Praying For SA Using

The Colours Of The Flag


Table of Contents



1. BLACK : Confession

2. RED: Redemption

3. GREEN: Spiritual growth

4. BLUE: Sanctification

5. GOLD: Set-apartness

6. WHITE: Walk in righteousness



2. RED






Jericho Walls International Prayer Network



The purpose of this booklet is to provide some guidelines and visual creativity in leading groups in prayer for our country.

This booklet is by no means a complete guide on this matter. Its aim is rather to serve as a guideline and to set the Christian on a road of praying Scripture for and over our country, its people and everything to do with South Africa. When we learn the language of the Bible, we can pray with much more confidence, since we know that the words we use are from Scripture and God promises that His words will never return void.

We trust that this booklet will inspire you to teach others to pray for our country from the Word of God.

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

P.O. Box 3683, Tygervalley, 7536

Tel.: 021-919 7988






Where does colour come from?

When God appeared unto Noah after the flood, and placed a rainbow in the sky; he did much more than show him a phenomenon. In the seven colours of the rainbow, beginning with red and ending with purple, God was displaying a natural miracle that demonstrated the complete redemption and salvation of man.

First let us look at colour in the natural world. In the world of art, we have three primaries; red, yellow and blue. These cannot be formulated by mixing. They come from the earth; but with these three colours, and the addition of black and white, any shade of the spectrum can be obtained.

In this fact alone lies a thought provoking, scriptural principle!

White is the colour that is comprised of all the colours of the spectrum. Refraction of white light produces the rainbow colours which consist of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (purple), violet. Other colours consist of the infrared and Ultraviolet spectrum Infrared and Ultraviolet represent that which is unseen.

The rainbow represents the promises of God and was a sign of the covenant that God would never again flood the earth with water: "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth... .. the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh." Gen.9:13,15

The rainbow signifies the glory, majesty and honour of the Lord Jesus Christ "One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald." (Rev.4:2-3)

The info on the meaning of Biblical colours was found on:

1. Black : Confession

•Biblical meaning: Blacksignifies the negative aspects of human life, for example terror, death, disease, famine, evil, judgement, sorrow and mourning (Jer.8:21).


–Individually: Own self-righteousness, unforgiveness, hardness of heart, lack of passion for the Word and prayer.

–Nation: Idolatry, loosing 1st love, self-love.

–Country/land: Bloodshed: murders, suicide, roads, HIV-AIDS (immorality) domestic violence.

2. RED: Redemption

•Biblical meaning: It can be associated with trouble and punishment, judgement & warfare. (Ps.75:8, Nah.2:3; Isa.62:1-6; Zech.1:8; 6:2; Rev.6:1; 9:7). Furthermore it is strongly related with the atonement of the blood of Jesus to restore humans in a personal relationship with the Father.

•Redemption: "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool" (Isa.1:18).The cup of red wine is symbolic of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor.11:2).


–Individually:Father, I submit my life to you once again. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You. (Ps.51:10-13).

–Nation: Father as a nation we have sinned against You and You alone. Forgive us our trespasses, our iniquities and sins (Isa.53:5). Turn back the heart of our nation to You. (2Chron.7:14). Pour out salvation in every heart & mind (Ps.85:11).

3. Green: Spiritual growth

•Biblical meaning:Trees both green and dry are often used in scripture to represent nations and their idolatrous activities (Ezek.17:24 & 1Kings 14:23). Spending time with God in nature can be very restful and bring tranquillity and peace of mind: "He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake." (Ps.23:2-3). Related symbols: Fruitfulness.

•Prayer: For the church to be healthy, grow spiritually, reach out, bear fruit and be light and salt unto the world. (Ps.1:3, John 15:2, Matt.5:14, Luke 14:34, Gal.5:22-25).

4. Blue: Sanctification

•Biblical meaning: Blue is frequently associated with the tabernacle & temple furnishings. Also with the commandments of God, the importance of remembering them and also the heavenly calling of those who had been chosen by God to be His people (Num.15:38-40). The ark of the covenant in the Tabernacle was covered with blue cloth representing its close association with the Word of God (Num.4:5-7; 11-13). The robe of the High Priest was also blue, again symbolising the set-apartness to God and His Word (Ex.28:31-33). Related symbols: Holiness.


Father of glory sanctify and purify us in our deeds, words, worship, prayer and prophetic declarations and proclamations, our words, visions and interpretations. Cleanse our conscience and wash us through the washing of Your Word, put a fire in our bones, and make Your Word a lamp to our footpath. (Ps.119:105, Heb.9:14, Jer.20:9).

5. Gold: Set-apartness

•Biblical meaning: Gold is associated with that which is Holy to God (Ex.28:36) and used to describe the precious nature of His Word and Law (Ps.19:9-10). Related symbols: Wisdom and knowledge.

•The only way to gain a 'good name' in the sight of God is by learning His Word and having the wisdom to put it into practice. "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favour rather than silver and gold." (Prov.22:1).

•Related Symbols: Faith (1Pet.1:7, Rev.3:18).

•Prayer: Father you are the giver of faith, let the genuineness of the faith of Your children, being much more precious than gold that perishes, when it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1Pet.1:7). Teach us as Your church and nation, to buy from You gold refined in the fire (tried and tested faith), so that we may be rich; and white garments, that we may be clothed. (Rev.3:18).

6. White: Walk in righteousness

•Biblical meaning: Manna was like white coriander seed, also called ‘angel’s food’. (Ex.16:31, Ps.78:24-25), man shall not live by bread alone; but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD. (Deut.8:3).

•White in scripture is connected with purity and righteousness. In Roman times the giving of white stone (Rev.2:17) symbolised acquittal from crime and innocence.

•Symbolizes: Overcoming/victory. Jesus rides on a white horse in the final battle. (Rev.19:11,14)

•Prayer: Father, we pray for the church and our nation that through righteousness we will overcome sin be purified and cleansed through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Grant us as the SA bride of Your son to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Grant us victory over sin, cause us to ride with You and to eat from the hidden manna. (Rev.19:8,14, Ps. 51:7; Dan.7:9; 11:5; Mark 9:3; Acts 1:10; Rev.3:4-5; 4:4; 6:11).



Black signifies the negative aspects of human life, for example terror, death, disease, famine, evil, sorrow and mourning. Several Hebrew words are used for example: 'cochereth' meaning black stone used in paving, 'iyshown' meaning middle of the night (deepest blackness), 'qadar' meaning to mourn or to be dark, 'shachor' meaning black, kkimriyr meaning blackness or gloominess. The Greek word 'gnophos' means blackness, darkness or gloom.

The colour black is associated with: Disease (Job 30:30), the middle of the night (Prov.7:9), mourning and sorrow (Jer.8:21), the dying and dead (Lam.4:8), Death (Jude 1:12-13), the sky turning black (Jer.4:28), the darkening of the sun and moon (Joel l2:10), black horses (Zech.6:2; Rev.6:5), marble stone (Esth.1:6). However there is an exception where black refers to healthy hair - (SOS 5:11; Matt.5:36).

Related Symbols: Judgement

In scripture we see a connection between the colour black or darkness with judgement. (See also: Jer.14:1-2; Isa.59:9; Heb.12:18; 2Pet.2:17).

Related Symbols: Sackcloth

The act of mourning is often connected with and symbolised by the wearing of sackcloth. (See also: Isa.50:3, Rev.6:12, Gen.37:34).

How to pray: Confess these things as the Holy Spirit leads you, crying out also for a spirit of repentance to come upon both the Church and unbelievers. Spend enough time in praying through these issues.

2. RED

The colour red in scripture is translated from several Hebrew words:

'adam' meaning dyed red, red or ruddy. To grow red or to emit (show) redness. 'adom' meaning red or ruddy (of man, horse, heifer, garment, water, lentils), 'admoniy' and 'admowniy' meaning red, ruddy for example of Esau as infant, we read "And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau." (Gen.25:25). 'cuwph' meaning red, reed, rush, water plant, for example "Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way." (Num.21:4).

The Greek words 'purrhos' meaning having the colour of fire, or red; 'purinos' meaning fiery or shining like fire; 'eruthros' meaning red or the Red Sea. The Greek word 'purrhazo' means to be red or become glowing, for example "and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times." (Matt.16:3).

So little did Esau value the promises of God and his birthright that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of what probably was red lentil stew: "And Esau said to Jacob, "Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary." Therefore his name was called Edom." (Gen.25:30). Edom can also mean of red.

Further information

Red can be associated with trouble and punishment, 'chamar' means red, to be troubled, be in turmoil, foam up or ferment. An example can be found in the Psalms: "For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, And the wine is red; It is fully mixed, and He pours it out; Surely its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth Drain and drink down." (Ps.75:8). Red is also associated with judgement and warfare: "The shields of his mighty men are made red, The valiant men are in scarlet. The chariots come with flaming torches In the day of his preparation, And the spears are brandished." (Nah.2:3). See also Isa.62:1-6; Zech.1:8; 6:2; Rev.6:1; 9:7). Red is the colour of the dragon in Revelation that represents and symbolises the sinful and evil human governments and powers that crucified the Lord Jesus and continue to persecute the righteous: "another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads... the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne." (Rev.12:3-5).

Related Symbols: Human nature and Sin

We read in scripture that the name of the first man was 'Adam' who was created from the dust of the earth. From Adam came Eve created to be the companion of Adam. Because she came out of Adam, Eve shared his nature. Through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, sin and as a result death came into the world. Red is thus associated with and can symbolise human nature and sin. "And the LORD God formed man (Adam) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."(Gen.2:7). See also Gen.2:21, Gen.3:17, Isa.1:18).

God provided a Saviour, a new Adam, through whom salvation would come. The faithful are created metaphorically speaking out of His side and will be created in His image and of His nature when Jesus returns. (1Cor.15:45).

Related Symbols: Wine

Red wine is symbolic in scripture of doctrine and wisdom, for example:

The cup of red wine is symbolic of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor.11:25).

How to pray: Read through the above Scriptures and pray for our country, the land and its people as the Holy Spirit leads you.


The colour green in scripture comes from several Hebrew words:

'yereq' meaning green or green thing; 'yaraq' meaning green herbs, vegetables or garden greens; 'lach' meaning green or moist, fresh or new in the sense of plants ; 'abiyb' meaning green ears of corn; 'ra‘anan' meaning green and flourishing; 'eb' meaning fresh green or green shoots; 'ratob' meaning green, moist juicy fresh; ' yarowq' meaning green thing. The Greek word 'chloros' means green or yellowish pale and the word 'hugros' means green and full of sap. These words translated as green have a connection with green flourishing plant life of one species or another. Green plants are also associated with the provision of food. In the beginning at the time of creation God said: " every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food" (Gen.1:30).

Heads of grain were part of the offering of the first fruits of a harvest to God: "If you offer a grain offering of your first fruits to the LORD, you shall offer for the grain offering of your first fruits green heads of grain roasted on the fire, grain beaten from full heads." (Lev.2:14)

Further information

Trees both green and dry are often used in scripture to represent nations, "And all the trees of the field shall know that I, the LORD, have brought down the high tree and exalted the low tree, dried up the green tree and made the dry tree flourish; I, the LORD, have spoken and have done it." (Ezek.17:24). Trees can also symbolise nations that are to be punished by God: "Thus says the Lord GOD: "Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and it shall devour every green tree and every dry tree in you; the blazing flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be scorched by it." (Ezek.20:47). Green trees were also connected with idol worship and the turning away from God: "For they also built for themselves high places, sacred pillars, and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree. (1Kings 14:23). Spending time in nature can be very restful and bring tranquillity and peace of mind, thus David writes of God, "He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake." (Ps.23:2-3). Thus we see a link in the Bible between green pasture and the spiritually restorative nature of God's word. Jesus likened himself to green wood full of the sap of God's word saying of His crucifixion and suffering: "For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?" (Luke 23:31).

Related Symbols: fruitfulness

God looks for healthy spiritual growth in His children. He has provided all that is needed to produce healthy spiritual growth and fruit. "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit." (Ps.1). "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self–control." (Gal.5:22-23).