Curriculum Analysis Tool
Raw Data Sheet
Instructions: For each item listed below, assign a score of 0-2 with:
0 representing the absence of the item in the curriculum;
1 representing an inconsistent presence of the item in the curriculum;
2 representing a consistent presence of the item in the curriculum.
Analysis: Calculate each subsection score by dividing the total score for that section by the total possible score. Example, "instructional support for teachers", with a total score of 10 and a total possible score of 14, the final subsection score would be 71%. The total possible score is calculated by multiplying the total number of items in the subsection by 2. The section score is calculated by taking the average of the subsection scores in that section.
Section I: Curriculum Fundamentals (section score______)
Instructional Support for Teachers (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum:
1. provides quality teacher support materials
2. includes clear goals and objectives
3. includes quality student assessment materials/strategies
4. includes homework/ family home activities
5. requires a reasonable amount of ancillary materials
6. makes training support available
7. offers technical assistance
Cultural Appropriateness (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum:
1. is sensitive to ethnic diversity
2. uses gender neutral language
3. uses examples that reflect gender equity
4. uses examples that reflect different cultures
Appeal to Teachers and Students (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum:
1. is attractive and easy to use for teachers
2. is attractive and engaging for students
3. uses age appropriate language
4. suggests ways to integrate into other curricula
5.includes lesson extenders(field trips, speakers, community service
Section II. Key Criteria for Health Education (section score______)
Score The curriculum: (subsection score______)
1. describes the theory base
2. includes accurate up-to-date information
3. includes clear goals and objectives
4. emphasizes short-term consequences of risk behaviors
5. addresses long-term consequences of risk behaviors
6. emphasizes positive aspects of a healthy life style
7. strengthens student's ability to act on own behalf (self-efficacy)
8. strengthens health enhancing group norms
9. includes homework/ family home activities
10. involves care-givers through homework and/or other activities
11. is developmentally appropriate
12. includes interactive/experiential methods, actively engages students
13. promotes health skills for healthy behaviors and not just knowledge
Section III. National Health Education Standards (section score______)
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. describe relationships between health and well being
2. identify indicators of mental,emotional,social,and physical health
3. describe basic structure/functions of the human body systems
4. describe how the family and peers influences personal health
5. describe the influence of environment on personal health
6. describe ways to reduce the risk for illness
7. identify health problems that should be detected/treated early inorder to prevent death/disability
8. explain how childhood injuries/illnesses can be prevented/treated
Standard 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. identify valid health information, products, services
2. locate valid health resources at home,school, and in community
3. explain media influence on selection of health products/services
4. locate school and community health helpers
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. identify responsible health behaviors
2. identify personal health needs
3. compare behaviors that are safe to those that are risky or harmful
4. demonstrate strategies to improve/maintain personal health
5. develop injury prevention/management strategies for health
6. demonstrate ways to avoid/reduce threatening situations
7. apply skills to manage stress
Standard 4: Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. describe how culture influences health
2. explain how media influences attitudes and health behaviors
3. describe ways technology influences personal health
4. explain how information from school and family influences health
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. distinguish between verbal and nonverbal communication
2. describe qualities for being a responsible friend/family member
3. demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, feelings
4. communicate care, consideration, respect for self/others
5. actively listen to build/maintain healthy relationships
6. demonstrate refusal skills to enhance health
7. differentiate negative/positive behaviors in conflict situations
8. demonstrate nonviolent strategies to resolve conflicts
Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision- making skills to enhance health.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. apply a decision-making process to health issues
2. seek assistance (making health decisions,setting health goals)
3. predict outcomes of positive health decisions
4. set health goal and track progress toward its achievement
Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
Score The curriculum will enable students to: (subsection score______)
1. uses a variety of methods to convey health information
2. express information/opinions about health issues
3. identify community agencies that advocate for health
4. influence and support others in making positive health choices
Section IV. CDC Guidelines for Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Use
(section score______)
Physical Activity: Focus (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum:
1. emphasizes physical activity as part of a healthy life style
2. emphasizes enjoyable, lifetime physical activities
3. includes homework assignments that involve family members
Knowledge: (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to understand:
1. physical, social, and mental health benefits of physical activity
2. differences among physical activity, fitness, exercise
3. components of health related fitness (endurance,flexibility...)
4. types/amounts of physical activity needed for health
5. basic first aid principles (including universal precautions)
6. basic injury prevention principles
7. physical activity and weight management
Physical Activity: Attitudes (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to demonstrate:
1. confidence in their ability to engage in physical activity
2. positive attitudes toward physical activity (it is important and fun)
Skills (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to:
1. assess personal activity patterns,set goals,monitor change
2. plan physical activity before, during and after school
Nutrition: Focus (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum:
1. emphasizes fun, participatory activities
2. emphasizes appealing aspects of healthy eating patterns
3. offers tasting of foods low in fat, sodium, added sugar
4. involves students' families
Knowledge (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will help students to understand:
1. how food choices influence health
2. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Food Guide Pyramid
3. importance of eating foods rich in calcium
4. importance of balancing caloric intake and physical activity
5. food preparation/storage safety procedures
Attitudes (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to demonstrate:
1. confidence in making healthy eating choices
2. positive attitudes toward healthy eating
Skills (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to:
1. identify healthy snacks
2. prepare simple snacks
3. try culturally diverse foods low in fat, sodium, sugar
4. identify foods high/low in fat, sat.fat, cholesterol, fiber
5. make healthy food choices by reading food labels
6. plan meals according to dietary guidelines and food pyramid
7. assess own eating pattern,set goals, monitor change
8. assess eating pattern for variety, moderation, balance
9. food safety when preparing, serving, storing food
Tobacco Use: Focus (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum:
1. discusses psycho/social factors influencing tobacco use by youth
2. promotes student's refusal/early cessation of tobacco products
Knowledge (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to understand that:
1. tobacco use includes cigarettes and smokeless tobacco
2. tobacco use has short/long-term health effects
3. early cessation of use has short/long-term health benefits
4. tobacco use is addictive; difficult to quit
5. tobacco smoke is dangerous to breathe (Environmental Smoke)
6. some advertisements try to persuade persons to smoke
7. most children, youth, and adults don't use tobacco
8. all forms of tobacco contain an addictive drug, nicotine
Attitudes (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to demonstrate:
1. a personal commitment not to use tobacco
2. confidence about choosing not to use tobacco
Skills (subsection score______)
Score The curriculum will enable students to:
1. communicate knowledge/personal attitudes about tobacco use
2. encourage others not to use tobacco