1.09.15Notes 8:00 – 10:30 am
Pre-Meeting: Discussion on Grading Practices (Cheryl Olson) [7:30-8:00 am]
- Welcome & Survey to Come (8:00-8:05 – Judy Flores)
- Cal-PASS Plus (8:05-8:25 – Ken Sorrey)
Ken Sorrey shared a PowerPoint that will be posted to our website – as soon as he sends a copy. His contact information is
- State Update: Achievement Level Setting(8:25-8:45–Judy Flores)
Judy shared a PowerPoint that was presented in Sacramento by Keric Ashley on the setting of the SBAC achievement levels.
- Writing Rubrics & Exemplars (8:45-9:05 – Mary & Kelly)
Mary & Kelly shared a PowerPoint and had table groups read a 4th grade exemplar to identify areas for improvement.
- EOY SBAC Testing & Use of SBAC Mirror Assessments (9:05-9:25– Mary Tribbey) – postponed to next month.
MaryTribbey will share information on end of year (EOY) SBAC assessments when she comes next month. We will be setting up an additional opportunity to come together to talk about SBAC results and ways to share these results with various audiences (teachers, parents, students, community).
- Academic Discourse & Questioning Strategiesin CCSS instruction (9:25-9:45 minutes - Mary)
Mary involved the group in a discussion to model discourse.
- Elementary
- K-3 Reading RtI (9:45-10:05 - Jennifer Baker & Kelly Rizzi)
Discussion by districts in small groups of what is happening in K-3 for reading interventions. Jennifer and Kelly shared the “Gold Standard” for reading/ELA time as well as a PowerPoint with great resources on Assessment Plans and interventions.
- Data for Elementary Math Interventions (10:05-10:25 - Rebecca Lewis)
Discussion by districts in small groups of what is happening in K-5 for math interventions. On the website, there are a couple of resources: 1) NCTM recommendation/guideline for creating or selecting intervention programs; and 2) RtI Math Resource Guide – page 11 has a checklist for carrying out 8 recommendations for RtI Math.
Here are the ideas shared by the table groups related to math assessments and structure of intervention time:
•1/2 class goes to PE/1/2 with teacher
•XL (online)
•Math facts
•Re-teach sessions
•Extended day classes 3 days a week
•Credentialed retired teachers reteach needed areas
•Middle school- catch up math
•Sum Dog
•Math Edge from Let’s Go Learn
•Moby Max
In addition, there will be a Math Pilot Discussion – March 19th from 3:30-5:30 at SCOE. The hope is that teachers who have piloted and districts who have purchased elementary math materials will come together and share the strengths and weaknesses of each program for the benefit of districts who are in the process of adopting math instructional materials. For more information, contact Jennifer Baker or Rebecca Lewis.
VII. Secondary: Determining data for secondary math interventions (9:45 – 10:15 - Chris Dell)
Next Meeting: 2.13.15
Thank you for your participation! A survey will be coming out next week to ask for your initial thoughts as we begin thinking about the focus and purpose for 2015-16.