For the sick: Roberta, Roger Giacomini, Teresa Santiago, Bill Hinton, Irena, Geralynn Marchesi, Philip Wulfken, Christine Bushnell, Jean Giacomini, Cheryl Hairr, Anna Felter, Martha Kee, Marta Dovi, Mark Bellissimo, Brain A., Frank Elliot, Kathy, Tom, Gail Werner, Karin, Bill Wesp, Louise Spach, William Murphy, Chancy Dennis, Pat, Nancy Ohrtman, Clara Elliot, Fred Hansen, RJ Sumner, Milton Dove, Judith Johnson
The Altar Flowers are given this week In Loving Memory of Michael Tobitt, the gift of Daniel & Veronica Tobitt McInnes.
The Perpetual Light is given this week In Loving Memory of Michael Tobitt, the gift of Daniel & Veronica Tobitt McInnes.
To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for 4 weeks, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .
Last Sunday attendance: 142
The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church
January 11, 2015
I believe that everyone worships something. Some worship power, some money, some success, and some the acceptance of their peers. People like Alex Rodriquez of the New York Yankees worship all these things, but even when they get them all, they still yearn for more. But only the living water of Jesus Christ will sustain us with what we need and bring us to a fulfilling life.
Timothy Keller argues in his book, Encounters With Jesus “that everyone lives for something, but Jesus is arguing that, if he is not that thing, it will fail you…Unless you are worshiping him, unless Jesus is the center of your life, unless you’re trying to get your spiritual thirst quenched through him and not through these other things, unless you see the solution must come inside rather than outside, than whatever you worship will abandon you in the end” (Encounters With Jesus p. 28,30).
After church, we will go forth from this place and make Christ’s love known to a world that truly can’t find what they are looking for. This year we will teach confirmation class, first communion class, and Sunday school classes to our children, but if we don’t align our inner life with that of Jesus Christ, we can’t expect our children or anyone else to follow us. Please consider the words of the Baptismal Covenant carefully and proclaim the Gospel by the way you live your life.
We will baptize two children at the 10:00AM service this Sunday. It is through our baptism that we are called to go forth, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teach and baptize.
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Mark 1:9-11).
The Baptism of Jesus helps us to understand the importance of the moment that Jesus came out of the water. In baptism, it is through water and in the Holy Spirit that we become fully initiated into Christ’s body, the Church.
Do you know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4).
Baptism is more than just grace bestowed upon us. While some claim that baptism cleanses a person from the stain of original sin, it is better understood as joining Christ in the death of our old self and walking in newness of life.
I ask you to pray to almighty God with parents and Godparents that all our children will be loved, protected, and brought into the full stature of the Christian life. It is the responsibility of the all of us that all our children might know the grace of the living water that will satisfy their thirst and bring them to a fulfilling and joyful life in Christ.
We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.
Registration Forms and Class Schedules for both Confirmation and First Holy Communion classes can be found on the back table and on the front page of our website. Confirmation classes start today Sunday, January 11th from 5:30-6:30 pm. First Holy Communion classes start Monday, January 26th from 5:00-6:00 pm. ______
We will be accepting weekly food donations, in the baskets provided in the rear of church, to support a local food pantry Helping Hands Rescue Mission located in Huntington Station. The Rev. Kim Gambino was the guest speaker at this year’s ECW Dinner some of you may recall. Donations needed are unexpired, non-perishable products such as: Peanut butter & Jelly, Rice & Pasta Sides, Canned Vegetables, Canned Corn, Cereal, Instant Potatoes, Pancake Mixes & Syrup, Canned Soups, Canned Fruit & Juice. Fred Hansen will be delivering these collected items to their food pantry weekly. Thank you for your generosity.
If you asked for 2015 Pledge Envelopes they are now available on the table in the back of church. Please note that some envelope numbers may have changed.
Our Rector will be leading a mission trip to the Navajo reservation in Bluff, Utah on July 11-18. We will teach guitar, lead Vacation Bible School, and complete a work project. Our first meeting will be March 1st at 11:30 am for all who are interested in going.
On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 11 am we will be meeting (rain, sleet, snow, or shine) at the municipal parking lot behind the Central Presbyterian Church (240 Main St.) in Huntington Village for The Walk for Love.
The Walk for Love's intent is to be an event for all people regardless of their faith or belief. It has no sponsor or agenda other than to encourage people to walk together for love. The hope is that by simply bringing people together for such a simple yet profound purpose it will become the catalyst for many good and healing acts.
Please LIKE “Walk for Love - Huntington LI NY” on FACEBOOK and promote this event actively to everyone you know. Thank you.
Beginning on Sunday, January 18th at 9 am – we will continue reading and discussing the book “Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions” by the author Timothy Keller. Chapter one will be reviewed during this first class. Copies of this chapter can be found on the back table this week.
Choir practice is now being held on Sundays from 9:00 – 9:45 am and 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. Prayerfully consider joining the St. John’s Choir.
There will be a church leadership team retreat TODAY Sunday, January 11th from 12 Noon – 3 pm. Our next Vestry meeting is Monday, January 12th at 6:30 pm.