Version A

Geology Project – Museum of Natural history

Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth

1) I have streaks of red and black. I was formed from ancient green seas and a now common and necessary gas

2) Proof of a cold and key era of Earth’s ancient past am I

3) A cast of a photosynthetic creature am I, formerly fire now cold and grey

4) I am a crack in igneous/metamorphic rock which represents a law of dating which you cannot deny

5) A twisted and bent sample of dark twisted rock formed under the Appalachian 440 mya.

6) A tree of stone formed after a volcanic blast

7) Three samples of rock made up of preexisting rock broken into pieces and re-cemented together.

Hall of Meteorites

8) I am the largest meteorite on display

Guggenheim Hall of Minerals

9) I am yellow as the sun and can smell as bad as rotten eggs. Certain people in the science department would die in the presence of me.

10) The most common and purest silicate. I am often found in sand and watches.

11) Birthstone for December. Gem given huge array of power

12) A girls best friend am I

13) A precious metal found in Bronze, I Cu.

14) An orange mineral that would howl at the moon if it could.

15) A famous rush occurred because of me. Olympic athletes strive to have me.

Hall of Advanced Mammals

16) You have seen me in Walking with Prehistoric Beasts. I lived in South America and looked like a camel with a short trunk

17) This “smiling” cat has quite a nasty overbite

Hall of Primitive Mammals

18) This “slow” creature was the largest of all its relatives

19) I may look like a “sail” boat but I was actually a fearsome Permian Predator

20) I may not be Egyptian or be wrapped in bandages but I’m still known as this famous monster

21) If only my brain was as big as the plates on my back maybe I’d still be around today.

Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs

22) I represent a link between the dino’s of old and the Aves of today

23) I am the meanest and most famous dinosaur of all time, but I still need help putting on my shirt in the morning!

Hall of Vertebrate Origins

24) Look up and you will see me as did the T-Rex, Triceratops, and other dinosaurs flying above your head

25) I was the “Jaws” of the Miocene. My great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchild still strikes fear in the hearts of men

Gonzalez 2014