Pre-Calculus – Mrs. Fasano
Welcome to Pre-Calculus! My name is Mrs. Fasano and I will be your Mathematics teacher for the 2012-2013 school year. You will take a district-wide midterm examination in January and a district-wide final examination in June.
You are expected to bring the following supplies to class every day:
1. Three ring binder with loose-leaf paper
2. Pen/pencils
3. Daily Planner for assignments
While you will be supplied with a calculator in class, it is highly recommended that a graphing calculator be available for your use at home (preferably the TI-84+).
∞You are in the classroom BEFORE the bell rings with your homework on your desk, working on the do now.
∞If I write something on the board, it should be written in your notes.
∞Class participation and group work are very important to a positive classroom environment!
∞As young adults you are responsible for your own work, and more importantly your actions. Disrespect of any kind will result in disciplinary consequences.
∞This is a college level course, so you are responsible for getting any missed work and coming to extra help when needed.
∞There are no cell phones or iPods permitted in class. If you are seen with them, they will be confiscated.
You must attend class regularly and arrive on time. If you are absent or late for any reason YOU are responsible for making up the work. If you are absent on an exam day, you are responsible for making up the exam the following day either after school or during your lunch period.
In a college level course, homework is an essential part of the learning process. It is your responsibility to complete ALL homework and come to extra help for any concepts you do not understand. Homework may be collected at any time and graded as a quiz. ONLY HOMEWORK WITH ALL WORK SHOWN WILL RECEIVE CREDIT.
Grades are calculated by incorporating all test grades, quiz grades, and completed assignments, including homework. Quizzes will be given frequently and may not always be announced.
Your Grading Formula: Tests and quizzes are graded on a points system. To calculate your final average, add up all of your points and divide by the total possible number of points.
*Please be sure to check Parent Portal every week to keep track of your progress in the class!
Extra help will be given every morning and/or afternoon by appointment. Students are encouraged to attend extra help especially if work has been missed!!
I look forward to an exciting math-filled year with you all!!