
Pray for those who plan for the future of our community and those elected to local government in town, borough and county (Damian Green, our MP; Mike Hill, our County Councillor; Paul Clokie, John Link, Callum Knowles, and Mike Bennett, our Borough Councillors; Pam Smith, our Mayor; Justin Nelson, our Deputy Mayor; and those who serve on the Town Council); the Town Council staff (Phil Burgess, Town Clerk; Robert Parham, Deputy Town Clerk; Claire Gilbert, Ceremonies and Administration; Malcolm Winter, Sergeant-at-Mace; Lee Jarvis, Site Manager; David Bourner, Maintenance Team Worker).

Pray for all who live in Jarvis Place, Swain Road, Heather Drive, Glenwood and Glenwood Close and Harbourne Lane.


Pray for the shops and businesses of our community, for our farmers and local producers, for the Tenterden Chamber of Commerce.

Pray for all who live in Grange Road, Grange Crescent, The Pavement and Marshall’s Land.


Pray for the schools of our community, St Michael’s Primary School (Sara Williamson – Headteacher), Tenterden County Infants School and Tenterden Church of England Junior School (Samantha Crinnion – Headteacher), Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre (Sally Lees – Principal), and the nursery schools and playgroups of our community; our young people at college or university.

Pray for all who live in Shoreham Lane, Orchard Road, Pope House Lane, Biddenden Road and Norton’s Lane.


Pray for the police officers, police community support officers, traffic wardens, firefighters, ambulance crews and Jo Vos, our community warden, who maintain order and keep us safe.

Pray for all who live in the nursing homes of our community.

Pray for all who live in Smallhythe.


Pray for those involved in voluntary organisations, clubs and societies of all kinds who work tirelessly throughout the community.

Pray for all who have recently moved into our community.

Pray for Tenterden and District Residents’ Association.


Pray for all who work to make our town safer and more beautiful.

Pray for all who have recently moved from our community to make a new life elsewhere, and for those trying to decide if a move to a new home is appropriate.


* Justin our archbishop, Trevor our bishop, Sheila, Philip and Stephen our archdeacons.


* Lindsay, our area dean, Sarah and Alex, our assistant area deans, and Judy our deanery lay chair.


* Cathie Aldis and David Hover, on their ordination journey.

* Nathan Wilson, Christian School Worker at Homewood.


* Julian Hills, Diocesan Secretary, and all who work on our behalf at Diocesan House; Robert, Dean of Canterbury, and all who work at the Cathedral.


Pray for the Diocese of Canterbury (Archbishop Justin, Bishop Trevor, Philip and Stephen our archdeacons; Julian Hills, Diocesan Secretary, and all who work on our behalf at Diocesan House; Robert, Dean of Canterbury, and all who work at the Cathedral).

Pray for all who live in Cranbrook Road, Millpond Lane, Chennell Park Road and Readers Bridge Road


Pray for the Deanery of Romney and Tenterden (Lindsay Hammond, Sarah Williams and Alex Bienfait, our area deans, Judy Vinson, our deanery lay chair, and the people and ministers of the churches of our deanery).

Pray for all who live in Rolvenden Road, Plummer Lane, Hurst Close and Lawn Close.


Pray for the congregation of St Mildred’s, and the churchwardens, Rob Easto and Sarah Crouch.

Pray for all who live in Westwell Court, West Cross, West Cross Gardens & Mews and Caxton Close.


Pray for the congregation of St Michael’s, and the churchwardens, Raymond Crawfurd and Lindsay Roberts.

Pray for all who live in Smallhythe Road, Old Tannery Close, Austen’s Orchard, Cherry Orchard, Longfield and Dumbourne Lane.


Pray for the congregation of St John’s, and the churchwardens, Jill Hutchinson and Tony Buttler.

Pray for all who live in Bennett’s Mews, Woodbury Lane, Malthouse Lane, and Burgess Row.


Pray for the Ministry Leadership Team (Ann Robertson, Dick Warren, John Emmott, Lindsay Hammond, Margaret Roylance, Judith Shaw, Peter Brett, and Shirley Docker).

Pray for all who live in Rogersmead, Station Road, Pittlesden, Park View Terrace and Coombe Lane.


Pray for Cathie Aldis and David Hover on their ordination journey.

Pray for all who live in The High Street, Highbury Lane, Bridewell Lane, Manor Row and Willow Tree.


Pray for the children and young people of our churches and all who work with them (Millies on Monday; Sunday Club, Messy Breakfast Church, and Shirley Docker and the leaders; the young people of our choir and music group; Nathan Wilson, Homewood’s Christian School Worker, the members of our churches away at university or college; our safeguarding co-ordinators, Jackie Grant, Kate Harper and Emma Isworth).

Pray for all who live in Church Road, St Mildred’s Close, Bells Lane, Bells Close and Sixfields.


Pray for all those who work for the benefit of the children and young people of our communities and the organisations that carry out that work (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers of the 2nd Tenterden Scout Group; the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides of the Tenterden Division).

Pray for all who live in East Cross, Oaks Road, Sandy Lane and Elmfield.


Pray for the PCC secretaries (Tara Smith, Carol Stevens and Emma Isworth), PCC treasurers (Doug Fuller, Graham Maple, Peter Goodwin and Stephanie Buttler), parish administrator (Tara Smith), and church fees administrator (Debbie Clayden).

Pray for all who live in Golden Square, Hales Close, East Hill, Danemore and Beachy Path.


Pray for the church charities (Maidstone Christian Care, The Pilgrims’ Hospice, Tenterden Day Centre, Tenterden Counselling Service, Kent Air Ambulance, Samaritans, Tearfund, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Avondale Aids Village at Mavbuku, Water Aid, Barnabas Fund, Cry in the Dark).

Pray for all who live in Appledore Road, Shrubcote, Southgate Road and Kilnfield.


Pray for the musicians, choirs, singers and bellringers (the members of St Mildred’s Choir and St Michael’s Choir; choirs directors, Michael Freer and Tracey Laws; organists, Geoffrey Davison, Ed Adams and Sheila Richards; the members of Worship Group; Stephen Pusey, and the members of the music group; St Mildred’s Bellringers and Richard Edwards, the Tower Captain).

Pray for all who live in Abbott Way, Cruttenden Close, Tilden Gill, Priory Way and Limes Close.


Pray for the readers and intercessors, and the rota coordinators (Barry Gothard, Fred Walker, Nick Hudd and Moira Duncombe).

Pray for the sound operators at St Mildred’s

Pray for all who live in William Judge Close, Collison Place and Preston Lane.


Pray for the Tenterden Branch of the Mothers’ Union and the Branch Leader, Wendy Stevenson.

Pray for all who live in Ashford Road Tenterden, Mulberry Gardens, Rothley Close.


Pray for the monthly Wednesday and Sunday lunches, the co-ordinators (Mary Monckton and Chris and June Teesdale) and the catering teams; for the St Mildred’s Church Halls Committee and the Church Halls Administrator (Anne Alexander).

Pray for all who live in Beacon Oak Road, Craythorne, Green Hedges and Beacon Walk.


Pray for the church flower arrangers and co-ordinators (Jo Everett, Mary Finniss and Fiona Barnes).

Pray for all who live in Eastwell Meadows, Eastwell Barn Mews, Wright’s Close and Penderel Mews.


Pray for St Mildred’s Bookstall and the managers (Glen and Maureen Peacock), and for St Mildred’s Traidcraft Stall and the managers (Jill and Neil de Villiers).

Pray for all who live in Turners Avenue, Wells Close, Forson Close and Drury Road.


Pray for those who are feeling left behind and forgotten, the long-term unemployed, the old, and the isolated; for Tenterden Savers and Community Hub, and for the Tenterden Family Foodbank; the steering group of Tenterden Dementia Friendly Community; and also for the social and medical facilities, local doctors, dentists, health professionals, counsellors, West View Care Centre, Tenterden Day Centre, our pastoral visitors and all carers in the community.

Pray for all who live in Haffenden Road, Curteis Road, St Benet’s Way & Court and The Lindens.


Pray for all who maintain and care for our churchyards, for the St Mildred’s groundsman (Linton Ballard), and our architects and all who maintain and care for our church buildings.

Pray for all who live in Woodchurch Road, Roethorne Gardens, Mount Pleasant, Eastgate Road and Martins Close.


Pray for the church vergers (Jean Morris, Raymond Crawfurd, and Mary Finniss); St Mildred’s sacristans and servers (Michael Entiknap, Kate Rawlinson, Brian Sharp, Babsi Frikstad, Ruth Gardner, Gina Dwan, Lorna Brown, David Chapman, Sandra Chapman, Jan West, and Dick Warren), and the sacristy teams at St Michael’s and St John’s.

Pray for all who live in Knockwood Road, Summer Close, Admiral’s Walk, Viney’s Gardens and Chestnut Close.


Pray for the people and ministers of the other Christian churches in Tenterden (Jerry Newson and Neal Stanton, Zion Baptist Church; Paul Dean and Carys Woodley, Tenterden Methodist Church; John Hine and Jolyon Vickers, St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church, Peter Mawson, Trinity Baptist Church, Gilbert Hyde, Jireh Chapel); the work of Churches Together in Tenterden.

Pray for all who live in Homewood Road, East Weald Drive, Adams Close, Mill La. and Goldsmith Ct..


Pray for our church welcomers; St Mildred’s Head Welcomer (Kevin Parker); those who serve coffee after our worship, and the co-ordinators (Jean Easto and Moira Duncombe); Gearbox, and all who help to arrange church fund-raising and social events.

Pray for all who live in Ingleden Park Road, Silverhill, Wealden Avenue and Little Hill.


Pray for the Men’s Breakfasts; Pray for the home groups and members.

Pray for all who live in Ox Lane, Springfield Avenue, Barnfield and Henley View.


Pray for the church cleaning team.

Pray for all who live in Chalk Avenue, Leslie Crescent, Wayside and Wayside Avenue.


Pray for the editorial team of Tenterden Parish News, and the correspondents, advertisers and distributors and readers.

Pray for Rachel Woods, Kentish Express local reporter.

Pray for all who live in Henley Meadows, Henley Fields, Colonel Stephen’s Way and Ashford Road St Michael’s.