Practice Guidance for R13 Conflict of Interest (COI) Considerations
Role in the application / Professional Role Type / Can be on panel? / Can review this application?PI / Major / NO / NO
Chair/Co-Chair / Major / NO / NO
Most recent previous meeting Chair/Co-Chair (who is not involved or has not organized conference with the current organizer in past 3 years) / None / YES / YES
Any personnel supported by grant (e.g., Gordon Conference) or receiving funds/compensation from the organizers (e.g., travel, registration, etc.) / Major / NO / NO
Program Committee or Advisory board members that are significantly involved or determine allocation/disbursement of funds (e.g., scholarship) / Major / NO / NO
Program committee or advisory boards (general involvement; not involved in allocating funding) / Minor / Avoid / NO
Previous Advisory Boards/Program Committees / None / YES / YES
Most recent previous meeting Chair/Co-Chair (still involved or organized conference with current organizer in past 3 years) / Minor / YES / NO
Institutional conflicts with conference site / None / YES / NO
Institutional conflicts with person with major role / None / YES / NO
Collaborator of a person with major role(including publication within past 3 years) / None / YES / NO
Confirmed Speakers* / Minor / YES / NO
Previous Speakers* / none / YES / YES
Collaborators of previous or confirmed Speakers / None / YES / YES
Reviewer has attended the meeting in the past or plans to attend the proposed meeting (not a speaker or receiving any money from organizer) / None / YES / YES
Trainees who plan to apply for scholarship funds / None / Avoid / Avoid
*Potential Conflicts of Conference Speakers as Reviewers
· If a reviewer is listed in an application as a potential speaker, has been contacted to be a speaker, or anticipates being contacted, the reviewer must confirm that he/she will not be a speaker. Otherwise, the reviewer is in conflict.
· A reviewer who has already agreed or plans to be a speaker is in conflict with the application.
· A reviewer who has declined to be a speaker or has yet to be contacted but plans to decline is notin conflict with the application.