Grammar/Writing 5

IEP 051.01 #8951

Fall 2015

Instructor: Stephanie SolomonOffice Hours: by appointment IB 2420A

Classroom:CC 3345

Time: M- F 12:00 – 1:50pm

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, you should be able to:

In Writing:

  • Write a variety of types of paragraphs and essays well, such as but not limited to:





  • Use a wider variety of sentence types and grammatical structures
  • Edit your papers for typical grammar mistakes
  • Brainstorm, outline, and revise
  • Master the basic essay structure

In Grammar:

  • Use future continuous and future perfect tense
  • Recognize and use infinitives of purpose and adjectives plus infinitives
  • Use Level 4 grammar structures with more accuracy
  • Use causative verbs (make, have, get, etc)
  • Use causative passive
  • Use verbs of perception
  • Use reduced adjective clauses
  • Use appositives
  • Use the subjunctive with suggest, request, insist, etc
  • Use Level 5 grammar effectively

Course Materials:

  • Great Writing: Great Essays 4by Folse,Solomon, and Clabeaux.
  • Understanding and Using English Grammar (4th Ed) by Azar and Hagen
  • Blue Book (8 ½” X 11”) for journals
  • Paper and pens/pencils and folder to keep papers organized
  • English – English Dictionary

Course Requirements: Here are the responsibilities of a student in this program: Link to Student Handbook and Rules:

Attendance Policy:

Come every day! There is no particular number of classes you “can” miss. If you are sick, find out from a classmate or Canvas what you need to do. You should be prepared with your homework when you return to class!

As stated in the IEP student handbook, students must come to class every day. Missing days of any class will result in the following:

  • 5 absences: Warning notice
  • 10 absences: You will fail the class, but you must continue attending to avoid being dismissed from NSCC.
  • 15 absences: Your I-20 is terminated and you are dismissed from NSCC for 1 year.
  • Being late (tardy) to class: Arriving to class late (tardy) is disruptive and considered disrespectful to the teacher and other students. It also causes you to miss important information. If you are 5 minutes late for the start of your class or from break three (3) times, it is considered one absence.
  • Note: If you are 30 minutes or more late to class or leave class 30 minutes or more early, you will receive an absence for the day.
  • Email the teacher if you must be absent, but get the class and homework assignments from a classmate. You are responsible to turn in due homework on the day you return to class. If you do not have it and/or have not done it, you will receive a zero for that assignment (see following note about “late” assignments)
  • No late work is accepted for full points without a doctor’s note. If late one day -10%, if due on Fri and turned in on Mon, then -20%
  • There are no make-up quizzes or tests, unless you have a doctor’s note.

Paragraph/Essay Format:

  • Write all in-class essays on standard paper (8 ½ x 11, lined, straight-edged).
  • Type all paragraph and essay typed assignments using Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced.

Other Course Rules

  • Turn off your cell phone in class.
  • Speak ONLY English in class. It shows respect for other students and the teacher and is good practice!!

Course Grade:Grades will be based on:

1Class participation and attendance 10%

2Homework assignments and Journals 15%

3Sentence Structure/Grammar Quizzes and Tests 25%

4In – class essays (tests) 25%

5Final Tests 25%

End of the Quarter Grade:

90% or more = High pass

80-89% = Pass

75-79% = Low pass

74% and below = Fail

You must get a 75% in both Grammar and Writing sections and an overall grade of 75% to pass this course. You must also pass your RV class to pass this level.


  • Plagiarism = copying another author’s words (e.g. from books, Internet, a friend, etc) and using them as your own.
  • In American schools, this offense can lead to an automatic fail in a course or even being expelled from school.You will receive a 0 for any coursework that is copied and not your own work! This may cause you to fail the course.
  • Do not use more than 4 words in a row from another source.
  • Your teachers are experts and can almost always tell when the work is not your own. Don’t waste your time doing something that doesn’t help you improve your writing, and don’t waste my time asking me to check someone else’s writing!

American Disability Act: (special arrangements)

If you need course adaptations, or you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case of an emergency, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.

Let’s have a great quarter!

Holidays: November 11 – Veterans’ Day

November 26th and 27th – Thanksgiving

Last day of quarter: December 4th