Heritage Grants
Application Form to the Grant scheme forHeritage
Swale Borough Council has allocated £10,000 in grant funding to support community projects and organisations help achieve the heritage objectives set out in Swale Borough Council’s Realising Our Ambitions For Swale – Environment and Liveability. The maximum grant for any one project is £1000 and only one application can be submitted by an organisation in each financial year.
If you are interested in applying and would like advice or an opportunity to discuss the suitability of your bid prior to application contact the ECS Coordinator – 01795 417155
The fund is to support local, small scale community projects centred around improving Swale’s heritage offer, maximising the opportunities available to residents and visitors.
The fund will be open from 20 May 2015 to 31 March 2016
* Information must be provided
All applicants will be notified when their application has been received and set out the timeframe for a decision and payment if successful.
* Information must be provided
Before completing this form please read the accompanying guidance information.
Your Organisation: *Applicant Name: *
Full Postal Address: *
E-mail: *
Telephone: *
What is the status of your group or organisation?
Unincorporated Association (Community Group) / IncorporatedCompany Ltd by Guarantee / Registered Charity No
Other (please explain below) / Social Enterprise
Project or Activity
Please describe your project or activity (continuing on an additional sheet if necessary):
Please describe how your project contributes to the heritage objectives of Swale Borough Council’s ‘Realising Our Ambitions For Swale – Environment and Liveability’. A copy of the Framework is on the Swale Borough Council website or a hard copy is available upon request - (Pages 9/10/11 - http://www.swale.gov.uk/assets/Strategies-plans-and-policies/Realising-our-ambitions-for-Swale.pdf).
What heritage need/s is your project or activity addressing and how have they been identified?
Planned Outcomes and their Benefit to the Local Community
What are the specific benefits (outcomes) to the local community from this project or activity?
How many people will benefit from the project or activity?
How will you measure the success and impact of your project or activity?
When will your project or activity start and when will it be completed?
How will you ensure the benefits of your project continue in the future?
Your Organisation’s Policies and ProceduresSafeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults *
Where applicants are providing or proposing to provide services that are targeting or impacting on children and/or vulnerable adults, all applicants must have in place a safeguarding children and/or vulnerable adults policy.
Please indicate whether or not your organisation has such a policy that you are implementing, and that it is included with this application form. / Yes No
Equality and Diversity
Applicants are encouraged to have in place an Equality Strategy or an Equalities Statement that they are implementing.
Please indicate whether or not your organisation has such a policy that you are implementing, and that it is included with this application form. / Yes No
Carbon Reduction
Applicants are required to work to good environmental standards and to actively seek to reduce their carbon outputs. They should be aware of the work of organisations such as the Carbon Trust www.carbontrust.co.uk.
Please indicate whether or not your organisation has such a policy that you are implementing, and that it can be evidenced if and when required / Yes No
Financial (note 2015/16 refers to May 2015 to March 2016)
2015/16 (£)Total Cost of the project (please identify VAT separately)
Other funding sources related to the
We hereby apply for a grant of
Please identify any ‘in kind’ support the project will receive – eg. Donations of land, property, or professional expertise provided in order to support the project.
Please not that you will be expected to keep an account of spend on the project through receipts and journals, and provide these on request to evidence that the grant has been spent on what has been applied for. Please also note that the grant award must only be spent on the project as outlined in this application form.
I declare the information provided within this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and will provide monitoring information throughout and at the end of the project.
Name: …………………………………... Position: ………………………………..
Signature: ………………………………. Date: …………………………………….
Please tick here if you would prefer not to receive any updates on funding opportunities, advertising for the Local Engagement Forum, or any other community event that Swale Borough Council wishes to promote.
Please return a paper copy to the address below:
ECS Coordinator
Economy and Community Services
Swale Borough Council
Swale House
East Street
Kent ME10 3HT
For additional information and support please contact Brooke Buttfield at Swale Borough Council, on Email: , Tel: 01795 417155.
If you would like hard copies or alternative versions [i.e.] large print, audio, different languages we will do our best to accommodate your request, please contact Swale Borough Council or telephone the Customer Service Centre on 01795 417850.
For office use only:
Date Application Received Complete1
* Information must be provided