, building complete July1, 2006, product hits the market October 2006)
3)Funding Principles: There are 10 funding principles outlined on page 2 of the Program Guidelines. Please indicate which of the 10 funding principles this project will address.
4) Benefits:Summarize the benefits which you anticipate this project will bring to the region. (i.e.: number of jobscreated, sales volumes, export sales etc.)
5)Other Government Funding: Please comment on your plans to include (or not include) other sources of government funding.
6)Other Information: Please include any additional information which you feel is relevant to the project. Please be sure to include any information that directly relates to the program goal:
“The Province of Ontario has provided $15 million to assist tobacco-growing communities of the counties of Norfolk, Elgin, Oxford and Brant to move to a sustainable economic base. The intent of the program is to fund cost-shared proposals that will help diversify the local economy and create tangible economic benefits.”
The Community Transition Program is supported entirely by the Province of Ontario.
CTP Program Guidelines Approved by PAC October 20, 2005
Revision February 2006
Page 1 of 8
Pre-Proposal Application Form
BUDGET (Page 3.)
Please note: The budget submission in the Pre-Proposal stage is to be used for discussion purposes only. Applicants that proceed with their projects and complete the Full Application and Business Case will need to provide much more detailed information and may alter the funding request at that time.
Applicants should review the Project Funding Limits as outlined on page 4 of the Guidelines.
Project Name / (1) Applicant’s investment in the project / (2) Potential request amount from CTP funding / (3) Total Estimated Project Cost- “Applicant’s investment in the project.” This should include all funding sources.
- “Potential request amount from the CTP funding.” This should be an estimation of the amount requested if the project goes to the Full Application and Business Case stage.
- “Total Estimated Project Costs.” This should be the estimated total cost of the project including all contributions.
The Community Transition Program is supported entirely by the Province of Ontario.
CTP Program Guidelines Approved by PAC October 20, 2005
Revision February 2006
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