Prayer Points
for 24 Hours of
Thank you for being willing to participate in this ‘24 hours of prayer’. You are joining with people across NSW and ACT in asking the Lord to advance His Kingdom through Baptist churches, and to use and bless Revive 07 for His glory. Your time of prayer is one of around50 prayer meetings or individual prayer times that will take place. That is encouraging!However,as we pray our confidence comes not from the number of people praying but from the grace and victory we have in Jesus.
Begin your prayer time focusing on God. Give Him praise and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer.
Spend some time just praying that...
The Kingdom of God would be advanced in and through Baptist churches in NSW and the ACT.
Hope Filled Churches
- Pray that the Lord would make the church you belong to a hope filled community. Pray that it would be a beacon of hope in your town or suburb.
- Pray that God would use your church, and Baptist churches in general to reveal to people the real hope found in Jesus.
- Pray that ‘Revive 07’ would be hope filled, and that there would be a great sense of worship and hope filled celebration.
- Pray against unnecessary cynicism ora critical sprit that can erode hope both in your church and in the denomination. Pray against the discouragement that some churches and pastors feel.
- Pray for the fruitfulness of denominational leaders and staff as they seek to serve.
Children’s Ministry
Most people who commit their lives to Christ do so before they reach adulthood.
- Pray for fruitful children’s ministry in your church and across the Baptist movement.
- Pray for the encouragement and fruitfulness of your children’s ministry leaders.
- Pray for the success of the extensive kids’ program planned for ‘Revive 07’. Pray for safety, and that lots of kids come along.
- Pray that adults at Revive would catch the vision and give opportunities for kid’s to minister in their churches.
- Pray Revive would be a “mountain top experience” for children and they would betouched by God.
- Pray that children’s workers attending will be encouraged and equipped for their work.
- Pray for Susy Lee who is coordinating the kids program.She has been unwell and is praying for good heath.
- Pray for youth in your own church. That the young people would grow into strong men and women of God.
- Pray for your youth leaders. That God would protect and sustain them and use them to influence young people for Him.
- Pray for young people in your area and their great need for Jesus.
- Pray for the fruitfulness of Baptist youth ministries in all our churches.
Pray about Friday 24th August, the ‘Revive’ Youth Night.
- Pray that the speaker, Nesan Kistan would speak with clarity and authority. Pray also that God would use the band, ‘Mum’s Dollar’, for His glory.
- Pray for all the technical details of the program.
- Pray for safety at the event, and as youth groups travel to and from the event.
- Pray for a greater sense of being together in the Kingdom.
- Pray that God would make your church more effective at reaching people for Christ. Pray that the Baptist movement would be increasingly effective in this area.
- Ask God to give us his heart for the lost.
- Pray for the missionaries your church supports.
- Pray for the work of Global Interaction & Baptist World Aid Australia.
On the last page of these prayer points there are a number of prayer requests from Global Interaction. It is suggested that you chose two or three of these to pray for in your meeting.
Revive 07
Pray for the key speakers.
Tim Costello –Thursday Night & Friday Morning
Sylvia Collinson – Friday Morning
Nesan Kistan – Friday Night (youth Night)
Allan Demond – Saturday Morning
Ross Clifford –Saturday Morning and Saturday Night
- Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide them in what to say and empower them to say it.
- Pray that the main sessions and afternoon workshops will be powerful times of building up people in their love and service of the Lord.
- Pray that the events would be hope filled, and have a great sense of celebration.
- Pray for the Revive worship bands and singers who will lead at the night rallies. Pray fro the Gymea and Narara Valley Worship teams who will lead in the morning sessions.
- There are many technical aspects to an event like this. Pray that all of them would go well.
- Pray that the Lord will draw people from across generations to both morning and evening sessions.
- Pray for protection for the whole event.
- Pray that the Spirit of God would work powerfully thought Revive 07
Prayer Points for Global Interaction
- SE Asia: Pray for Stan (Campbelltown Baptist) who has returned as a volunteer to teach David and Carole’s sons until November. He will then move to Kazakhstan to teach Michael and Chasely’s children for five months. Give thanks for his willingness to help in this way, and pray that other teachers will become available to assist with the education of staff children.
- China: Simon Reid (Canberra Baptist) has joined the team of teachers in China this week. Pray that he will settle well into his new teaching environment. Pray that, by his presence, students and colleagues will learn more of the love of Jesus for them.
- Aust: Pray for candidates Garry and Nicola Morley (Narara Valley Baptist) as they prayerfully consider with the Directors of Global Interaction the specific location of their ministry involvement.
- Aust: Pray for students at the GDT (Global Discipleship Training) course in Townsville and plans for their eight-week cross-cultural assignments starting late in September. Five students come form NSW/ACT churches. Karen Newnham will participate in the course 2-8 September.
- Thailand: Pray for Lee and Lyn Morris and their children. Ask that the people who work with them in the handcrafts program will gain not only skills to enhance their income and improve their living conditions, but also eternal life in Jesus.
- Mozambique: Give thanks for Robyn Hughes’ Progress with language learning, and pray for wisdom as she develops a ministry of gospel sharing and health promotion with the Total Life Care program.
- Aust: Pray for NSW/ACT candidates attending the Global Interaction Specifics training course, 17-21 September: Garry and Nicola Morley (placement not yet finalised), Belinda (SE Asia), Michael and Julia Smith (Thailand) and Tim and Anna Harding (Cambodia).
- Aust: Pray for an appropriate person to be identified for the full-time office assistant role at Global Interaction state office.