Practical Reading Lesson Plans for Scott Foresman
I Like Where I Am
Whole Group
Oral Vocabulary and Share Lit.
Sing with me big book song 19
Amazing words (adjust, landmark, unexpected)
Comprehension Strategy
Theme and Plot and Summarize
Use skill transparency 19 for this (teach ed page 96r)
96 and 97 in student book
Small Group
Green: Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy
read decodable reader story 19
supply students with fluency page from decodable reader story
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy
read decodable reader story 19
supply students with fluency page from decodable reader story
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy
Read Advanced Selection 19
Whole Group
Oral Vocabulary and Share Lit
Read Aloud Anthology All the Same, Only Different
Amazing words Quiver, tease
Building Background: Moving (book about moving)
introduce vocabulary words: match words to definitions and play I have who has
Small Group
Green: Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy/write spelling words
Review vocabulary words
Vocabulary word activities for seat work
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy/write spelling words
Review vocabulary words
Read aloud/ I LIKE WHERE I AM
Vocabulary word activities for seat work
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy/write spelling words
Review vocabulary words
Read aloud/ I LIKE WHERE I AM
Vocabulary word activities for seat work
Whole Group
Oral Vocabulary and Share Lit
Read Aloud Anthology All the Same, Only Different
Amazing words foreign
review vocabulary words: match words to definitions and play I have who has from:
Small Group
Green: Phonics lesson Diphthongsou and ow/write spelling words
Review vocabulary words
Give students Seat Work Page and they need to complete
Writing: Respond and Retell and Comprehension
Green: Phonics lesson Diphthongsou and ow /write spelling words
Review vocabulary words
Give students Seat Work Page and they need to complete
Writing: Respond and Retell and Comprehension
Green: Phonics lesson Diphthongsou and ow /write spelling words
Review vocabulary words
Give students Seat Work Page and they need to complete
Writing: Respond and Retell and Comprehension
Whole Group
Oral Vocabulary and Share Lit
Read Aloud Anthology The Brand New Kid
Amazing words forlorn
review vocabulary words: match words to definitions and play I have who has
Small Group
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy/ Sentence Reading
Review vocabulary words
Read Leveled Reader
Give students Seat Work Page and they need to complete
Phonics and Word Work
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy/ Sentence Reading
Review vocabulary words
Read Leveled Reader
Give students Seat Work Page and they need to complete
Phonics and Word Work
Phonics lesson Diphthongs oi and oy/ Sentence Reading
Review vocabulary words
Read Leveled Reader
Give students Seat Work Page and they need to complete
Phonics and Word Work
Whole Group
Oral Vocabulary and Share Lit
Read Aloud Anthology The Brand New Kid
Amazing words Review
review vocabulary words: match words to definitions and play I have who has
Listen to I like where I amreview vocabulary words: match words to definitions and play I have who has from:
Scott Foresman assessment and Computer test will be given today.
Students will have independent practice in Practice book 2.2 pages 31 -40.
word cards
I have who has
and vocabulary activity packets
can be found at
seat work pages can be found at
Leveled Readers for this story are
Moving Day (yellow)
A Big Change (green)
Simone’s Travels (blue)
amazing words for I LIKE WHERE I AM
When you get used to a new situation, you ADJUST to it. When you change or move something to make it fit or make it better, you adjust to it.A LANDMARK can be any natural or human made feature such as a building, a statue, a bridge or a tree that identifies a location and can serve as a guide for directions.
Something that comes as a surprise or something that you do not think will happen is unexpected.
If you TEASE someone, that means that you make fun of the other person; you can tease someone in a playful OR a hurtful way.
QUIVER means “shake quickly with movements or sounds.”
A country that is not your own is FOREIGN; someone or something that is from a different country is FOREIGN.
When someone pronounces words in a way that is heard in a different part of the country or in a foreign country, we say that person has an ACCENT.
If someone is FORLORN, that person is lonely and sad.
practice words for Monday
Phonics Lesson Monday
building word letter cards
a / j / pe / n / t
i / o / y
Check reading Cards (laminate, cut out and put on ring for use all week in small groups and with partner pairs) Monday
soil / boiloyster / employ
spoil / scout
coin / join
soy / annoy
cloud / loyal
mouse / choice
royal / Check Word Cards for
Diphthongs oi, oy /oi/
Copy this passage for Blue group.
Copy this passage for yellow and green groups.
Instructions for sort words (Tuesday)
Activity to be placed in Word Work Station for the week
Directions: Read the oi and oy words on the word cards. Sort the words and place them in the correct column. Words with OI go in the OI column words with OY go in the OY column. Ask a friend to check your work.
Cowboy Roy by Julia Parrish
“This is the day to tell the class what you want to be when you grow up! Roy, will you speak first?” the teacher asked.
What will Roy be? Roy will tell his class his choice. He will be a cowboy! Roy will ride his horse. He will twirl his rope. He will heard those cows and keep an eye on them. Roy will protect the cows from wild animals. Maybe Roy will foil a plot if some cows run away. He can save the herd! Roy will give up his toys to look after the cows! Roy is not a spoiled boy. He things that being a cowboy will bring him joy. In his camp at night, Roy will use his fine voice to sing cowboy tunes under the bright stars. Yes! He will tell the class how he will join the cowboys! But Roy does not make a noise. Roy is a very shy cowboy.
Word Sort for Tuesday
OI / OYchoice / enjoy
join / cowboys
voice / noise
rejoice / joy
boy / Roy
toy / spoiled
Spelling Dictation
Cards for word sort for Wednesday (TE page 116c)
crouch / floursomehow / crowd
pouch / towel
outdoors / allow
count / powder
amount / brown
Student writing page for word sort activity in small group.
ou / owThursday’s Sentence Reading
I got up early so I could enjoy a full game of football.I need t warm a cup of milk and boil the pudding.
Look, one of my eyes has a cut underneath.
You must put the pail of water and the pile of wood near the soil for the garden.
“That cookie is full of sugar,” said Uncle Gus in a playful voice.
Last summer some boys and I took care of a bulldog and other animals.