The minutes of the meeting of Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council held in the Committee Room above Staplefield Village Hall on11th September2017 at 7:30pm.

Present: Jon Gilley (Chair of the meeting), Andrew Keiller, Crispin Salimbeni, James Steadman, Maria Stokes, Dhana Mahendran.
Also Present: Liz Bennett (Clerk), Pete Bradbury (County and District Councillor).

1.Apologies for absence.
Apologies were accepted from Brad Williams, Bob Birthwright and Simon Stokes.

2.Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
James Steadman declared that he is a member of Ansty Village Hall Trust.
Crispin Salimbeni and Jon Gilley declared that they are both Parish Council nominated trustees of the Ansty Village Centre CIO.
Other interests not related to agenda items are recorded in members Register of Interests.

3.Minutes of the meeting held on 14th August 2017.
The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.

4.Planning decisions.
The following decisions were noted:

a)DM/17/1994 Remove existing metal garage and replace with agricultural shed. Copyhold Farm, Copyhold Lane, Cuckfield. Granted.

b)DM/17/2867 Garage conversion, new porch to North elevation and internal alterations. Copyhold Farm, Copyhold Lane, Cuckfield. Granted.

c)DM/17/2825 Part two storey rear extension on existing single storey breakfast room and new front porch. 3 Paternoster Cottages, Slough Green Lane, Warninglid. Granted.

d)DM/17/1393 Discharge of S52 agreement in relation to F.72/635 dated January 1973 and CD/71/97 dated April 1988. The Forge, Cuckfield Road, Staplefield. The agreements are discharged.

e)DM/17/1837 Demolition of buildings, conversion and alteration of buildings to form two dwellings and erection of car ports. Great Thorndean Barn and Old Great Thorndean Farm Dairy Building, Slough Green Lane. Granted.

f)DM/17/3038 Variation of condition 1 relating to planning application DM/16/5060 to substitute drawings 1.04 and 1.05 with new drawings to allow façade to be in profiled cladding to match existing.Beacon Fencing Ltd, The Old Sawmill, Pickwell Lane. Granted.

g)DM/17/2382 Beacon Fencing Ltd, The Old Sawmill, Pickwell Lane. Application withdrawn

h)DM/16/2347 Outline planning application for the approval of access details for residential development for up to 20 dwellings with associated external works, landscape and access. Land south of Bolney Road, Ansty. Granted.

5.Planning applications:

a)DM/17/3292 Single storey side and rear extension. New Dean, Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill. No objection.

b)DM/17/3341 Listed Building Consent. Installation of w.c., wash hand basin and shower behind a studwork partition within a first floor bedroom. Slough Place, Staplefield Road, Cuckfield. Noted.

c)DM/17/3495 Trees in a Conservation Area. Fell and remove Pine. Yew Tree, Brantridge Lane, Staplefield. No objection.

d)DM/17/3493 Trees in a Conservation Area. Two leylandii to fell and grind both stumps. Little Tyes, Brantridge Lane, Staplefield. No objection.

e)DM/17/3501 Lawful Development Certificate. The use of 1 building known as Old Beech Cottage as a self-contained residential dwelling house. This is an application to establish whether the development is lawful. This will be a legal decision where the planning merits of the existing use cannot be taken into account. Old Beech Cottage, Staplefield Road, Cuckfield. Noted.

f)DM/17/3500 Proposed part single storey, part two storey side and rear extensions. Internal alterations and a new front porch. Marigold Cottage, Orchard Way, Warninglid. No objection.

g)DM/17/3034 Application for outline planning permission for 30 dwellings on land at Bridge Hall. 9 of the dwellings will be for affordable purposes. Bridge Hall, Cuckfield Road, Burgess Hill. The Parish Council object to this application because the site was not allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan. (Policy AS1). The houses are to be built in open countryside and they will reduce the local gap between Ansty and Burgess Hill (Policy AS2). The development will also adversely impact the setting of a Listed Building.

6.Finance Matters.
The financial statement showing the schedule of payments for approval, the receipts, and bank reconciliation was AGREED and signed by the Chairman and is appended to these minutes.

7.Parish Council insurance.
The renewal documents were circulated prior to the meeting. It was AGREED to renew the Parish Council insurance.

8.Ansty Village Centre.
The tenders from building contractors are due to be opened on the morning of Friday 15th September.
The Clerk has spoken to the legal officer at MSDC regarding the possible difficulties of obtaining s106 money and the lease. It was agreed that a meeting should be held.

9.Road safety issues in Ansty.
WSCC are due to make a decision on Wednesday regarding the pedestrian safety measures proposed in Ansty.
The Clerk wrote to the Police and Crime Commissioner regarding speeding in the parish. A police officer from the Sussex Safer Roads partnership will be visiting the parish shortly to assess what can be done to reduce speed in the main problem areas.

10.Operation Watershed phase 2 update.
The work completed by Landbuild was inspected by Crispin Salimbeni, the Clerk and the Highways Manager. It was agreed that the work is satisfactory and that the bill should be paid. It was also agreed that additional work, such as widening the pipe under Brantridge Lane, would make the scheme more effective in very heavy downpours. The Highways Manager is going to draw up a new scheme. There is some money left over from the Watershed grant, although an additional grant may be required.

11.Brook Street phone kiosk.
Quotes have been received to convert the phone kiosk to a library. It was agreed that the residents will apply to the WSCC Community Initiative Fund for a grant for this work.

12.Brook Street layby.
No further action is required regarding the layby in Brook Street which it was thought was used by burglars to observe properties.

13.Defibrillators for the parish.
Maria Fielding agreed to talk to Staplefield residents about possible funding and the location of a defibrillator in Staplefield. Ansty Village Hall was also thought to be a good location for one. This item will be carried forward to the next meeting.

The contractor refurbishing and replacing the fingerposts in Staplefield and Ansty did do some work but seems to have stopped again. The Clerk will chase again.
A member of the public has offered to help refurbish the fingerpost at the junction of Copyhold Lane and Balcombe Road near Borde Hill. He will complete some of the work and a contractor will do some of the work. He has obtained several quotes, the cheapest of which is for £345 including VAT. The contractor has £10m public liability insurance. The Clerk has taken advice from the Parish Council’s Insurance Company. It was AGREED that they can proceed with the work provided that the member of the public understands that he is doing this at his own risk.

15.Reports from meetings attended, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
None received.

16.Chairman’s Correspondence.
The following correspondence was noted:
MSDC – Planning Policy Update, Call for Sites , Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) 4th September to 30th October 2017

South East Water Drought Plan – consultation ends 29th October

MSDC Health and Wellbeing Network meeting on Wednesday 4th October 10-12.

SALC training sessions.

17.Report from County/ District Council.
Pete Bradbury reported that good progress has been made on the District Plan. The Clerk and Jon Gilley are attending a briefing on Wednesday 13th September.
The WSCC Highways contract is currently being renegotiated. The Clerk will write to WSCC to express thanks for the support provided by Highways Managers.

18.Minor matters and items for the next agenda.

a)There are very large thistles and nettles growing between the Staplefield Play Park and the bus shelter. The Clerk will ask the contractor to remove them.

b)The Clerk was asked to report that the footway between Brantridge Lane and the Jolly Tanners in Staplefield is breaking up and causing a trip hazard.



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Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council: Finances 11th September 2017

Payments for approval

Ref / Description / Amount
Business Stream / 39 / Pavilion Waste Water / 7.24
TalkTalk / 40 / Phone / 25.00
SE Water / 41 / Pavilion water / 5.00
EDF Energy / 42 / Pavilion electricity / 18.00
Landbuild Ltd / 43 / Operation Watershed 2 / 10650.00
Came and Company / 44 / Insurance renewal / 1155.86
GB Sport and Leisure / 45 / Play park inspection / 96.00
Ansty Village Centre / 46 / Room hire / 108.00
WSCC / 47 / Salaries, pension, Nics / 1962.50
Chubb Fire and Security / 48 / Fire extinguisher service / 37.44
Elizabeth Bennett / 49 / Expenses / 18.90

Receipts in August

Ref / Description / Amount
Gatwick Trading / Q / Pavilion hire / 32.25
S. Hafiz (Ifield) / R / Cricket / 116.10
G. Crosta (Jolly Tanners) / S / Cricket / 309.60
Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council: Bank Reconciliation
31st August 2017
Bank / Cashbook
Current Account / 24623.67 / Balance forward / 42044.27
Deposit Account / 52689.45 / Receipts / 52205.88
77313.12 / less payments / -16937
Less unpaid transactions
77313.12 / 77313.12

Signed by Chair of Parish Council Meeting 14th August 2017