Pre-AP Chemistry

Classroom Guidelines_2017-2018______


  • Attendance is mandatory as per school rules.
  • Students will receive automatic referrals for skipping class.

Make-Up Work

  • Students will be allowed only 2 SCHOOL DAYS to make up work for absences.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work they missed (notes, assignment, etc.) during their absence on the day they return to class.
  • A “Z” will be put in Pinnacle until the work is made up.
  • Make-up tests will be a different version given from the original test. Make-Up tests will be given on the day the student returns.
  • If a student is absent on a test review day they must still take the test.


  • Tardiness is not tolerated, after the first tardy students will receive a verbal warning.
  • ON the fifthtardy the student will receive a Saturday detention.

Restroom/Hall Passes

  • No restroom/hall passes will be allowed during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
  • Students are encouraged to use the restroom during passing time or lunch so that they do not miss any classroom instruction.
  • If a student has any health issues, requiring them to use the rest room OFTEN must bring in documentation to support this, otherwise excessive restroom use will result in pass restrictions.
  • Any student exceeding 5 minutes on a restroom pass will receive a detention.
  • Passes to other classes, guidance, or the front office will not be given during class time unless the student is called down.

Cell Phones/Pagers/Electronic Devices

  • Cell phones and electronic devices (other than those necessary for class as expressed by the instructor) are not to be on or used during class.
  • If they go off or are in use during class they will be confiscated and turned in to administration with a referral.
  • If a cell phone or electronic device (such as a smart watch) is being used during a test, this will constitute as cheating and result in a zero on that test.


  • No food, eating or drinking is permitted in class.


  • Notebooks are a requirement and to be kept organized, neat and orderly (see materials in syllabus).
  • Notebooks will be checked for a grade, at the very least quarterly, either announced or not.


  • There will be no use of derogatory, oppressive, or any language that is harmful to any person.
  • Be courteous and respectful at all times to everyone in the class.
  • Respect towards one another and all of your instructors is always expected anything less will NOT be tolerated.

Student Code of Conduct

  • These class guidelines are in addition to all guidelines and rules in the student handbook and Code of Conduct.

*Please sign the Receipt Verification Form to verify that you have received, read, and understand my classroom guidelines.