Mahtomedi Girls Hockey Expectations

  1. General
  1. All players, managers and coaches will always conduct themselves in a first class manner, be encouraging of each other and have a healthy, positive attitude. We all represent MahtomediHigh School and the Mahtomedi Community.
  2. All players, managers and coaches are expected to use appropriate language in all practices, games and team activities.
  3. All equipment issued by the school must be returned by the end of the season in order to receive a letter. It is expected that all players keep practice and game uniforms clean during the season.

*Breaking any of these guidelines could result in:

First Offense: The athlete or manager will miss part or all of the next game. The player will be allowed on the bench in street clothes.

Second Offense: The athlete or manager will miss the next game. The player will be allowed on the bench in street clothes. In addition, the player or manager will not return to competition until after a conference with the coaching staff and a parent/guardian.

  1. Philosophy
  1. The coaching staff will attempt to put the best possible team on the ice regardless of a player’s age or grade. We will look for athletic ability, attitude and the ability to be a team player when putting together a competitive team. If a younger player is ready to play at the varsity level, she will be given the opportunity.
  2. Players in 8th grade will need to be in the Top 6 for forwards or Top 4 for defense in order to make Varsity. If they do not make the Varsity team, they will be returned to the youth program.
  3. Players in 9th grade will need to be in the Top 9 for forwards or Top 6 for defense in order to make Varsity. In most cases, if a 9th grade player doesn’t make Varsity they will be returned to the youth program. If the girls program is short at a specific position, 9th graders could be kept in the H.S. program in order to solidify the position.
  1. Participation
  1. Being on the Mahtomedi Girls Hockey Team

-It’s a privilege, not a right

-Players must accept all responsibilities in order to be on the team

-No player will be afforded equal playing or guaranteed playing time

  1. Attending Team Activities

-Players are expected to be at all team practices and games

-On a few occasions, we have team activities outside of the regular practice/game schedule. I expect players to attend those activities.

-Missing team activities for Vacations or Tournaments will not be acceptable reasons to miss. If a player does miss for one of these reasons, it’s possible that the player’s role on the team will not be the same when they return.

  1. Team Selection

Choosing the members of the team is the sole responsibility of the coaching staff. We shall provide the following information to all candidates for the team:

-Extent of the tryout period

-Criteria used to select the squad

-Approximate number of players to be selected

-Practice commitment if they make one of the teams

-Other commitments

  1. Expectations of the Athlete

-Put the team’s goals, welfare and success before your own

-Attend all practice sessions

-Be receptive to coaching

-Be responsible for all uniforms and equipment issued or used

-RepresentMahtomediHigh School well and follow the team rules

-Report all injuries to the trainer or coach in a timely manner

  1. Expectations of the Coaches

-Select the Team

-Determine the style and philosophy of play

-Teach at practice sessions

-Determine amount of playing time for each player

-Establish team expectations

-Establish or implement the requirements to earn a letter

-Always make safety and athletes’ welfare first priority

  1. Dealing with Questions or Concerns

There is a process when handling concerns from a parent or player. This process must be followed when addressing concerns:

1st Step- The player should talk with the coach

2nd Step- A meeting with the coach, player and parent(s)

3rd Step- A meeting with the coach, player, parent(s) and the Athletic Director

*Concerns about playing time should never be initiated by the parent and is an issue that doesn’t follow under these guidelines. I want our student athletes to Self Advocate. If they have an issue about playing time, they should talk to their coach or coaches to get help with how they can earn more playing time.

  1. Lettering Standards

A Letter is something that each athlete must earn and all athletes must be in good standing with MahtomediHigh School to receive a letter.

There are three different ways to earn a letter:

1-If an athlete plays in at least as many periods as there are games. For example, if there are 25 games in a season, a player must play in at least 25 periods to letter. In addition, the athlete or manager must successfully complete the entire season.

2-If an athlete has participated in high school hockey at Mahtomedi for 4 years, but does not meet the first criteria, that athlete will earn a letter.

3-If the team makes it to the State Tournament, all players on the section roster will earn a letter.

*The coaches reserve the right to letter an athlete who doesn’t meet the above criteria.


Mood Altering Chemicals

MahtomediHigh School subscribes to the Minnesota State High School League policy and penalties on the use of mood altering chemicals.

It reads as follows:

During the calendar year a student shall not use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away any beverage containing alcohol, any tobacco product, marijuana or any controlled substance.


First violation: after confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive interscholastic events or two (2) weeks of a season in which the student is a participant, whichever is greater. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program.

Second violation: after confirmation of the second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next six (6) consecutive interscholastic events in which the student is a participant. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program.

  1. Academic Eligibility

To be scholastically eligible, a student must be making satisfactory progress towards the school’s requirements for graduation. At MahtomediHigh School, we interpret this to mean passing all classes. A student who receives an “F” is not earning credit and therefore not making satisfactory progress towards graduation.

a. Step 1: A student receiving a final grade of “F” at the end of the semester is put on academic probation for the following semester.

b. Step 2: During that probationary semester that student must turn in a weekly progress report to the Activities Director. Failure to turn in this progress report may result in a temporary suspension from an activity.

c. Step 3: If a student receives a final grade of “F” at the end of the probationary semester, he/she will be ineligible to participate in any activity the following semester of his/her next season. This eligibility policy may carry over to the following school year.

Eligibility decisions for special education and at-risk students shall be handled by the Student Support Team, principal and activities director on a case-by case basis. Middle school students participating in high school programs are required to maintain the same level of performance as high school students in order to be eligible.

In addition, a student must earn the following number of credits by the time indicated in order to participate in extracurricular activities.

Conclusion Semester 1 Semester 2

Grade 9 2 4.5

Grade 10 7.5 10

Grade 11 13 16

Grade 12 1922


In order to participate in co-curricular activities (practice, game, performance, etc.) a student must be in school, at a minimum, for the second half of the school day (11:00 to 2:30). If a student has an unexcused absence, including lunch or advisory that student may not participate in that day’s event. If a student goes home ill during the course of the school day or stays home ill longer than half of the school day, she/he is not eligible to participate in that day’s activities

  1. Captains Selection Process and Team Awards

-Next year’s Captains will be selected by a vote from the varsity letter winners from the previous year

-All Awards (MVP, Offensive POY, Defensive POY and Zephyr Award) will be voted on by the players

-The coaches will select the Coaches Award

-The coaches will select the Hobey Baker Award Winner (Seniors Only)

Head Coach Bill Mauricio

Work: 651-762-5807

Cell: 612-751-0597
