St. John Bosco P.S.

September Newsletter - 2014

Staff Training

Please Note – School will close for all pupils on Thursday September 18th at 1.00 p.m as all the staff are involved in training .This is the beginning of a programme of events that will run throughout this year when we will be reflecting on the aims and core values of the school. We will be seeking the views of the children , governors and parents at a later date.

Let us introduce our Reception / Primary 1 children

Alex Armstrong, Erin Cheevers, Aoife Diamond, Diarmuid Doherty, Cara Rose Griffin, Tom Harkin, Mya McAllister, Grace McCartney, Kate McErlean,

Lucy McErlean, Patrick McErlean, Charlie McFall, Mia McGlinchey,

Keelan McMullan, Evie McPeake, Sean Murray, Charlotte O’Hagan,

A.J. Rea, Caoimhe Scullion

Reception/P.1 children will go home each day at 12.00 noon for the first 2 weeks of term. From Monday, September 15th they will end each school day at the normal time of 2.00 p.m.

Dinner and Break

Dinners can be paid weekly or daily at a cost of £2.35 per day.

We operate a Healthy Break System. Children can bring in their own healthy snack such as fruit , bread or yogurt for break time.

Children in all classes, Reception – Primary 7, who want to purchase break in school should pay £1.50 at the start of the week.

We also operate a healthy eating policy at lunch time.

We are always impressed by the range of healthy lunches the children bring with a great mix of breads, fruit and yogurts. Thanks for complying with this policy !

The children have nominated Tuesday as their treat day and this is the only day when they can bring one small treat such as a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar.

Milk money

Milk money for September will be 22 days @ 20p per day = £4.40

Please Note: N.E.E.L.B. have increased the price of milk to 20p.

Milk money should be paid at the beginning of each month in the envelope provided. Milk is ordered on a monthly basis, money cannot be refunded or carried over if a child is absent from school.

Reception children receive free milk.

All uniforms should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Many items of uniforms get mislaid over the year and it is impossible to know who owns what, when there is no name. We will have a name check at the start of next week.


This year the children in P5 – P7 will each receive 2 terms of swimming lessons. P5 and P6 will be going in the first term and lessons will begin on Tuesday, September 9th. Girls must wear swimsuits – no 2 pieces allowed and swimming caps. Goggles and swimming caps can be purchased at the swimming pool. – goggles cost £4.50 and swimming caps – latex £3.00 and silicone £5.00.

Strictly no aerosols allowed.

The cost of a swimming class and travel will be £2.50 per pupil.

Working Together with Parents

To accommodate our families who have to do the school run at 2 o’clock and at 3 o’clock we offer a weekly service where the younger children who finish at 2.00p.m can remain in school until 3.00 p.m. Children will receive a snack during this time and will be involved in various activities.

The cost of this after school club is £10.00 per family per week. P.3 children can also access this on a Thursday and Friday at a cost of £5.00

There is also an Early Bird programme where working parents can leave their children in school from 8.30 a.m. There is no charge for this service.

Children should come in and sit on the Early Bird Mat where they can wait until their teachers are in their classrooms.

All other children can be dropped off from 8.45 a.m.

Bannvale Credit Union

Credit Union savings scheme will begin on Tuesday, September 16th. Savings are brought into school each Tuesday and collected by a member of the Credit Union.

Football Coaching

Football coaching with Enda Muldoon will commence on Monday, September 8th for our P.6/7 class. Children must wear suitable footwear for running.

School Photographer

Tempest Photography will be in the school on Monday, October 6th.

Other News

Ø  A number of coats were left in school over the summer, they can be claimed in Mrs O’Neill’s office.

Ø  A special thanks to Fiona , our caretaker, for all her work over the summer.

Ø  The NEELB had assured us that the school would be painted in time for the new term but sadly they are behind schedule, we are still pressing them to have this done as soon as possible.

Ø  This year we are participating in a programme, Roots of Empathy. Roots of Empathy's mission is to build caring, peaceful, and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults.

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