PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL - April 16th & 17th


We are God’s people, the sheep of God’s flock, and so we offer our prayers for the needs of all the world...... aswe cry out, Lord hear our prayer...


1. For Pope Francis and all the leaders in our Church, as they strive to hear the voice of the one Shepherd and lead us in his ways…

For those who lead out country and those running for elected office, that they may put public service above personal or political gain…
For the young adults from Blessed Sacrament Church and other parishes who are on the Charis (pronounced “karis”) Transitions Retreat this weekend. May their graced time away with God and with one another help them grow deeper in their faith and empower them to be leaders in their communities…

For all of us as we seek to emulate the Good Shepherd in our own lives during this Jubilee Year of Mercy…

For the poor or the disenfranchised,the discouraged among us; for the intentions in our parish book…we pray

2. For our brothers and sisters who are ill: ...... especially Msgr. O’Connor,

Lisa Bernesteins, Milagros Flavier Blas, Karen Ballard, Vivian Sholder, Patricia Darmanin, Mary Thomas, Lavonia Cisse, Diana Cerrano, Kathleen Harris, Marguerite LaMarque, … and all those wounded in the service of our country,..... that they be patient in their time of suffering and soon come to the fullness of health.... we pray....

3. For those dear to us who have died, whose memories are with us at this time:

Sat. 5:30 pm Clem Ida

Sun. 8:30 am Sheila Dunne Feitelberg

10:00 am Terri Jordan

12:30 pm James Sardos, Olga Marquez

5:30 pm Alice Joan Wandrey, Olga Marquez

(For whom this mass is offered)

Joseph Albert Cullen, Afagh Seddigh, Dorothy Dyess Bryce, Josefa Pinuela, Linda Tischler, Alicia Sacotto Velasquez who died during the past week...Emilia Castillo, Carmen Casiano, Frank & Alice Wandreywhose anniversary of death is celebrated this week…All of the victims of was and terrorism– that they may rest forever in the embrace of the one true God, we pray....

4.And let us pause now to present our own personal petitions...(PAUSE ....count to 10)...... We are still a nation at war, let us pray for our president, our elected officials, the members of our diplomatic corps(core) and all those who serve our country in our uniformed services..... may their efforts for peace and justice be fruitful;..... together, let us raise our voices in a prayer for true and lasting peace......

the words are found on the back cover of the hymnal...


Loving God,

You know us and care for us and tend to all our needs. Graciously hear these our prayers and grant them through Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd and Risen Lord.