Practice requirements for Social Workers

16+ and Care Leavers team

1:Social Workers will complete Pathway plans with their allocated young people a minimum of every six months (see point 3), or more often as required or directed by the Team / Practice Manager. The Pathway plan (PWP) is the responsibility of the Social Worker to complete, but the PA will be expected to actively contribute to this.

2:All cases to have an up to date Needs Assessment and Multi Agency Assessment (MAA) at point of transfer in. This will be updated a minimum of annually, or by direction of the Team / Practice Manager when there is a significant event or change to the young person’s situation (e.g. a Section 47 child protection investigation). MAAs must be completed in statutory timescales unless there are exceptional circumstances and this is agreed by Team / Practice Manager.

3:Young people’s Care Plans (these will be integrated into Pathway plans once Mosaic is introduced) will be updated at every Looked After Child Review. Pathway plans will be updated in draft before every LAC review, ready for completion at the review.

4:Looked After Children review documents will be ready for sign off by the Team / Practice Manager three working days before every review.

5:Statutory visits to Looked After Children will be a minimum of every six weeks, and wherever possible these will be monthly unless otherwise stipulated. Team / Practice Managers must be informed of any visits going out of timescale – it is the Social Worker’s responsibility to track their visits and ensure that they are up to date. Three monthly visits only by discretion of the Team / Practice Manager.

6:Recording (e.g. statutory visits) to be on Raise within3 working days.

7:Chronologies should be updated on an ongoing basis using the significant events chronology entries on Raise.

8:Care Leavers returns will be updated monthly.

9:CSE screens will be updated as per CSE guidance and Risk Assessments.

10:SWs must be familiar with the location and contents of the Tri-X Bournemouth Policies and Procedures.



Bournemouth Practice Standards:

Version: 1.0 (September 2017)

Data Protection Legislation: information that you provide will be held and used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. For further information about how we take care of and use your information please ask for the Council’s leaflet ‘Our Commitment to you and Your Rights’.