Lynch School Grant Proposal Process
Pre-Award: Submitting a Proposal / Responsibilities During Proposal ProcessThe principal investigator (PI) should meet with the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs as soon he/she plans to write a grant proposal.
The Dean’s Office requests a minimum of 5 days to review a completed proposal and the Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) requires an additional 5 days.
The Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs will review such items as:
- Human subjects
- Buy-outs
- Space
- Technology
- Graduate research assistants
- Tuition remission
- Indirect costs
- Summer salary
- Cost sharing
- Matching funds
- Proposal schedule
- Departmental support needed (proposal coordination of copies, fed-ex etc.)
Each faculty member has been assigned either BillCrowley, Susan Richman or Christine Hoage (International Study Center) as their fiscal officer. See the attached list and contact your fiscal officer as soon as you’ve met with the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs to alert them that a proposal is forthcoming. It is likely that they will be working on multiple proposals at the same time and will have to schedule accordingly. / The fiscal officer is responsible for:
- Developing a schedule for proposal submission in conjunction with the PI
- NotifyingOSP of your intention to submit a proposal
- Helping PI interface with OSP
- Preparing the budget for your proposal
- Providing the fiscal officer with the proposal guidelines and RFPs
- Collecting required documents for the proposal (institutional statement of resources, CVs, background information, etc.)
- Preparing the narrative
- Collecting any sub-contract narratives, budgets or related materials
- Requesting technological assistance for the proposal from your TC if necessary for shared files, server space, etc.
- Receiving approval from their department chair and their signature on the transmittal form
- Institutional certificates
- Reviewing proposal to insure all submission requirements are met and proposal documentation has been provided by the PI
- Final sign-off of proposal
Some agencies notify the PIs directly and some agencies notify OSP.
The PI should alert their fiscal officer as soon as they have been notified about an award.The fiscal officer will contact OSP.
OSP will then initiate the following:
- Send an official notification to the PI with a preliminary budget and project number with copies to the Dean’s office and the fiscal officers.
- Send the PI an authorized signature form. In order to access your account, this form must be completed and signed. PIs should sign and bring to your fiscal officer. The fiscal officer will discuss with you who needs to be authorized to work on your account.
Spending Grant Funds / Tuition, Stipends and Work Studies / Budget Management
The department support staff will process, as needed:
- Expense reimbursements for faculty & grant personnel in their department
- Travel for faculty & grant personnel in their department
- Approve expense and travel reports
- Process requests for equipment & consultants
- Work with the business officeron issues of space, technology and network services
- Maintain procurement cards when applicable for a grant
- Process Research Hires
The administrative officer will:
- Process grad research assistant stipends
- Process graduate tuition remission that is funded through the grant and notify Eileen Sullivan about this so that this can be entered into Associate Dean for Graduate Student Services database
- Notify Eileen Sullivan in the GraduateStudentServiceCenter if tuition remission is to be provided by the LynchSchool or the university per the grant proposal so that Eileen can process the tuition or so instruct the appropriate university officer
- Process undergraduate student hires in conjunction with business officer
- Meet with their fiscal officer on a regular basis
- Alert their fiscal officer if they need fiscal/program progress reports for their funders
- Consult with fiscal officer on any budget changes they may be considering
Budget Support/ Fiscal Officers / Administrative Support
Bill Crowley
Campion 338
Phone: 617-552-2157,
Christine Hoage (InternationalStudyCenter)
Manresa House
Phone: 617-552-1505,
Susan Richman
Campion 340 B
Phone: 617-552-0478, / Jean McDonald(Collaborative, TAMS, FIGs, REGs, RIGs, and Argyelan)
Campion 138
Phone: 617-552-2226,
Terry Poillucci (LSOE Grants)
Campion 340 A
Phone: 617-552-3278,
Salina Kopellas
Campion 207D
Phone: 617 552-1061,
Sasha Landman
Campion 309
Phone:617 552-4572,
Jim Mahalik, Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs
Campion 101, Phone: 617-552-3149,
/ Mary Howard
Campion 322
Phone: 617-552-4556,
Marcie Bligh (TIMSS & PIRLS)
Manresa House
Phone: 617-552-1134,
Kristie Thayer
Campion 110
Phone: 617 552-8431,
Kathleen Flaherty
Campion 318
Phone: 617 552-2482
Mary Ellen Fulton,
Associate Dean for Finance,Research and Administration
Campion 101 Phone: 617-552-4201,