Practicum in Ag Course Syllabus

General Description: This course is for students in Grades 11-12. The practicum course is an unpaid capstone experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of career and technical education courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources cluster. The practicum is designed to give students supervised practical application of knowledge and skills.

Credit Earned: 2 elective creditsor .5 speech credit and 1.5 elective credit if needed

Grading Guidelines: Students must successfully complete the following major assignments each 9 weeks to pass for the grading period. Students that fail to finish a major project, fail to successfully make or train for a team, or impede the progress of others in the class will be permanently removed from the Practicum Course (for example…what happens in athletics when a student quits or gets removed from a team).

Grading Rubric: Each day, the students will earn a 0, 50, or 100 daily grade based on their amount and quality of work during the Practicum class period. At the end of each week, these will be averaged to determine their major grade for the week.

First 9 weeks:

  1. Select topic, complete research for, and at least start on their Research Paper for an FFA Science Fair Project to be entered in competition at SA, HLSR, and/or State FFA


Animal Systems

Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems

Food Products and Processing Systems

Plant Systems

Power/Structural/Technical Systems

Social Systems

  1. Tryout, Make, Train for, and Compete in a Leadership Development Event

(Invitational, District, Area, State)


Ag Advocacy

Ag Issues

Public Relations

FFA Skills

Chapter Conducting

FFA Quiz

FFA Radio

Creed Speaking


Design, secure funding and materials for, and build an Ag Mechanics Project for competition


Second 9 weeks:

  1. Continue preparing for a Leadership Development Event OR creating the Ag Mechanics Project for competition
  1. Complete research paper for science fair project
  1. Research and develop an HLSR Wildlife Project to be entered in competition

Third 9 weeks:

  1. All: Must read "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek.

Juniors: Study for the Ford Leadership Scholar test, successfully complete the application, and practice for the interview process

January 16, 2017 - FLS Applications Open

February 12, 2017 - FLS Application Closes

February 13, 2017 - FLS Written Exam Open

February 28, 2017 - FLS Written Exam Closes

April 1, 2017- Candidates notified of Interview Selection

June 2, 2017 - Face to Face Interviews, San Antonio, Texas

June 26 to July 1 - 2017 Ford Leadership Scholars Training

Seniors: Research and apply for college, scholarships, and jobs

  1. Tryout, Make, Train for, and Compete in a Career Development Event or Public Speaking Contest

(Invitational, District, Area, State)



Dairy Cattle


Ag Sales


Nursery Landscape

Dairy Foods

Ag Marketing Plan

Vet Science

Horse Judging

Livestock Judging


Soil Stewardship

Prepared Public or Extemp Speaking

Fourth 9 weeks:

  1. Finish preparing for a competitive Career Development Event or Public Speaking Contest
  1. Apply for an FFA Proficiency, Star, or Degree by completing your record book and appropriate application
  1. Successfully complete the Southwest Airlines Professional Communications Industry Certification while creating a career portfolio (resume, cover letter, application, etc…)

4. As a group, research and create a Hall of States entry for State and National FFA Conventions