SAT Vocab

List #4

  1. Pragmatic, adj.: practical rather than idealistic
  2. Quixotic, adj.: foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals
  3. Recondite, adj.: hidden; concealed; difficult to understand
  4. Sedulous, adj.: diligent; persistent; hard-working
  5. Tacit, adj.: implied; not explicitly stated
  6. Vituperate, verb: to use harsh, condemnatory language; to abuse or censure severely or abusively
  7. Acerbic, adj.: having a sour or bitter taste or character
  8. Alchemy, noun: a medieval science aimed at the transmutation of metals
  9. Anachronism, noun: something out of place in terms of historical or chronological context
  10. Desiccate, verb: to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull
  11. Conundrum, noun: a confusing and difficult problem or question
  12. Wistful, adjective: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing
  13. Embroil, verb: to involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation
  14. Contumacious, adjective: stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority
  15. Surreptitious, adjective: kept secret, esp. because it would not be approved of
  16. Malingerer, noun: a person who exaggerates or feigns illness in order to escape duty or work
  17. Charlatan, noun: a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud
  18. Proclivity, noun:a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition toward a particular thing
  19. Emaciated, adjective: abnormally thin or weak, esp. because of illness or a lack of food
  20. Nettle, verb: to irritate or vex
  21. Whet, verb: to sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon)

SAT Vocab

List #4

  1. Pragmatic, adj.: practical rather than idealistic
  2. Quixotic, adj.: foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals
  3. Recondite, adj.: hidden; concealed; difficult to understand
  4. Sedulous, adj.: diligent; persistent; hard-working
  5. Tacit, adj.: implied; not explicitly stated
  6. Vituperate, verb: to use harsh, condemnatory language; to abuse or censure severely or abusively
  7. Acerbic, adj.: having a sour or bitter taste or character
  8. Alchemy, noun: a medieval science aimed at the transmutation of metals
  9. Anachronism, noun: something out of place in terms of historical or chronological context
  10. Desiccate, verb: to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull
  11. Conundrum, noun: a confusing and difficult problem or question
  12. Wistful, adjective: having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing
  13. Embroil, verb: to involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation
  14. Contumacious, adjective: stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority
  15. Surreptitious, adjective: kept secret, esp. because it would not be approved of
  16. Malingerer, noun: a person who exaggerates or feigns illness in order to escape duty or work
  17. Charlatan, noun: a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud
  18. Proclivity, noun:a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition toward a particular thing
  19. Emaciated, adjective: abnormally thin or weak, esp. because of illness or a lack of food
  20. Nettle, verb: to irritate or vex
  21. Whet, verb: to sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon)