Practice Based Complaints Procedure

We welcome ideas to help us improve our services. If you are unhappy about anything that has happened to you in the practice we hope that you will allow us to look into the matter and, if necessary, put right any problems that you have or mistakes that have been made. Please write or telephone and give full details of your complaint to our Practice Manager, Mrs Michelle Davenport, who will discuss the matter with the Senior Partner Dr Rees. We will try to address your concerns promptly, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action needed. If we are unable to resolve your complaint then we will direct you to Stockport Primary Care Trust or the Patient Advice and Liaison service who may be able to help you.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Once you register with us the care of your health is a partnership between you and the staff at the Practice. The success of such partnership will depend on both parties fulfilling their role. We will endeavour to provide you with a satisfactory service at all times and we ask you to be courteous and polite to all staff. We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy and patients who are aggressive or abusive to any member of our staff or any other person on the Practice premises may be removed from our list.

Practice Area

Sept 2011

Heaton Mersey Medical Practice

Dr Geryl Rees (female)

BM BS (1975 Nottingham) B Med Sc MRCGP DRCOG

Dr Ian Warburton (male)

MBChB (1979 Manchester) MRCGP

Dr Helen Wilkins (female)

BM (1979 Southampton) MRCGP DRCOG

Dr Jeremy Wynn (male)

BSc (1983 St Andrews) MBChB (1986 Manchester)

Dr Iain Semple (male)

MBChB (1990 Manchester) MRCGP

460 Didsbury Road

Heaton Mersey



Telephone number0161 426 9400

Out of Hours(automatic call transfer)

Fax number0161 947 9689


Surgery Opening Times

Monday8.30am to 7.30pm

Tuesday7.30am to 7.30pm

(Tuesday closed 12.30pm to 1.30pm for staff training)

Wednesday8.30am to 6.30pm

Thursday7.30am to 6.30pm

Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm

Saturday (monthly)9.00am to 11.30am

Telephones are answered between 8.30am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours calls are automatically transferred to Stockport PCT Out of Hours Service.

Routine Appointments

The practice operates an appointment system for all appointments with our Doctors and Practice Nurses. Routine appointments can be made by telephoning the surgery on 0161 426 9400 or calling personally at the surgery during opening times. Appointments are normally 10 minutes but if you have a problem which you feel is likely to take longer or several problems to discuss then please request a double appointment. Routine appointments can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance. Please make a separate appointment for each person wishing to be seen.

Urgent Appointments (Triage)

Triage is the way we manage requests for urgent / same day appointments with a doctor. When you telephone the surgery on 0161 426 9400requesting an urgent / same day appointment a receptionist will take a few clinical details and your contact telephone number. A member of our nursing team will then phone you back, normally within the hour, assess your needs and then be able to allocate you an appropriate appointment. This appointment may be with a nurse, nurse practitioner or a doctor. In many cases patients have found that telephone advice is appropriate and no appointment necessary. Most patients have found this service useful and appreciate that they will be seen if needed, given an appointment time and don’t have to wait at the end of surgery.

Home Visits

If you are housebound or too ill to come to the surgery a home visit may be requested by telephoning 0161 426 9400before 10.30am where possible to help the doctor plan his/her day. In case of an emergency please tell the receptionistwho will inform the doctor.

Health Visitors

The health visitors offer a range of services for advice on healthcare to expectant mothers, young children and theelderly. The health visitors can be contacted on 0161 4269222 (an answering machine will take a message when the health visitor is not available).


To ensure that we have an adequate number of appointments, especially during doctors’ holidays and at busy times, we sometimes employ locums to help with the workload.

Medical & work experience students

From time to time we have medical students, student nurses and occasionally work experience students in the practice. If a student is to be present during your consultation we will ask for your permission. If at the start of your consultation or at any point during your consultation you would prefer the student to leave then please do not hesitate to ask the GP or nurse.

Hospital referrals

If you need to be referred to hospital then there may be a choice of hospitals available and your GP will discuss this with you. A booklet ‘Choosing your hospital’ is available. Administration of referral letters are managed by our secretaries using Choose and Book computer software. If you have a query about a referral or hospital appointment then please telephone and ask to speak to one of our secretaries.


The Practice Manager, Mrs Michelle Davenport, is responsible for the smooth running of the practice. We have an administration team comprising of receptionists, secretaries and administration staff who are trained to deal sensitively with your needs. All staff are bound by the same rule of confidentiality as our doctors and nurses.

Non NHS Examinations

Medical examinations for special purposes e.g. insurance, pre-employment, elderly drivers, PSV, HGV, fitness to undertake sports, fitness to travel etc can be undertaken at the surgery by appointment. Professional fees will apply.

Nurse Practitioner

Our Nurse Practitioner,Mrs Tracey Killeen, is qualified toprovideadvice, treat and, as appropriate, prescribe medication for many common acute illnesses. When you contact the surgery for an urgent / same day appointment you may be asked for a few details about your problem. This information is passed to Mrs Killeen who will then telephone you to assess your problem and determine the most appropriate appointment for you.

Practice Nurses

Our Practice Nurses are trained to undertake a wide range of services – dressings, health promotion, family planning advice, vaccinations, cervical smears, ear syringing, smoking cessation advice, diabetic, asthma, COPD and CHD annual reviews, travel vaccinations, childhood immunisations, weight management advice, asthma checks etc.

Assistant Practitioner

Our AssistantPractitioneris trained to undertake a number of services, such as phlebotomy, blood pressure checks, 24 hour ABPM, Glucose tolerance testing, ECGs, CVD risk screening, smoking cessation advice and new patient medicals.

When making an appointment you may be asked for a reason by a receptionist this is to help us to provide you with the most appropriate appointment. If you have an appointment with a member of our nursing team she may consult a doctor about your problem if she has any concern.

District Nurses

The District Nurses can be contacted by telephoning 0161 432 9055 (an answering machine will take a message when the District Nurse is not available).

Emergencies and Out of Hours

There is always a doctor ‘on call’ in cases of emergency. Please telephone 0161 426 9400. During normal surgery hours the emergency should be explained to the receptionist who will deal with your call promptly. Outside of normal hours your call will be automatically diverted to Stockport PCT Out of Hours service provided by Stockport Doctors Cooperative (Mastercall). For advice contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for 24 hour nurse-ledconfidential advice and information on health, local health services, self help and support organisations.

Repeat Prescriptions

If you are on long-term medication you can use the tear off slip from your prescription to order a repeat. The number of repeats authorised will depend on your specific medicines. When you are on your last repeat you should make an appointment with a doctor for a review to ensure that your medication is still appropriate. These reviews are necessary to ensure safe medical practice.

Repeat prescription requests should be handed into, posted, faxed (Fax No: 0161 947 9689) or emailed () to the surgery 2 working days before the prescription is needed. Prescriptions can be posted to you if you provide a stamped addressed envelope. To avoid the risk of a dangerous mistake we do not accept repeat prescription requests by telephone.

Test Results

Please telephone for test results after 2.00pm if possible. This will normally allow time for the doctor to review results received today. Please note results can only be given to the patient themselves or a parent if the child is under 16.

Patients under 16 years of age

All patients under the age of 16 should be accompanied by a responsible adult if possible. When not possible a doctor will decide if it is in the best interests of the patient to be seen and treated.

Change of Personal Details

If you change your name, address or telephone number please give full details to the reception staff as soon as possible. If you move outside of our practice area you will not be able to remain on the practice list.

Computer held data

The practice uses a computer system to hold clinical and administrative information about you. All information so held is governed by the Data Protection Act. All information is strictly confidential. We comply with the Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme. If you would like to know more about accessing your medical records, please ask at reception.

Additional Services and Clinics


The following annual review clinics are held regularly at the surgery:

Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Coronary Heart Disease, COPD, Child Health Surveillance (Baby Clinic). Patients are sent a letter inviting them to attend for an annual review.

Newly Registered Patients

Patients joining the practice are asked to complete a short questionnaire about their past medical history. This information is helpful while we are waiting for your medical records to arrive from your previous doctor. When you register you will be invited to attend for a new patient medical with a member of the nursing team.

Maternity Services/Midwife Appointments

Antenatal and post natal care is provided by all the doctors in conjunction with the community midwife. A midwife led antenatal clinic is held each Thursday from 8.30am to 12 noon. When making an appointment please tell the receptionist that you wish to see the midwife.

Family Planning

We offer a full range of contraceptive care and advice, including pill checks, fitting diaphragms (caps), IUDs (coils) and implants and emergency contraception (morning after pill – within 72 hours after intercourse). All doctors are able to provide contraceptive advice during normal surgery appointments.If you would like to discuss an IUD or implant please make an appointment to see Dr Wilkins.

Anticoagulation Clinic

An anticoagulation clinic is run at the surgery each Wednesday afternoon. Appointments for this service are made by the Anticoagulation Department at SteppingHillHospital.

Minor Surgery

Some minor surgical procedures are carried out at the surgery. Patients are referred for these procedures by the doctors in the practice.

Immunisation for Travel

Vaccinations for foreign travel are available at the surgery. Patients should contact the surgery stating which countries they intend to visit, the date of departure and the duration of the visit. Advice will be offered as to which vaccinations are recommended. Some vaccinations may incur a charge. An appointment with the Practice Nurse should be made for these vaccinations at least two weeks prior to travelling.

Influenza Vaccinations

Each year, usually from October, we are able to offer our at risk patients a flu vaccination. This vaccination is strongly recommended for those most at risk i.e. those over 65 years of age, diabetics and patients with chronic lung, heart and renal disorders.

Pneumococcal vaccinations

All patients aged 65 years and over are advised to have a pneumococcal vaccination. This is a once only vaccination and can be administered at any time of the year.

Counselling Service

A counselling service is provided at the practice. Referrals are made by your GP.

Physiotherapy Service

Physiotherapy appointments are available at the surgery. This service is provided by Stockport PCT and access is via referral by your GP.