Updated 7/28/15
School of Public Health and Information Sciences
Master of Public Health (MPH) Student Practicum Placement
The goal of the Practicum Experience (P.E.) is a 6-hour course in the MPH curriculum designed to bridge the gap between academia and practice and serve as a vehicle to introduce future public health professionals to the field during their formal education. Additionally, the P. E. creates a snapshot of what may be expected of public health professionals after formal schooling. To achieve this goal, MPH students synthesize conceptual information presented in their courses and apply this information during the P.E. in various sites. It is our vision that relationships garnered through the P.E. with our partners and fellow stakeholders in public health will be a fruitful, positive opportunity for all involved—our students, our school and our community.
MPH Student Practicum Placement, Students Graduated May 2007
# / Student Name / Community Preceptor / Community Site / Brief Project Description / Academic Mentor and Department1 / K. Amancherla / Dr. Sarojini Kantora
MCH Epidemiologist,
Health Start Program Evaluator / Louisville Metro Dept. of Public Health and Wellness / Vital statistics records development; Maternal/ Child Health issues and concerns / F. Groves (EPH)
2 / D. Cloward / Dr. Guy Furnish,
Associate Professor / U of L School of Dentistry / Development of information database for Smile Kentucky / C. Wang (EPH)
3 / A. Conner / Dr. Toni P. Miles
Director, Clinical Geriatric Research, Dept. of Family and Geriatric Medicine / U of L
School of Medicine / Understanding the connection b/t studying pharmacogenetics and clinical practice; research participation surveys / K. Baumgartner (EPH)
4 / J. Watson / Dr. Matt Zahn
Medical Director, Infectious Disease / Louisville Metro Dept. of Public Health and Wellness / Influenza clinic operations; Pandemic flu preparedness; Flu survey analysis / W. McKinney (EPH)
5 / S. Ahmed / Sara Jo Best / Lincoln Trail District Health Department, Elizabethtown, KY / Regional preparedness
of HRSA Region 5 / C. Wang (EPH)
6 / T. Libs / Wendy Ward,
Executive Director / Gilda’s Club Louisville / Non-profit start-up phase and fund raising for Gilda’s Club Louisville / R. Austin (HMSS)
7 / K. Fisher / Beth Clingaman,
Director / American Diabetes Association, Louisville-Lexington Chapter / School Walk for Diabetes program; non-profit organizational mgmt / L. Palmer (HMSS)
8 / C. Sandlin / Read Harris,
Director of Health, Volunteer and Youth Services / American Red Cross, Louisville, KY Chapter / Develop project mgmt and planning skills; develop quality control and QA plans / L. Palmer (HMSS)
9 / J. Koller / Stephanie Poynter, DMD / Family Health Center, Inc. / Client Characteristics of a Community Dental Program / B. Wainscott (HMSS)
10 / M. Shields / Kay Heady, RN and Ryan Irvine / Louisville Metro Dept. of Public Health and Wellness / Implementation of a Mobile Health Unit: Dental Services for Jefferson Cty Schools / B. Wainscott (HMSS)
11 / E. Gunnison* / Gregory M. Skaff
Deputy, TSM Abrams / U.S. Army TRADOC System, Abrams Tank Systems (Hardin Cty) / Abrams Tank Injury Database Characterization / D. Tollerud (EOHS)
12 / A. Perez / Dr. Lisa Markowitz,
Asst Professor
Dept of Anthropology / Community Farm Alliance / Youth Food Diary Project / I. Ramos (EOHS)
13 / C. Chan / Tom VanArsdall
Andrea Keatley / Cabinet for Envir. And Public Protection,
Dept for Environmental Protection, Division of Water and Air Quality (Fayette) / Characterization of environmental databases for mercury in the state / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
14 / S. Khodadadi / Russell Barnett
Cynthia Lee / KY Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development &
Air Pollution Control District / Develop a dataset that combines PM2.5 (particulate) and butadiene air monitoring data for linkage with health outcomes data. / D. Tollerud and
R. Jacobs (EOHS)
15 / O. Komolafe / Dr. LaCries R. Kidd
Asst. Professor
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Prevention and Control / James Graham Brown Cancer Center, School of Medicine / Gene-gene interaction and prostate cancer in African American men / G. Brock (BB)
16 / T. Cross / Shauna Weis,
President / Environmental Safety Technologies, Inc. / MRSA amongst college athletes / R. Carrico (HBPS)
17 / J. Call / Lee S. Mayer, DMD
Ryan Irvine / Dixie Health Center and Dental Center / Patient Absenteeism Characteristics in a Dental Health Clinic / R. Austin (HMSS)
MPH Student Practicum Placement, Students Graduated May 2008
# / Student Name / Community Preceptor / Community Site / Brief Project Description / Academic Mentor and Department18 / J. Mills / Paula Peyrani, M.D. / Infectious Disease Division, UofL Hospital / Data analysis using Kaplan-Meier statistical procedures in analyzing Community Acquired Pneumonia in patients collected from public and private hospitals in South America. / J. Myers (BB)
19 / H. Wong / Paula Peyrani, M.D. / Infectious Disease Division, UofL Hospital / To investigate the relationship between positive blood cultures and severity of disease in CAP patients and to establish if the proportion of S. aurues differs between risk classes. / J. Myers (BB)
20 / E. Davis / Shauna Weiss / Environmental Safety Technologies / Evaluation of the effectiveness of classroom education on the knowledge and behavior habits of student athletes / S. Muldoon (EPH)
21 / S. Denkhoff / Deborah Phillip / Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Kentucky and Southern Indiana Chapter / Evaluation the effectiveness of services that LLS, KY & So. In. Chapter provides to its pediatric patients diagnosed with leukemia or lymphoma / K. Baumgartner (EPH)
22 / M. Edwards / Anna Huang, MD / U of L WINGS Clinic / Renal Manifestations in HIV-infected patients on anti-retroviral therapies / F. Groves (EPH)
23 / H. Gianotta / Dr. Guy Furnish
Dr. Lee Mayer / University of Louisville School of Dentistry / Analysis of recent Smile KY screening data of children who have Medicare vs. Private Insurance with respect to smooth surface and occlusal surface carious lesions / C. Wang (EPH)
24 / J. Howard / Donna Merzweiler / Downs Syndrome Society of Louisville / Methods and education regarding prenatal screening for Down’s Syndrome / K. Zierold (EPH)
25 / S. Liggett / Paula Peyrani, MD / Infectious Disease Division. U of L Hospital/Kindred Healthcare / To investigate an outbreak of drug-resistant Acinetobacter at Kindred Hospital / C. Wang (EPH)
26 / D. Roberts / Hiram Polk ,MD / U of L School of Medicine / Examining the balance between malignant melanoma, tanning-bed exposure, and sunscreen use / C. Hornung (EPH)
27 / K. Smith / Dr. Ann Greenwell / U of L School of Dentistry / Analyzing Smile Kentucky Data to examine differences in the amount of caries in urban living children versus rural living children. / R. Baumgartner (EPH)
28 / B. Taylor / Marty Allen, MD / U of L School of Medicine, Infectious Disease / Effects of Bactrim on MRSA patients with skin and soft tissue Infections in the U of L Hospital inpatient population--a retrospective chart review / F. Groves (EPH)
29 / L. Brice / Dr. Richard Miller / Environmental Safety Technologies / Organizing processed Legionella data from cooling towers into a computer base as negative or positive for Legionella for elimination / R. Jacobs (EOH)
30 / A. Cason / Dwayne Roberts / Lassiter Middle School / Asthma assessment: Environmental Assessment of the school using the EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools / D. Tollerud (EOH)
31 / K. Hughes / Mike Kuntz / American Lung Association / Evaluation of the economic effects of the smoking ban on area bars and restaurants / R. Jacobs (EOH)
32 / N. Reinhart / Dr. R. Balasubramaniam / Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (India) / Assisted in the implementation of the public health component of a neighborhood slum project / I. Ramos (EOH)
33 / J. Carter / Maggie Wright / Kentucky Psychological Association / Heads Up! Kids Program; Evaluation of the Heads Up program to determine its effectiveness on 2nd and 3rd grade children / S. LaJoie (HPBS)
34 / K. Deavers / Makeda Harris / KY Youth Advocates / Influence of race and ethnicity on infant mortality / M. Harris (HPBS)
35 / S. Edwards / Karen Newton / U of L Campus Health Office, Belknap / Collegiate Fitness Evaluation. Comparing U of L with 10 benchmarks regarding the campus recreation department services and facilities. / R. Carrico (HPBS)
36 / J. Lefebrve / Kristina Bryant, M.D. / Kosair Children's Hospital / Increasing influenza vaccination rates among inpatients at Kosair’s Children's Hospital / R. Carrico (HPBS)
37 / J. Eisinger / Dennis Sullivan / U of L Dept of Environmental Health and Safety / Evaluation the existing knowledge regarding infection prevention and control of 250 EMT-P employed by the Louisville EMS / R. Carrico (HPBS)
MPH Student Practicum Placement, Students Graduated May 2009
# / Student Name / Community Preceptor / Community Site / Brief Project Description / Academic Mentor and Department38 / J. Broaddus / Kandris Goodwin / Metropolitan Sewer District / Working within the Outreach and Education department, assisting with a partnership MSD has made with Eastern High School. / R. Austin (HMSS)
39 / C. Burton / Randy Gaither / The Kroger Company / Cost analysis of different flu shot delivery methods / R. Esterhay (HMSS)
40 / K. Dorsey / Allyn Simmons / Norton Healthcare / 1--Physician work force data base
2--Daily operations at Norton Suburban / B. Wainscott (HMSS)
41 / N. Kantamneni / Anna Smith / University Hospital / Record and analyze individual and social determinants that influence patients to come to the ER for primary care. / J. Taylor (HMSS)
42 / C. Lynch / Trudy Betorune, RN, MPH / Gilda's Club Louisville / To create a strategic outreach plan to increase the awareness in the community and increase membership, volunteer participation, and donors. / B. Wainscott (HMSS)
43 / R. Loeb / Dr. Lamont Gholston / Park Duvalle Community Health Center / Examination of the information about patients who enter the ER with dental disease as their chief complaint via patterns in the demographics, commonality of drugs being issued and referrals. / S. Allen (HMSS)
44 / P. Palimar / Dr. William Hymes / LouHIE (Louisville Health Information Exchange / Rates of medical errors due to prescription error / R. Austin (HMSS)
45 / N. Smith / Marcelline Coots / Passport Health Plan / Healthy Hoops KY Program / R. Steiner (HMSS)
46 / K. Weyland / Leanne French, MS / Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness / Built environment provides the opportunity for a subtle alteration of the environment that could alter personal behaviors surrounding obesity and diabetes. / S. Allen (HMSS)
47 / B. Shelton / Marigny Bostock / Louisville Metro Dept of Public Health and Wellness / Initial planning stages of the Verb program / R. Wilson (HPBS)
48 / A. Mendes / Paula Peyrani, M.D. / Director of Clinical Research, Division of Infectious Diseases, UofL / Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on Type II diabetes in African Americans / S. McCabe (BB)
49 / Y. Chen / Jim Legleiter / Passport Health Plan / Healthy Hoop Kentucky: a plan
to address Passport members’ asthma management needs / J. Myers (BB)
50 / A. Young / Elllie Schweizer / Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness / Social Norms Marketing Campaign: The social norms related to tobacco use that exists within local high schools and middle schools. / I. Ramos (EOHS)
51 / J. Young / Elizabeth Cobb / Kentucky Hospital Association (statewide) / Evaluation of the Infection Prevention and Control programs throughout Kentucky's 126 hospitals. / R. Carrico (HPBS)
52 / W. Willis / Dr. Margo Riggs / Kentucky Department of Public Health (statewide) / Survey Kentucky Coal Miners to determine their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the Coal Workers' X-ray Surveillance Program / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
53 / R. Busse* / Kelly Robinson / Ireland Army Community Hospital, Ft. Knox, KY / Educating commanders about HIV+ soldiers in the Army. / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
54 / A. Pauly / Janette McCabe, RN / Kentucky Refugee Ministries / To formulate a tool for incoming refugee clients to help them navigate the US healthcare system. / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
55 / C. Faust / Antonia Demas, Ph.D / Food Studies Institute / Food is Elementary (FIE): administer pre and post test questionnaires/surveys that test student's knowledge before and after having completed the FIE curriculum / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
56 / N. DeJarnett / John Gagel / Lexmark International, Inc. (statewide) / Printer life cycle assessments / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
57 / B. Hobbs / Col. Albert Fekete / Louisville Metro Office of Public Health and Emergency Preparedness / Construction, maintenance, and execution of a mass prophylaxis program in the event of a terrorist attack / R. Jacobs (EOHS)
58 / D. Appiah / Dr. Anna Huang / University of Louisville- WINGS Clinic / To evaluate the quality of HIV therapy at the HIV outpatient (WINGS) Clinic at the University of Louisville; propose to compare our mortality rates with the HIV Outpatient Study (HOPS) / F. Groves (EPH)
59 / B. Cannell / Louise Kent, / Northern Kentucky
Independent District Health Department / Surveillance of risk factors for childhood obesity in children under age 6, in Boone County, KY / K. Zierhold (EPH)
60 / D. Dunn / Charlie Kendall / Cabinet for Health and Family Services (statewide) / Recycle Prescription Drugs; researching why this law was passed over and not promulgated as well as writing the regulations for this law to become enforced. / C. Hornung (EPH)
61 / V. Farrow / Norbert J. Burzynski, DDS, MS / University of Louisville School of Dentistry / An Evaluation of the Oral Cancer Screening at the Kentucky State Fair / K. Zierhold (EPH)
62 / L. Jacobs / Dr. Kari Zahorik / Campus Health Services, Univ. of Louisville Belknap
Campus / STI rates so as to compare them to other educational institutes and better serve the surrounding community with targeted disease specific information, prevention, and screening recommendations / F. Groves (EPH)
63 / D. Patel / Dr. Guy Furnish / University of Louisville, School of Dentistry / SMILE Kentucky has partnered with the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness to use the department’s mobile health unit at 12 Jefferson County elementary schools for free dental screenings. / C. Wang (EPH)
64 / R. Steelman / Connie Sorrell / Kentucky Cancer Program / Breast cancer in the African American population in Jefferson County looking at the disparity of stage of diagnosis among the population. / K. Baumgartner (EPH)
65 / B. Wyatt / Anne Greenwell / University of Louisville, School of Dentistry / SMILE, KY education, dental screening, dental treatment (all free) to elementary kids in multiple counties. / C. Wang (EPH)
MPH Student Practicum Placement, Fall 2009-Spring 2010