Practice name, address and contact details: THE RIVER SURGERY, BUCKHURST HILL

- info for GPSTs

Trainer name: Dr Huma Vohra NP Noelle Garrett

1)Quality of teaching: form of teaching, number of sessions, educational supervisor, e-portfolio, Knowledge and assistance.

Teaching: once weekly tutorial in a protected session. Joint surgeries with feedback. Practice (mock) CSA during build up to the exam. Teaching at the Diabetic clinic with gradual responsibility. Induction timetable developed with the trainee. Debrief at the end of each surgery with a gradual independence of learning.

Attendance at weekly clinical meeting. Palliative care and MDT.

Trainee: 7 sessions, one VTS, one tutorial one SDL.

E-portfolio - regular review of this.

All clinicians involved in training.

Teaching medical students is part of the role for all clinicians in the surgery

2)Patient population/demographics/special requirements.

2 peaks for elderly care and children. Prevalence for chronic disease above national average. English is the first language for > 95% of patients. Pockets of deprivation but generally working class population.


Dr Vohra - Diabetes, joint injections, elderly care, undergraduate tutor

Dr Moss - CCG, COILS ( minor surgery opportunities available), Drug dependence prescribing

NP Noelle - Chronic disease, coils

4)Surgery/sessions- Hours including slot lengths.

This will depend of the level of competence of the trainee. Most ST3 would be expected to start at 15 mins with catch up breaks in there sessions. (Face to face contact time is 2.5hours). There would be a gradual reduction in slots until this mimics a CSA exam then after passing the exam reduction to 10 mins to prepare for independent practice. After OOH session a delayed morning clinic start

5)Educational Half days.

Wednesday afternoons or (occasionally am) - trainees can organise sessions to work on PDP objectives. VTS protected session.

6)Work outside clinics- (HV’s, telephone conversations, duty Dr?)

Telephone appointments an confidence and experience increases. Exposure to script queries, home visits allocated to the clinician the patient knows well - not always the registrar, allocated post day and bloods results for patients seen.

If there is a palliative care patient then trainees would be encouraged to follow the patient journey. Trainees will be exposed to QOF and the requirements.

7)Take home message and mission statement

There is variety of clinical and non-clinical exposure. Trainees are encouraged to take up opportunities. The objective is not only to pass exams but ensure that you are ready for independent general practice.

The practice tries to provide a holistic experience for trainees encouraging development of excellent communication skills with evidence based medicine promoting quality of patient care.