Prayer of the Church – Easter 2C
Jesus Christ is the firstborn from the dead, and he has made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father. Let us with one voice place our needs before him, and intercede for the world and the church.
Risen Lord Jesus, as you entered the locked room to show the disciples the beginning of a new world, so break through our fearful and doubting hearts and move us to unyielding faith in you as the Risen One. Convince us of the reality and significance of your bodily resurrection, and give us your Spirit that we live in joyful service to you and all people.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Risen Lord Jesus, as you graciously broke through Thomas' unbelief, break through all stubborn and unbelieving hearts so that they see you with them and for them in your holy word and sacraments, and come to confess you as their Lord and their God.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Risen Lord Jesus, as you relieved the stress of the disciples' uncertainty, break through to all in mental anguish and racked by despair or confusion. Give them your gift of resurrection peace, the peace which passes all understanding.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Risen Lord Jesus, as you breathed the Holy Spirit on the disciples and gave them authority to forgive and retain sins in your name, empower and encourage all pastors of the church so that they exercise their ministry of law and gospel with wisdom and compassion.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Risen Lord Jesus, as this old world groans under the burden of sin, break through with your preserving power and provide all it needs. Restrain all wickedness. Guide all in authority.Support all people in their proper vocation, and help all those who are unemployed. Bless our arts and culture, our science and technology. Bless every home and marriage, and break through when there is trouble.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Risen Lord Jesus, while we wait for you to come in glory and make all things new, break through sickness and suffering with life and hope. Comfort those who mourn and meet the needs of all we know to be in want and whom we now name silently in our hearts...(brief silence)
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
Risen Lord Jesus Christ, hear these prayers and take them to our heavenly Father. In your holy name we pray.